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#1 Parent Rocky - 2011-08-17
Re: Jeff Sya, Guo SyaEducation

Hi guys, this is the site I found about sya's business in details, it does seem different from what has been posted here -

#2 Parent mike - 2010-12-17
Re Website: I E-mail:

he is a crook - had my wife arrested cos his company has screwed up her visa TWICE whilst in china.
CROOK!! Rips schools off and employs incompetent people to liaise and never pays properly.

#3 Parent Sue - 2010-03-13
Jeff Sya, Guo SyaEducation

I was so happy to see that someone else posted about this son of a B****!!!
Jeff Sya, or "Guo" works for global crossroads and the TEFL Institute. His contracts are illegal, his business is illegal. His company does not have permission to hire, host or recruit foreign teachers. He not only charges you for his placement but he garnishes your salary with the school.

This guy is a total scumbag! What out for his temper!

Mis. Wrath - 2010-03-03
Website: I E-mail:

He is known by the name "JEFF"! He mainly recruits "native speakers" and gives them work in schools in Qingdao, CHINA. Usually kin Qingdao, tecahers get paid 12,000 rmb to 15,000 rmb per month. He only gives you 1/ 4 of your salary keeps it as a secret and tell you that you only get 4,000. HE provides visa, and housing ( share with one or two workmates). When the school refuses you, he sends you somewhere else without concerning about your welfare and when he does not need you anymore, BE THANKFUL!!!! he recruits as young as 18 year old "teachers" just to make money out of it!! BEWARE

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