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#1 Parent The Lawyer - 2010-12-27
Re English First of Changchun

Their Wulumqi branch has copped a lot of flack, on these very boards...;read=13724

#2 Parent Monitor - 2010-12-26
Re English First of Changchun

Their contract is like an insurance policy with loads of get-out clauses in fine print at the bottom. Only an idiot, or somebody with no other options, or a very greedy person with no hobbies or social life, would sign up with them. They should be called TL, which stands for Teacher Last.
English First is unlike many other training centers in one noteworthy way - they've been dumb enough to have made their lousy contract freely accessible to net surfers via a recruiter. Hence, they've become victims of publicised negativity, such as the kind that has ensued on here. Those goons have shot themselves in the foot bigtime.....LOL!
Whenever an employer is looking to fill a job vacancy, he judges a jobseeker mainly on the basis of a resume. In a kinda similar way, whenever a jobseeker is after a job, he judges a potential employer principally on that employer's contract. EF's contract is very unfair in that it protects them in every conceivable way against abuse from an employee, obviously in such a way that can be used unfairly against any employee whose face doesn't fit. In contrast, many other employers of FT's here in China offer much fairer teaching contracts than EF's. Anyone who works for them and subsequently gets burned is his own worst enemy. Do yourself a big favor and run a mile from them, they're nothing more than a modern version of a slave driver. Shun 'em and their like!

#3 Parent The Lawyer - 2010-12-26
Re English First of Changchun

I was under the impression slavery had been abolished!! Seems it is alive and well within EF!!

Avoid, avoid, avoid...don't work for them. Ever.

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