Return to Index › Re: Vinnell Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
#1 Parent Tom - 2010-12-29
Re: Vinnell Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Companies keeping the passport is standard procedure in KSA.

Thanks for re-educating Turnoi; he doesn't know everything, as he would have us believe!

#2 Parent The Lawyer - 2010-12-28
Re: Vinnell Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

I thought Turnoi HAD worked around the Middle East...he certainly knows the score re: Saudi, he has advised me on some places to work and not to work. I am also pretty sure he has worked in Oman at some point.

So what comes first? The chicken or the egg...even Turnoi has a right to defend himself, surely?

#3 Parent yusei - 2010-12-28
Re: Vinnell Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Turnoi has obviously never lived and worked in Saudi Arabia or the Middle East. Otherwise he'd know that Vinnell is not unique. Companies keeping the passport is standard procedure in KSA. And while there are examples of people not getting paid (as there are in many countries and industries), Vinnell is actually one of the shinning examples of a company that pays on time and in full - every month.

And as for his accusation that agents or corrupt officials take most of a person's pay - it's just not true. Frankly, that sounds more like things i've seen in Japan and other parts of Asia. Specifically i know of a place in Japan that made it an open policy to charge their client schools X amount of Yen for the services of a foreign teacher. Then take 70% of that amount as their share - leaving the poor working schmuck with a mere 30%.

That IS common in Asia.

I have friends who've been in Saudi & the Middle East for 25+ years. NO ONE tells stories like that about the Middle East. Of course there is Wasta and corruption. And people do talk about companies not paying the promised salaries or honoring contracts. Even Western companies. But not agents taking a huge chunk of your pay.

Maybe Turnoi should check his facts and actually have experience living some place before he opens his mouth.

Because my guess is Turnoi has an axe to grind and probably spends a considerable amount of time on MANY boards like this - trying to sound clever and erudite - trashing people and places he knows nothing about.

Or maybe I should pity Turnoi? These boards might be his sole consolation in life...

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