Return to Index › Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-01-01
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review

A friend of mine had a heart attack the other day. He called his school (similar to WEB) and not far from it, and told them he needed help. It's an Emergency. He said: "I'm having a heart attack. I need you to call an ambulance to come to my house and take me to hospital" - Of course his voice was as revealing as his words. And do you know what they said to my friend? - "Do you have classes today?"

WARNING: To all extraterrestrial beings of good will. Visiting the planet earth and working at some homo sapien run businesses called "schools" may result in profound bitterness and anger towards the human race. We apologize for this and we assure you that although these "humans" may share the same gene pool with us, we are already working on separating them as a separate species. Please save your death rays and your angry flying saucer discs for another planet. It may take a very very long time to find a planet like ours. But we beg of you to try to find a place as rotten as ours somewhere else in this vast universe. At least try to make a comparison.

#2 Parent irrelevant - 2011-01-01
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review

Yep, more of what happened at your lousy workplace also happened here in Dongbei, see below:

The school is going to hold a New Years Party on December 31st (Friday) at the ********Hotel. You are cordially expected to attend. The school will provide the transportation for your departure and return. Please assemble in front of your residence building at 15:00pm on December 31st. All the staff of International Office will see you there.
Note: Those who have classes in Friday afternoon may take the school bus at the ******** square near the main gate at 15:15pm.

Guess what? Had to walk to the ******** square in the freezing cold from my apartment, the bus didn't arrive at the foreign teachers' accommodation! And not surprisingly the same crappy state of affairs after the party, had to walk back to my apartment from the ******** square, brass monkeys again! Glad I stirred things up at the 'do'.

#3 Parent Kevin - 2011-01-01
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review

A friend of mine had a heart attack the other day. He called his school (similar to WEB) and not far from it, and told them he needed help. It's an Emergency. He said: "I'm having a heart attack. I need you to call an ambulance to come to my house and take me to hospital" - Of course his voice was as revealing as his words. And do you know what they said to my friend? - "Do you have classes today?"
Now that you've had this experience, you know what to expect next year now don't you? Because it's not going to change my friend. 10 years and counting in China. I want to go back to Mars.

Nope, instead, stay and sicken them. They have no resilience, they're Chinese!

#4 Parent Martian - 2011-01-01
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review

Not only at Web international - Stories about foreign teachers unwilling to attend school parties are common place. There has not been a single year pass by WEB in Suzhou when they didn't have disgruntled teachers who didn't want to attend the stupid company functions that they agreed to attend when signing a contract with the company in the first place. You'd think Web would learn how to communicate teacher's responsibility to attend Christmas functions and other extra curricular activities (by simply planning them a little better, making foreign teachers part of the planning activities, and one month and 2 month advanced reminders in the form of MEMO's would be nice too). But last minute assumptions, and unreasonable requests from the bureaucratic chain of doers (beneath the boss) who've no interest in the world to actually learn about western culture much less communicate using English is completely unacceptable and your anger is 100 percent justifiable.

A friend of mine had a heart attack the other day. He called his school (similar to WEB) and not far from it, and told them he needed help. It's an Emergency. He said: "I'm having a heart attack. I need you to call an ambulance to come to my house and take me to hospital" - Of course his voice was as revealing as his words. And do you know what they said to my friend? - "Do you have classes today?"

Now that you've had this experience, you know what to expect next year now don't you?

Because it's not going to change my friend.

10 years and counting in China. I want to go back to Mars.

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