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#1 Parent Ldblo - 2011-01-12
Re: suzhou international foreign language school

Well Smooth1js, where to start ....... I suppose it would be best to start off by saying you clearly support this school and it's policies and having been there recently your feelings are certainly not shared by any of the free thinking or informed teachers that are still there.The chances of anyone being worried about being replaced by a 'job-seeker' are absolutely negligible as no self-respecting educator would work for this bunch of manipulative ethically challenged leeches. This institution gives the questionable schools in China a bad name and has proven itself to be corrupt beyond measure over and over. The reason many complaints begin during the breaks is because that is when the splintery enemas begin as the school does it's very best to discredit teachers in order to avoid full payment of due compensation.The reason people warn other potential teachers to avoid this cesspool at all costs is because it is the only way to keep people informed as the foreign expert's bureaus are deeply entrenched with these parasites.Do yourself and all of us a favor and get your head out of James' ass as you seem so used to smelling the excrement you don't know the difference between fresh and putrid.

#2 Parent Melissa - 2011-01-05
Re: suzhou international foreign language school

For a balanced view, here's some more about SIFLS:

#3 Parent smooth1js - 2011-01-05
Re: suzhou international foreign language school

Sorry you don't like working here, but it's a big world, so don't let the door hit you on the way out. I like it here and plan on staying for a while. I just have a problem sit reading this "crap" (to quote the ones who don't know SIFLS). Are you trying to discredit the school because you're afraid that you will be replaced here by a new job-seeker? Did you post this at a time when things were not going well for you (I noticed that it's posted during summer break)? Are you in a situation that is not compatible to your way of life? China isn't for everyone. SIFLS isn't for everyone. But I like it here and see no support to your claims that the program is suffering. I see no reason why I shouldn't recommend this place to others. Sorry, you all were (are) not satisfied here, but how can you tell people to avoid applying here at all costs when there are horrible places to work here in China? You are abusing this discussion board by slandering this to this fine institution. This is obviously not the place for you, but obviously I am satisfied (and others are as well), so trashing it is a result of your own dislike. A dislike that is so great that you have found it necessary to try to keep others (who might like it as much as I do) from coming here. Again, please leave if you are not happy here. Go find someplace where you can be satisfied (life is too short to be miserable), but don't use this board (or others like it) to bash a place that is a decent place to work. Someone might just believe you (I'm glad I didn't).

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