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#1 Parent Thomas Cushing - 2011-01-14
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

Well Paul, Even the infamous Turnoi knows Kevin works for SFLS so I think that your friend may be misleading you. Possibly this so called list, if it truly does exist, is from the other school, SIFLS.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-01-13
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

Believe me, the only distress that exists is in you and the kind of place you are speaking out for. We could not feel any more indifferent about your passion at believing in a place such as the school that you work at. As some other people have said we don't advertise and speak about how "good" or "great" some schools are just because WE had a good time there. People will have bad experiences because of how the education system is set up in China.

Your need to justify this school's existence only confirms that point.

#3 Parent Paul Weiss - 2011-01-13
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

First, Turnoi, thank very, very much for your astute observations. Thank you for offering to share with us what you know. I have long been a reader on this board, albeit "in silencio" and I appreciate your insight and your comments.

As for Mr. Cushman, it is indeed exceptionally strange but the colleague, a lady, with whom I work, who was also employed in that school at about the same time that you claim to have been there, has no recollection of you, nor of your son, at all. She very politely challenges your claim (a) that you were there at all and (b) that you left of your own accord if indeed you were there. The teacher roster of that year, which she has in her possession, lists neither a Thomas Cushman nor a "K" person. All of that nonetheless is of little consequence for the overall issues at hand except it does touch directly upon the issue of PROBITY.

As for the "K" person, my colleague maintains that if he were there AT ALL in 2003, and she strongly believes that the "K" person was not there at all that year, and if one reads the "K" person's postings on another site, one can see that the "K" persons claims to have been at the school six years "now", i.e., 2010, then 2010 - 6 = 2004 at the earliest, then the "K" would have only been a debutante teacher that year and not the senior teacher as Mr. Cushman writes. I refer to all and any to those postings on another site. Therefore, obviously, someone is straying from the truth here considerably.

In any case, according to my colleague, Mr. Cushman could have hardly known the "K" person as a senior teacher in 2003, because at that point in time, the "K" person would have only been a newbie in the school, as until that point, according to my colleague, the "K" person had been teaching in another school in Hangzhou, and all things considered, as the "K" person is mere mortal, like all of us, it is difficult for a mere mortal to be in two places at the same moment in time.

In any case, as Turnoi so correctly points out, we are dealing with the reputation of the school and not of one of its very lessor managers. I personally have never had any direct dealings with the school nor with this "K" person at all and I can only regret and deplore that its ill fame has been so groused about.

Now, as Churchill would have said, "Mr. Cushman, exactly who are you"?

Paul Weiss

#4 Parent Thomas Cushing - 2011-01-13
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

Wow, I can't believe the distress I have caused you regulars. I am sorry I even tried to let you in on some truths about SFLS. As a teacher I would have thought it important for others to make a fare assessment. Since most of the posts I have read seem to be hearsay and so far I have not read one thread by anyone that had actually worked there, I thought I could shed a little light.

Unfortunately, however, it seems you feel it is more important to assassinate my character, not to mention getting my name wrong. I guess the only thing I can say in my defense is Im sorry I dont appear on this list, but has it occurred to you that the list may have been posted after or even before I worked there?

As for Kevin, all I said was, I had nothing bad to say about him. I only worked with him for five months and I was relying on my personal observations of him and the school at that time. I knew nothing of his past nor did I pry. I left the school early, after one semester for two reasons; the cold and the fact that I was sick because of it and because they would not allow my son to attend.

The year was 2003; granted many things could have transpired over the years. I was only expressing my opinion related to my experience at that time.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2011-01-13
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

Buggs, Steve, whatever your name is, glad to hear that you're happy with where you're at.

I just hope you're actually sincere about these things. Because if you're not you're only doing yourself a disservice. Lying to yourself is the worst thing that can happen.

#6 Parent Francis Wiederman (Dragonized) - 2011-01-13
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

Hello Mr. Kevin Jerome Thomas Cushman. I must first gush at the high level aristocracy that you must be from, where else could you have gotten such an elite name, it's not like we see names like these in China or made up by groveling weasles, ehh ;)

We at the esl boards have been so touched by your patronism to all of us that some people, like me will take up random pseudonyms to look impressive and professional. In fact I encourage all of my fellow compatriots to take up interesting, high-class, old english types of names so that we can all sound credible, just like the foreign monkeys who decide to come onto these boards and talk shyte about others.

In your world Mr. Cushman, all foreign teachers who leave the school early must have "brought it upon themselves". NO EXCEPTIONS! Anyone who dares speak up about crap going on must have something to hide, is insecure, must be a criminal, and also must still steal cookies from his mother's cookie jar when she isn't around (that is after they come back from working at pizza hut and they change their clothes in the basement where they still live at). Although you might want to retract on some of the things that you have said considering some of us might think IT IS IN FACT people like you who behave like this.

I still must thank you for the inspiration for these real "names" though.

#7 Parent Thomas Cushing - 2011-01-12
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

Sir Dragonized, I have, on occasion, when I had nothing important to do, read these interesting comments. I am sure that many of the people posting are expressing their true feeling, but there are some that use this medium to degrade and harass only because they could not stand up to the job.

As for SFLS, yes there were several individuals claiming to be teachers that were not. I do not think it would be appropriate to give names, but I can say from personal contact and knowledge that those individuals were not accredited in any way. I knew of two who had not even finished high school and created their documents on the internet, one of which was wanted by the Canadian authorities and had been on the lamb for a while in China. He was floating from one ESL job to another before he was either found out or fired for something else. He created many problems for the school and Kevin, writing numerous derogatory threads on this forum and another.

Another teacher, wanted by the Chinese police, who had gotten a job at SFLS actually got into a fist fight with one of the women supervisors. He was arrested and eventually deported to England where, I was told at the time, was wanted by the authorities there.

I am sure there are bad recruiter, bad supervisors and bad schools, but there are also pretenders that are bad teachers and through this very forum try to justify themselves by creating animosity towards the schools and supervisors for which they had worked.

I knew Kevin personally, we didnt always see eye to eye, but he was a good teacher, the kids loved him and he did his best to help the new hires even though he was not always understood or appreciated. I have nothing bad to say about him!

#8 Parent steven - 2011-01-12
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

I have worked at Suzhou foreign language school for about 5 months now, and I have to say that everyone there is very, very nice, no teacher working there, to my knowledge, has had any problem with the school, whatsoever, and many have been there for many years. In fact, most of the teachers who work there are in their second or third year at the school. I have never heard of, since I've been there, anything reminiscent of what has supposedly been spoken of in the past. I have, however, heard that the teachers who have posted bad things about the school did, in fact, bring the issues about themselves. I have worked for some terrible schools in the past, and have had some very ugly experiences with very bad school in China. I also have meet many teachers that are completely worthless people, who come to China, for an easy ride, nights of drinking, and to escape the Mcd's job back home, and who act like spoiled children. I know many teachers who are not fit to work anywhere, save your typical fast-food joint. While Ive been at this school no one has treated me with anything but kindness. They pay for my apartment and amenities and they pay me well, given I only work about 11 hours a week or so, and are nothing but pleasant and accommodating. No problems whatsoever, nothing but an easy job and good pay. There are 28 teachers who work there: I don't know one who has had an issue, this year at least. I do know Kevin, and I have heard the stories, but he has always been nice to me when I've seen and spoken with him. Some of my friends work directly under him (no pun intended) and feel more or less the same way. So, based on my experiences over the years, both in and out of the school, I can say that I have not been treated better anywhere else. And I know many teachers who have been with the school for years who feel the same way. THIS IS SUZHOU FOREIGN LANGUAGE SCHOOL, NOT THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. Id be the first person to speak if I saw the slightest problem with the school, fortunately for me, the people couldnt be nicer, and youd be hard-pressed to find a job that is easier and pays better and offers more. And I know, personally, that the foreign teachers are happy working there. If there is something that I have missed, something I havent seen, despite my daily interaction with the school, its staff and teachers, despite all the evidence supporting my conclusion, please, fill me in.

#9 Parent Andrew - 2011-01-11
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

You're right about that bloke Kevin working for SFLS, not SIFLS. Turnoi has made mistakes like this in his postings before now, and I've not the slightest doubt he will continue to do so.
SFLS is an ok workplace for certain kinds of folk, those who want to do real jobs as foreign teachers in China. Backpackers and slackers should refrain from applying for a teaching position to either SFLS or SIFLS.

#10 Parent Dragonized - 2011-01-12
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

If you are so convinced they brought these things upon themselves then could you be a little bit more specific? We shouldn't make assumptions about whether they really brought this on themselves unless you give some specific examples. Just saying something like this at the end of your statement sounds like character assassination to me.

#11 Parent Thomas Cushing - 2011-01-11
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

I believe you may have things mixed up. I did work for SFLS not SIFLS. And yes, there was a man by the name of Kevin there. He was the senior teacher and more or less in charge of the international classes.

Personally I got off to a rocky start, but after a few weeks I was able to fit in a little better and by the time I left things were getting much better. I enjoyed my time there although it was only a short five months. I made many friends and the kids were great and I would probably be willing to return if it didnt get so damn cold. The reason I left had nothing to do with Kevin, but rather the cold weather and problems with allowing my son to attend the school. (He was not with me while I was there)

I will admit that there were problems with several other teachers at the time I was there, but now that I look back on those situations I am convinced they brought those problems upon themselves.

Please be careful not to confuse the schools.

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