Return to Index › Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou
#1 Parent steve - 2011-01-14
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

These blogs are really getting insane, and I regret not being able to cut myself away from this circus. But the fact is that some people who have nothing going on in their lives, obviously, thing they run this website, which is just suppose to be a helpful website for teachers. And now this guys talking about logic like a chimney sweep? Critical reading skills are important. The writer, whoever he was, was saying that this guy Turnoi or silverboy or foxy or tom is above us mere mortals. This implies that Turnoi thinks he is too grand...Turnoi is the one who just writes off real teachers and their experiences, by calling them Kevin. I must say, "Good sir" that the reason why people come here is to share their experiences. The reason they leave is because they get wound up in this whirlwind of bullsh't and nonsense and people trying to kill their boredom and appease their ego. As for your 'see no evil, hear no evil,' I just have to say, What the hell is wrong with you? TURNOI hides behind things as they are. This TURNOI, or whoever, and the rest of his aliases, are unwilling to accept change, growth, maturity, etc. Why do you think they call everyone who disagrees a Kevin? And as for a 'pretend school.' I'm not sure exactly what a pretend school is? I would like some clarification. Are they one of the top schools in the city? Do they have a large number of foreign students and foreign teachers? Do they have GAC programs and send graduates to great schools abroad regularly? Do the best students come from all over the region to attend the school? I'm not sure, but do these qualities describe a 'pretend school?' What exactly qualifies a school as pretend? And seeing how the meaning of a word like pretend can only be rendered comparatively, or with something relative, what are the majority of the school which are not as good as this school called? What is below pretend? You made a statement, now back it up.... Tell me all about this word pretend, and how it relates to this school...and don't be afraid to answer, people tend to get scared and not answer when they look stupid...Come on Stupid, lets hear your response. Is it too much to ask for a clearly stated coherent, LOGICAL argument? Or is the reason you blog here, instead of lets say, doing something worthwhile, because you can't proved an answer? You just like to talk and hope someone will come across the things you've vomited up.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-01-14
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

DUDE if you actually did research and read the earlier posts about all schools in Suzhou with the words "foreign language" attached to it you would have saved the headache of being labeled as someone you aren't (supposedly). We don't have to work everywhere to know what a crappy world you can be in as an ESL teacher in China. Do you expect someone to work at all 30,000 private training centers in the country to be considered an "expert"?? Don't just label people as being bad when they may not necessarily be 100% accurate with what they say about something. That's more than the 0% accuracy that you put in telling people what a greeeaat place your school is.

#3 Parent Thomas Cushing - 2011-01-14
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

Steve, I couldn't have said it better myself. And Turnoi or Greg or What ever...I AM NOT KEVIN EITHER; GET IT!!

#4 Parent Tom - 2011-01-14
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

It all sounds a bit suspicious to me, Kevin, methinks you protest too much, I think you are a Kevin, or a least a closet Kevin.

The Honourable Turnoi has long since proved himself the champion of Foreign Teachers abused by Chinese iffy schools. He has a wealth of experience and doesn't have to have actually worked at each and every crap Chinese employment establishment to pass judgement and grace us with his wisdom.

If he says this or that place is shit, it's good enough for me, and countless FT's saved after reading his words and consequently not going to a wicked Chinese employer. Not that they are all bad as he would agree.

#5 Parent steve - 2011-01-13
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

Fine, Turnoi, 'or whatever his alias is' has helped someone in the past. I'm sure that maybe this obsessive blogger has helped people before, but only second and third hand. It is no help you could have received by reading another, more experienced, review. What my issue is is that this Turnoi blogs about school that he's never worked at, and about things that he's never experiences or seen. If I spent my life blogging on this website I would hope that I would come across as decent to some blogger too. Your bound too. But that does not negate my claim that he is just watering down, and puking up other peoples experiences and misguidances. And, this is to you Turnoi: 1) Don't call everyone who comments against you Kevin. I am not Kevin. I am not 1/3rd the size of Kevin. I can just as easily call you kevin to negate your argument. How do I know Kevin doesnt have some alternative, masochistic personality that is Turnoi. No, accept the fact that there are other people in the world with opinions that differ from your own, and they are all not named Kevin. I, although I feel like I'm degrading myself by the simple fact that I have to deny that I'm not Kevin, am not Kevin...You child. Where, exactly, does Turnoi get his credibility? By reading blogs from absolutely anyone, and copying if he agrees, and calling the blogger kevin if he doesn't? Really, is that all you need? I disagree with many people. Turnoi, apparently, you are one of my Kevins, if the name kevin is to retain some of its symbolic value. Otherwise, Turnoi, don't call me kevin. You've never worked at this school, you don't know sh-t about it, as you don't know sh..t about most of the things you post about. If, if, I have not made my point clear: I am not kevin, I am not a Kevin; I am a teacher looking to provide the truth that I know, through first hand experiences. What are you? Someone who wants to puke into other peoples mouths the sh..t you were fed. Prove me wrong, prove to me that you don't blog obsessively on this site to see your own words and laugh at your own jokes. Come on, you Kevin.

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2011-01-13
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

He also gives me the impression that he regards himself as aloof from us mere mortals.

ALOOF?? Your own ideas about the man shows us what YOU are thinking, which tells us a lot more ABOUT YOU than about US.

If everyone followed your logic, we shouldn't care about anything that seems too big or too grand for us. You seem to feel that arguments like these on the boards are beyond YOU, good sir. So why do you bother to come on here AT ALL???

People like you would be at a great loss as what to do with your free time if you didn't have poor souls to exploit and people to fool to coming over to China. Your own attitude of "see no evil, hear no evil" when judging the country that you are working in shows an obvious lack of maturity and personal growth. You hide behind some pretense of how things are "just the way it is". There are people in this world who care about making things better, not that you are one of them.

SHAME ON YOU for defending some pretend school and blatantly supporting the corrupt practices of the cronies that run them!

#7 Parent Foxy - 2011-01-13
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

Turnoi has plenty of credibility on here. He has reached that state of affairs by giving sensible and practical advice to those FT's about to be duped in one way or another. I feel I should speak up at this time in his defence because he has recently given me invaluable advice about how to prevent myself being cheated out of my end of contract air fare allowance by a dishonest Chinese employer. I followed his advice, and was the only one who received the allowance, unlike some grovelling weasels who were afraid to rock the boat there, and hence lost out financially. Thanks a heap, Turnoi.
As for the two Suzhou schools, I personally have no interest in applying for a teaching post at either of them. I didn't come to China to work as hard as I have done in the West. Quite the contrary! In my view, money isn't everything.

#8 Parent Virgil - 2011-01-13
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

I believe Turnoi has lost any credibility he might have initially had by posting mostly secondhand stuff and too excessively, at thst. Without being allowed to post on ESLTB, he would surely be at a great loss as to what to do with his free time, which seems to be boundless. Undoubtedly, he gets a kick out of reading his posts, even though most of the content is too general to be of use to anyone. He seems to be particularly critical of mainland China, which makes me think he has been burned there in the past. He also gives me the impression that he regards himself as aloof from us mere mortals. As a member of the clergy, his attitude is especially uncalled for. When the machine doesn't work well, it's painfully apparent, as in his case. Once again, he has lost the argument for all to see. The only one who can't see it is him himself. Maybe we should pity him for that.

#9 Parent buggs - 2011-01-13
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

I would like know, turnoi, what is your job? Are these blogs what you consider your 'job'? Because you certainly devote a lot of time to voicing your own opinion on some obscure blogging website, and pretending like it's important. Truth is, I do agree with some of your posts, probably just because you have done your research on schools you've never had any direct experiences with, and your sloppy guessing and quest for always having something to say, no matter how little you know about it, has, on occasion, roughly been in agreement with my experiences. But how can you post on schools you've never worked at, basing your opinion on other people's blogs? I mean, what is the point? Why not let people who have worked for these schools post their own opinions? Why do you ALWAYS have something to say? You're like a little kid screaming me me me. Or an adult who just won't shut the fuck up. Who are you, and do these meager blogs really suit your obviously massive ego? Do you have a job? Because the amount of time you spend on this website talking about things you don't know leads me to believe spend all day on this site. What is the purpose? To what end? Why do you think you have to comment on every single post, no matter how little experience you have with the school or the issue? I want to think this website pays you, but if that was the case there would be more professionalism in your responses. Is pulling your pants down and shouting your opinions at the top of your lungs constructive in any way, or do you just always need to get in your two cents? It would be more useful if you got a hobby, because all you're doing is watering down other peoples experiences, and what the truth actually is. You're just spewing filler content that is completely useless. Why don't you just flush the toilet, instead of saying 'LOOK WHAT I MADE!' It really just floods this site with meaningless shit, and obscures other peoples experiences.

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