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#1 Parent bhay - 2011-01-14
Re: Anyone ever here of the recruiter longlong?

Greetings!! yep, longlong is a recruiter for the school SIFLS for their australian program. A lot of teachers who was then recruited were in troubled bec he is not there to help u out with some issues in the school. hence, u have to deal with it all by urself. and knowing how Crappy SIFLS is, u will be alone dealing those problems.
Stay away from this recruiter... more so with SIFLS in xiangcheng dadao.

#2 Parent The Owl - 2011-01-14
Re: Anyone ever here of the recruiter longlong?

Post his cell phone: Excellent point.
Email address also.
Plus any detail that teachers can find on the internet when they google him. The more info, the better.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2011-01-14
Re: Anyone ever here of the recruiter longlong?

MORE LIKE WRONG WRONG Recruiting! You can also give us his cell phone no. so we'll all know who to avoid permanently!

#4 Parent The Lawyer - 2011-01-14
Re: Anyone ever here of the recruiter longlong?

Sorry to hear about your dealings with this nasty xenophobic piece of work. To be expected in a country where even CCTV 9 journalists routinely spout anti american, anti foreigner diatribes, alas!

1) Turnoi posted a freeware program to encrypt .pdfs from being photoshopped/printed. NEVER send your passport page, degree, TEFL, as jpegs...EVER! Send them as .pdfs only if requested, secured in either Adobe Acrobat 9 pro, or the freeware prog Turnoi posted, search the threads. I use foxit pro, because I prefer it, but they all do the same thing more or less.

2. Report him to SAFEA/Your consulate, esp. so as he has your passport information.

3. You have done the right thing to bring it to our attention here.

4. Last, avoid China, it is getting more xenophobic, and salaries remain static, while living costs are going up.

Cheers and hollandesa beers.

#5 Parent Mars - 2011-01-14
Re: Anyone ever here of the recruiter longlong?

I had some dealings with this recruiter 'Long Long'.

We exchanged some emails and had a few phone conversations, until I (politely) declined his 'offer' of employment (at SIFLS, I think it was) because he refused to give me any where near enough details about it 'until I arrived,' he said.

But then he started sending me rude emails. To which I replied with due Western confrontational-ism (not saying that's a good thing.) Then he, get this:

He actually sent me back Photoshopped versions of my passport, a nice pic of me teaching some kids, my scanned degree, etc. with things like: '(my name) IS A BAST_RD SOB!!!' 'EAT SH_T!!!' '(my name)'S MOTHER EATS SH_T!!!' with literally a picture of some excrement superimposed over my photo, etc. etc.

I couldn't believe it. I was stunned. Shocked. Hurt. Wanted to murder the guy. So I called him right away to give him a piece of my mind, to which he threatened to 'post my passport all over the internet,' 'have me deported,' 'tell everyone what a bast_rd I am,' etc. etc.

After this display of being totally the scum of the Earth, he still sends me his BS scam job ad emails, and- I want to murder him for this- he emails my girlfriend (who had also unfortunately been in touch with him, since we were traveling and looking for jobs together) telling her literally 'to leave (my name)' and that I'm 'a bast_rd,' etc. etc.! Can you believe this guy!!?

Needless to say, avoid him at all costs.

He has probably changed his alias by now (to save his life from angry foreigners who he's pissed off who want to kill him) but if you see him, say hello for me, and remind him to watch out for me whenever he leaves the house.

*And hey, Longlong, if you're reading this: You'd better watch out because 1, 2 or 3 years down the road, I'm gonna pretend to be a prospective employer, I'll arrange to meet you, and you'll never know it's me until it's too late, buddy.

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