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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-03-17
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

There was another post about SIFLS which clearly stated that this "school" has several campuses around suzhou, so the experiences may very well vary, but the fact that you stated that everybody who made negative comments are ignorant shows you're the real ignorant one. Go back to your fantasy pod and reconnect with the matrix, we don't need ppl like you misleading others. Also I haven't met you at all, so why would I take anything that you say as being true? Just shot yourself in the foot there.

#2 Parent Teacher at SIFLS - 2012-03-17
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

Yes, I work and live at SIFLS. It is a k-12 school that houses a few thousand Chinese students where they learn English among their subjects and hence the "international" part of its title. I have been here a few years now and everything negative said here is false. Why someone would want to trash a school is beyond me. I teach in the international high school here and it not only has great teachers and students, but also has two top-choice curricula from Australia and Canada. I am with the Australian program that hires only FTs with advanced degrees and last year we graduated our entire class of nearly 70 students and most of them are now attending university in Melbourne. Some went to Canada and some went to America and some returned to Korea or stayed in China, but our goal is teach them, in English, from the curriculum of the Victorian Certificate of Education from Australia and then send them to Australia for university. It is what we do. We are not a learning center and we are not misleading anyone. We are as I have explained. It is just ignorant that people come onto a website designed to inform and they mislead readers because of some animosity they have towards the school (probably works for the competition). If you are wondering what's really happening here, get in touch with the school or stop by for a visit. It is a beautiful campus.

#3 Parent steve - 2011-01-17
Re International my foot!

Tom, you are an idiot. This debate changed from Suzhou international foreign language school to Suzhou foreign language school (the one Kevin works at, you know, you seem to know him pretty well) a long time ago. You don't even know what school you're arguing about. Oh, and please inform your foot, if it is part of this debate as well.

#4 Parent Tom - 2011-01-16
International my foot!

"Where? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? Can I say it more clearly?"

Well, you are so preoccupied with bluster that you haven't bothered to read the evidence that is already on this site. I mean , this review didn't start off with somebody writing "has anybody heard of Suzhou IFLS, a thoroughly decent school and place to work for Foreign Teachers" did it?? Please scroll back and read. Right at the beginning you have somebody who has worked there ,going on to accounts of damaged FT's after their Suzhou experience,hardly able to bring themselves to countenance thinking about the place.

I am English but I am also fluent in Mandarin (spelling ain't too good) because I've worked in China for many years.

Centre? School? Money making Operation, I would say, but that wouldn't only be correct but a bit long -winded at the end of your stupid claim to be International. Crap "Schools" often use International, which usually means they have dubious connections with crap American Universities-[often there's an iffy American Chinese person who sits in grotty office somewhere in USA]the level of the chinglish they teach wouldn't cut any ice with English, Australian or any good American Universities.

Whatever you choose to pin on after the INTERNATIONAL is just a horse of any other colour which means "Crap money making charlatans."

#5 Parent Tom - 2011-01-16
Wicked money making operation

Just in case you don't believe in my credentials in China and as you consider yourself so experienced, I will put all of this underneath in Chinese Pin yin, word for word. You may like to call yourself INTERNATIONAL as many crap Centres, Schools do in China but you are no more than a wicked money making operation, bad for FT's and also your students

ni renwei ziji henyou jinyan ,yifangwanyi ni bu xiangxin wo cengjing zai zhongguo daile henchanng shijian ,wohui ba xiangmian de hua yiziyiju fanyicheng zhongwen. ni yexu xihuan zichengwei guojihua yinwei henduo zaizhongguod suoweide yingguo peixun zhongxin zhemezuo. Danshi ni buguo shi yige quede de zhengqian jigou. ji haile xuesheng,ye haile waijijiaoshi.

I would have used characters but the moderator maybe would have difficulties. At least this will make it easier for the Chinese boss leaning over your shoulder.

#6 Parent steve - 2011-01-16
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

That's funny, because the school is not a foreign language training center by any means. And the fact that you call it one shows that you probably don't even live or work in China. If you did, you'd know the difference. All I want you to do is to SHOW this evidence. Show me the complaints coming in thick and fast. Where are they? They don't exist. That is the problem. JUST SAY WHERE? Steven Hawkins would endorse the side with the best evidence. I work here. I know the teachers. All of them. Who is complaining? You tell me. Where are the fast and thick complaints? Where? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? Can I say it more clearly? Where is it? Ask your 'world-isn't-flat-grandson' where is the evidence? WHERE? How does Turnoi have expertise? How? HOW? Most of the teachers at the school have masters degrees in various disciplines, why are they not worthy? Where is the evidence? Where? WHERE? Such simple questions that you can't answer. No one has answered one of my questions in regards to the school. Not one person has backed up any of their insane accusations. BACK IT UP. WHERE? WHERE?

#7 Parent Tom - 2011-01-15
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou

Have you seen different?

My grandson is ten and he is told that the world is not flat-he has never been in an aeroplane or travelled very far, nevertheless overwhelming evidence suggests to him that it's true the world is indeed round. Many of us have never been to this Suzhou dive but it's as broad as May that this place is thoroughly bad.

Crap Foreign Language Centres are always enlisting flat-worlders to thwart the expertise of Turnoi and many others- to come out with outrageous claims like " we have thirty FT's, all having a gay old time at this wonderful school" when in reality complaints about the place have been coming in thick and fast- Steven Hawkins would be well pleased to be presented with such an overwhelming torrent of evidence to back up his claims.

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