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#1 Parent Thomas Cushing - 2011-01-18
Re Something to read for "Thomas", "Steve/Kevin"

Thank you Turnoi for sending me to that site; I also read the letter from Kevin himself, which was, in fact, very enlightening. I hope Steve reads it too.

I guarantee you that there are no posts in the current threads that could be this Infamous Kevin. His post was precise, well written, with no typos and everything seemed to be spelled correctly, plus it was civil.

Considering his writing style and presentation of Facts I believe his post far out classes any of the current posts. Sorry guys; he is not with us and probably could care less.

Along with that observation I would like to clarify one of the posts referring to SFLS as a language centre and multiple roofs.

Yes, there are many roofs although within one compound. When I was there the enrolment was almost two thousand students many living on campus in one of the two very large dormitories. Believe me SFLS is not just a Language Centre.

It is a very large school with a gymnasium, tennis courts, running track soccer/football field and many other amenities including two very large cafeterias and even a Restaurant for the FTs, which is open to the students as well if they care to pay rather than eating free.

There is also a large apartment block where many of the FTs live as well as guests coming in for conferences, which included students from other countries to observe the school.

When I was there we had observers from British, Singapore and Canadian universities all expecting to accept students some on scholarships to their perspective universities.

Does this sound like a Language Centre?

You say there is no evidence of change at SLFS, hello. Wake up! Are you listening to yourselves are you wearing blinders? Several of us have presented our unbiased observations regarding SFLS today, but you insist on ignoring them.

After Turnoi had me read Kevins thread I realized that these current posts are nothing more than a game. There is no convincing you; at least movie critics watch the movie before they criticize it. One of you should go to SFLS and check it out, talk to the student and the teachers. But you dont want to do that, so I bid you farewell; I have lesson plans to attend to.

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