Return to Index › St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning.
#1 Parent Loko - 2012-10-24
Re: St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier..

St. Paul Fake christian school are advertising again on Daves esl cafe for a Head Elementary teacher.They only have 1 foreign Elementary teacher. The chosen teacher will be under James Luko Genocide Denier.Good luck , maybe the position comes with "free" Luko Wine?

#2 Parent The Serb - 2012-09-19
Re: Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning.

Luko a quick google search proves your past is not so clean!

#3 Parent Loko - 2012-08-28
Re: Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning.

Why is it you use the name of God and Saint in your sermons when a quick Google search has so many Negative hits on you James Luko Genocide Denier.
You should be ashamed of yourself!

#4 Parent James Luko - 2011-09-17
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier..

Daniel, why don't you answer my email ? I am offering to meet with you at my school so you can see for yourself what is real and what is fake ? It's strange, you are an ESL teacher here;, freelance right ? you have so much free time to do investigations but you cannot visit my school to see in person ? what kind of investigator would not come to the "scene" and investigate first hand ? Or is this a smear campaign on behalf of your friends at our competitor school ? I say again, as you live in the same city, libel laws are strong here, if you commit libel, we will not hesitate to prosecute for libel. If you have accurate facts, post them, no problem, my school and I are transparent, but creating a smear campaign will not be tolerated.

#5 Parent Dan Faeth - 2011-09-16
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier..

Well, this looked to me like a tempest in a teapot at first but I have had to wonder, why does this guy have so many negative hits when his name is googled? Someone doesn't get to be so hated without reason and since Mr. Luko has issued an invitation to do some research, I am going to do just that. That will satisfy my curiosity as to whether this guy is a straight up character or something worse. There are enough bad actors in the ESL field internationally and too few good guys. I will post here what I find out.

#6 Parent James Luko - 2011-09-02
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier..

Jesus Jones, your statements are libelous. Prove your assertions, nothing fake except you hiding behind such a screen name. Any reader can research that myself, the school, my wine, etc. are all real and NOT fake as you inaccurately state here.

Anyone can come visit our school in Clark Freeport Zone, Philippines and see with your own eyes, its all real and offering an excellent American education.

#7 Parent James Luko - 2011-08-24
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier..

How am I qualified ? Well, after working for the Smithsonian Institute, as well as the Department of National Defense in Canada (spelled as Defence in Canada) I finished my undergraduate degree at The George Washington University in DC in International Affairs, then did my Master's Degree at the University of Waterloo, Canada and was recruited by the United Nations Centre for Human Rights in Geneva. I was quickly posted to the former Yugoslavia as a field investigator in 1994 as I am fluent in Serbo-Croatian. I remained there for several years, transferring to the United Nations Mission in Bosnia- UNMIBH command in Croatia, then joined the UN International Criminal Tribunal and was the Deputy Head of Office in Belgrade until 2005 when I returned to the United States to relax after 12 years in a war zone and decided to make wine for a change of pace. - all can be researched here on the internet. So does that answer your question ?

#8 Parent Jesus Jones - 2011-08-13
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier..

James Luko is a scammer and the school is a fake. All you have to do is look at the info on him all over the web... fake wine, fake china consultant, fake websites, fake columnist, fake, fake, fake.

#9 Parent tatsuo - 2011-07-19
Re: Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier..

How are you qualified to be an investigator for an international incident like Bosnia?

#10 Parent Apollyon - 2011-05-26
Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning.

We ask "so-called" Steve Miller to visit our school or send us an official complaint using normal procedures, not trying to flame our excellent school because of sour grapes due to poor performance

You sound a rum lot to me. First of all you say you know him not, then you admit to knowing him and he performed badly. I should imagine he performed very badly indeed, he came all the way from his contented life of hamburgers ,apple pies and bagles, on the strength of your promise to pay him all sorts of loot, only to find you gave him sod all.

You are obviously a rotten training centre in sheeps clothing.

#11 Parent James Luko - 2011-05-26
Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning.

The school intends to follow up with the ficticious "steve miller" using their email and will prosecute the person behind these "FALSE" " UNTRUE" libelous and slanderous mistruths about our school.

Saint Paul and Mr. Luko has NEVER dealt with a Steve Miller. Obviously an ex-employee wishes to remain "cloaked" in secrecy. If what this person says is true- why not reveal yourself, file a complaint, visit the school, make a complaint with the DEPED here in the Philippines. Reveal yourself- why hide if this information you post is true ? To the readers, there is NO truth in this post from Steve Miller. We've never offered any employment to anyone remotely resembling this name- therefore, it is obviously a disgruntled person. As we have experienced that there is an abundent supply of Americans who wander Asia in search of jobs and sometimes even forge their credentials. These persons are often exaggerating their qualifications and schools end up dissapointed in their poor and unprofessional performances and conduct. At Saint Paul there is ZERO tolerance and we have changed our policy to hiring American's only directly from the U.S.

We ask "so-called" Steve Miller to visit our school or send us an official complaint using normal procedures, not trying to flame our excellent school because of sour grapes due to poor performance.

#12 Parent James Luko - 2011-05-25
Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier..

These posts are put up by a disgruntled teacher whom we had to terminate due to unprofessionalism and breach of contract. St Paul will not tolerate unprofessional staff and this person was behaving in contravention to school rules. Now, it seems being of a infantile mentallity, they post these little messages without mentioning any specifics. Genocide denier refers to a " blogspot " regarding my distinguished career with the United Nations as an investigator in Bosnia during the war. I was the first investigator on the spot in Srebrenica mandated to conduct the initial investigations. Our original report, cited, since most women and children were spared in the Srebrenica incident, that "all" the elements of genocide were not met. After that, a radical Muslim jihadist website- run as "Srebrenica blogspot" didn't like our report that not all the elements of genocide were met- although we clearly identified Srebrenica as being "extra-judicial" murder, massacre, war crimes, grave violation of international law, at the time of our initial investigation we did not feel it met the amigious definitions of "genocide." The blogspot is a site that anyone can put up in a few minutes and they SLANDER and LIBEL me with UNTRUTHS in their petty little articles. However, Blogspot website has a policy of not responding or dealing with slander or libel. So the radical muslim jihadists resort to blogspot flaming and UNTRUTHS and outright LIES in their article, but not much can be done except realizing that it's just a blogspot. Obviously our ex-employee, in their simplemindedness thinks that a blogspot carries some legitimacy or weight regarding this issue.

#13 Parent James Luko - 2011-05-26
Re St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier..

A disgruntled former employee who was terminated because of a lack of professionalism and errant behaviour. Listing me as a "genocide denier" is a reference to a "blogspot" run by radical Muslims who supported El Qaeda in Bosnia during the war there and where I was a United Nations investigator. As the first investigator of Srebrenica- at the scene, at that time, our initial reports concluded that "since" "most" women and children were spared, all the elements of genocide were not met. Years later, this "blogspot" which as one knows, anyone can put up a blogspot- it renders no legitimacy or official standing of any kind, attempts to "flame" me on the internet about a UN official report written almost 15 years ago. This blogspot are radical Muslims who wish to garner international support using the term "genocide" so that they can be "victims" who are owed funding and assistance from the international community. They also use the term "genocide denier" to try to conotate the idea that I would also be a "holocaust denier" which I am not, but the blogspot terminology and web flaming campaign tries to wrongly imply that. This former employee should address their concerns openly and transparently instead of infantile postings which have no meaning, but then again, this posting of theirs alone indicates the maturity and sincerity level of this former employee.

#14 Parent lewis - 2011-04-20
St Paul Christian school James Luko Genocide Denier..

James Luko Genocide denier is at St Paul Christian school Clark Philippines.St Paul Cristian school.

#15 Parent bhay - 2011-01-21
Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning.

I believe this is a fallacy considering the amount u get for a year.... Lets have some accounting here... how much is the dollar to peso??? its 44 to a dollar!!!! And how could u ever live for a year in the amount of 25,000 pesos which is approximately 500 US dollar unless ur an idiot to stay and live like a beggar. Well there are lots of unscrupulous people out there who tries everything to get in their way, but they never succeded coz its all lie........

#16 Parent James Luko - 2011-01-20
Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning.

I forgot to add, we have NEVER dealt with any person by the name of "STEVE MILLER." We have NO record of a salary dispute with ANY employee, ever and certainly never a "STEVE MILLER" so I'm curious HOW our school could have commited this act of "scamming" against someone with whom we never dealt with.

#17 Parent James Luko - 2011-01-20
Re St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning.

We have no record of changing anyone's salary from 25,000 USD per year to 25,000 PESO per year, If you wish to be transparent and publish your name- our school can prove that this is a totally "FALSE" accuasation. We have never changed someone's salary from an original promised amount to another amount later, nor could we change someone's contract in such a case. This charge is FALSE and I am ready to openly and transparently respond to this charge, but I'm wondering why you don't use your name and cite the circumstances ?

Steve Miller - 2011-01-20
St Paul American Christian School,Clark Philippines/James Luko warning.

This person James Luko admissions promised to pay me $25,000 usd. a year.
To find out i was paid 25,000 peso a month. ($500usd.) Scammers !

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