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#1 Parent TL - 2011-01-24
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

hello BN,

I know the company aforementioned, but I have no intention of doing any further research, or "google hacking" you, so you can rest easy my man...

And you are right, money isn't everything, life is short, we should follow our passions, but I've also become enough of a realist to know it helps. The reasons you posted about Japan and Korea are also ones I'm interested in. I have heard Japan is insanely expensive and stressful, hence all the salaryman suicides. It seems like a sterile stress bubble and I am not so keen on that, London and NYC can be bad enough in that competitive, get ahead, F*** everyone else, kind of way.


#2 Parent Beef Noodle - 2011-01-24
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

You make a fair point. In my personal case, even though I've done many other things with my life I've always been interested in education, as has my partner. We decided that money isn't everything and that we can should travel, see the world and pursue something that is our real passion. We were going to Korea initially but were let down and as a result of a series of events we ended up in China. Korea and Japan may pay better but they are also a different way of life, one which costs substantially more to sustain, therefore when considering the incomings vs outgoings there probably isn't a huge contrast between living in Tokyo vs Fuzhou for instance. Additionally, China has always appealed in the sense that it's a fantastic opportunity to make contacts in the business world- with a view to making some serious money from exports further down the line.

I can happily account for all my employment history from leaving school to the time of writing. The firm in question is Total Sports Coaching Ltd. It's a Yorkshire based company which specialises in the provision of sports coaching and physical educational staff across the North of England. Primarily the client base is comprised of primary schools and community groups. My own company is Rank 1 Security. It won't take long for you to do your research if you suspect me of fabrication.

#3 Parent TL - 2011-01-22
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

With regards to the fast food comments, I feel this warrants a degree of consideration within the framework of the discourse. I and my partner began our term of employment with York 5 months ago. Amongst the current staff, and those that have come and gone during our era, there are many highly qualified and experienced teachers. To add clarity I consider this to include high level graduates, experienced educators beyond TEFL and former holders of mid-upper management roles within western economies. To give the example of myself and my partner, I hold a First class B.A. honours which at the of issue was ranked one of the highest in the UK, I worked as the recruitment manager for one the largest supply agencies in the north of England and am a junior partner in a Europe-wide highly successful corporate security solutions provider. My partner obtained a BSc and prior to coming to Fuzhou was a supervisor at one of the biggest energy provider in the world. Thus, whilst we are only a small sample of the staff-force, we are evidently not the epitome of Silverboy and Maz's portrayal.

I find this all a tad implausible. If you have such a corporate background and vast experience, what on earth are you doing wasting your time in China at a training centre?

The GCC countries would pay someone like you much more highly, and with much more perks. So would I imagine Japan and south korea would prove perhaps a better option, but it's your barbecue, so to speak.

As for the supply agency in the north of England, care to name it? I hail from Manchester, and know a few agencies?


#4 Parent Beef Noodle - 2011-01-22
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Its an interesting discussion on here. For any prospective York teachers, I'll offer my perspective in the hope that you will consider it in your decision...

The idea that York is some kind of badly managed, Stalinist regime which constantly tops up its pool of staff with individuals from the fast food industry is a fallacy. York is well managed even by western standards. Both the Chinese and foreign members of the York hierarchy are friendly, helpful and efficient operators. There is around 16 teaching staff at the time of writing. Perhaps the most striking aspect of working at York is the sense of community- which is a by-product of caring and conscientious individuals the school employs. This is an aspect of York which is undoubtedly absent in other such educational establishments and cannot by synthesised from the top down.

With regards to the fast food comments, I feel this warrants a degree of consideration within the framework of the discourse. I and my partner began our term of employment with York 5 months ago. Amongst the current staff, and those that have come and gone during our era, there are many highly qualified and experienced teachers. To add clarity I consider this to include high level graduates, experienced educators beyond TEFL and former holders of mid-upper management roles within western economies. To give the example of myself and my partner, I hold a First class B.A. honours which at the of issue was ranked one of the highest in the UK, I worked as the recruitment manager for one the largest supply agencies in the north of England and am a junior partner in a Europe-wide highly successful corporate security solutions provider. My partner obtained a BSc and prior to coming to Fuzhou was a supervisor at one of the biggest energy provider in the world. Thus, whilst we are only a small sample of the staff-force, we are evidently not the epitome of Silverboy and Maz's portrayal.

I wont go down the usual route of personal attacks etc and refer to you as pathetic losers who live in your mums spare bedroom because I dont believe you necessarily are. Based on your posts it seems more feasible that you are former York employees and/or teachers at a rival school with vested interests in mudslinging. Your comments are uninformed to say the least and lack even an elementary understanding of the structures and functions at York. For starters Brad isnt the DOS, hes the senior teacher, as Ive already advocated the rank and file staff is not comprised of burger flippers and furthermore, considering that Maz (if not all of you) work for EF your comments are bit rich to say the least. The fact remains that York is the elite language school in Fuzhou specialising in junior and adolescent education. The fact that it operates from two branches and has 16 full time foreign teachers (not to mention the multiplicity of further attributes) speaks for itself.

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