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#1 Parent Kevin - 2011-01-28
Re Fast Food in the West

Exactly what is it that I have stood up for that suggests anyone with a conscious or a soul would never want to understand me?
Qualified, enthusiastic teachers trying to make a difference in their students live?
Active Dos's trying to bridge the gap between Chinese employers and western staff?
A middle ground stance that recognizes there are crappy training schools but also admits that there are good schools out there?
Oh right these proud and nobel defenders of the ESL industry that are trying to warn people off of training schools are being attacked. They give such intelligent arguments as to why people should stay away from these schools that no one should disagree. Right
My saying that understanding the culture is important shows me to be a GW according to you shows how moronic you obviously are. The culture is different as well as their attitude towards education. If you do not understand that then how can you changer the negative aspects?

Calling me a troll is ridiculous when you look at the posts from the real trolls and admit they have absolutely nothing of substance to say. If you are able to give rational reasons why to stay away from these training schools then i would not have to call anyone trolls but so far no one here aside from the actual people that work at that school have been able to do so.

What is it that you are doing to resolve the situation aside from whine about how bad training schools are? What are you doing to fix the injustice and exploitation of the foreign teacher?

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-01-27
Re Fast Food in the West

From what you have stood up for and the stances you have made on behalf of some schools, anyone with a conscious or a soul would NEVER WANT TO UNDERSTAND what the hell it is you are talking about with "understanding", "culture", "learning", etc.

You are by far the worst troll of all, attacking people who want to come on the boards and warn others about bad work situations. Apparently if nothing is done and nothing is spoken about then the problems will all solve themselves, right?? Only the problems which are politely pointed out which can offend absolutely no sides whatsoever and can be resolved by means of dogmatic rhetoric is okay to be talked about and can be openly discussed, yeah??


#3 Parent Kevin - 2011-01-26
Re Fast Food in the West

Reading these posts bashing York and the people working there is the epitome of trolling. Slamming York, Brad, the teachers and the whole private training school industry is obviously a few peoples attempts at getting attention. I would suggest that anyone in the know and is intimately familiar with the schools in Fuzhou does not have to defend themselves or the school. It is a waste of time trying to discuss this type of thing with people who will never change their opinions nor their tactics. I have seen nothing constructive in these attacks which would suggest that the people talking bout the goons, the groveling weasels or the rubbish training schools are able to really add anything positive to these posts.
Trolling is meant to specifically arouse anger and contention which they are doing often and quite well. I say to you, shame on you as you are a disgusting disgrace as a foreign representative here in China as well as on the internet. The fact you have no desire to understand or learn about the culture and believe that it is no more special or noteworthy shows your utter disregard for what makes living here different and special. You are obviously one of those types coming here expecting everything to be as if you are at home and treating life and the people around you as such. I truly feel sorry for your students as they are being presented with the worst type of teacher there is. An arrogant know it all with nothing but but to spread.

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