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#1 Parent Seoul_Guy - 2011-06-18
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea

What's the name and location of his new school?

#2 Parent Joseph Moore - 2011-06-14
Re: Orange Education Co.

Well said!
The purpose of sites such as this one is to give people a forum to warn others about bad past experiences and also for people to share their positive experiences. It is most definitely not a place for recruiter/schools/brown nosing butt kissing lap dogs to make stuff up and pass it off as facts to potential teachers. Thanks for the post.

#3 Parent Gary G. - 2011-06-14
Re: Orange Education Co.

Although I read these reviews on occasion, I typically refrain from posting comments, but I found your posting to be so bizarre that a reply was completely warranted and you never answered the other guys question. You said you said all the different reviews sound similar and have the same structure so they must have been written by the same person. Seriously? You really used your probably non-existent writing analysis training to analyze every online posting for some random Korean recruiter before determining that they all HAD to be from the same person. Really? Even if they are written by the same person, does that mean theyre not true? Youre talking about a recruiter here hes not your friend or someone you grew up with. You cant possibly know him that well. You were so impressed with him after what two or three hours of interaction with him? I dont even remember the name of my first recruiter, despite being happy with the school she put me in, and even if I did remember her name I would never decide to google it months after accepting a teaching position and feel compelled to defend them online like you seemingly did. Who does that? Also, so what youre saying is that you developed such a good relationship with him that you are kept informed of his business decisions, namely that of a new school that he openedand not only that but you have been in contact with the teachers that he employs and have conversed with them enough to feel comfortable asking them whether or not theyre paid well and on time? Does anyone who has read that actually believe it? Does this appear as complete fiction and nonsense to anyone else? You CANNOT be for real.
I dont know Stephen Cho nor have I ever previously heard of Eduorange or Orange Education or whatever that recruiting business is called. I havent the slightest clue if he is a good recruiter or a bad one. I cannot verify the bad stuff about him on this thread so I have no idea whether or not its true, although Im not sure why someone would blacklist a recruiter if he/she/they did everything right. I have no stake in this matter at all. You obviously do. Your comments about him cannot possibly be correct and unbiased.
And why would someone change the name of their recruiting company if they arent recruiting anymore? You never answered that one.
If you write something again, make sure that it makes sense.

#4 Parent Seoul_Guy - 2011-06-11
Re Orange Education Co.

You're wrong about him not recruiting anymore. I just talked to him last week about a job near Seoul. I don't even know the guy well or have any opinion on him at all, but why would he change the name of the recruiting company if he is no longer recruiting? That doesn't make sense.

#5 Parent Ashley - 2011-05-15
Re Orange Education Co.

He changed the name of the company because he is no longer recruiting. He owns his own hagwon. I've spoken with the teachers there and they are all happy and he pays them well. I haven't heard any complaints at all. Since he placed me at my new school, I have been given a nice raise and the staff treats me with the utmost respect. I have not had any problems at all with my school and, in fact, my boss has offered to keep me on staff as long as I wish as I am working towards earning dual-citizenship. I know that there is a lot of negative reviews for the man, but I also know that all those reviews are supplied by just one person. If you read all the different reviews, they all sound similar and have the same structure. I read all of them before working with Mr. Cho and I could tell that they were all written by the same person, so I ignored them. I'm glad I did, because now I have a wonderful job with great staff to work with and wonderful students. I wish Stephen the best of luck with his new school.

#6 Parent Stan - 2011-05-15
Orange Education Co.

If Stephen Cho is so great then why does he now go by Orange Education Co. and not Eduorange? Is he trying to prevent people from googling "Eduorange" and seeing all the bad reviews he has? Stephen placed my friends and me in a hagwon that wasn't paying its teachers more than a million won or so per month, a fraction of what we should have been paid. Stephen knew what was going on because all of the other people who had worked there before me complained to him about it since he brought them there. He put us there anyway. Thanks a lot Stephen for screwing everyone. Orange Education Co. AKA Eduorange and Stephen Cho are not recommended. Like someone else said, he's the worst recruiter in Korea!

#7 Parent Stan - 2011-05-15
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea

If Stephen Cho is so great then why does he now go by Orange Education Co. and not Eduorange? Is he trying to prevent people from googling "Eduorange" and seeing all the bad reviews he has? Stephen placed my friends and me in a hagwon that wasn't paying its teachers more than a million won or so per month, a fraction of what we should have been paid. Stephen knew what was going on because all of the other people who had worked there before me complained to him about it since he brought them there. He put us there anyway. Thanks a lot Stephen for screwing everyone. Orange Education Co. AKA Eduorange and Stephen Cho are not recommended. Like someone else said, he's the worst recruiter in Korea!

#8 Parent Rod - 2011-03-26
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea

Stephen Cho from Eduorange is definitely not a reliable recruiter. Take it from me - I got burned by him in the past. He's a bit of a sketchy character and pretty much only looking out for himself.

#9 Parent Rod - 2011-03-26
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea

Whoever "Carry Schubert" is seems to have spent hours googling Stephen's name and posting good things about him in response to the ton of complaints about what a sketchy recruiter he is. Is this person secretly Stephen Cho is disguise? Stephen Cho from Eduorange is definitely not a reliable recruiter. Take it from me - I got burned by him in the past. He's a bit of a sketchy character and pretty much only looking out for himself. "Carrie Schubert" or whoever you are, you've done Eduorange no good by digging up all of the complaints that were buried deep in the recruiter reviews.

#10 Parent Carrie Schubert - 2011-03-25
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea

Stephen Cho from EduOrgange was my recruiter, and I believe he did his best to place me in a good position. It seems like the problem here may have been the school. My suggestion is to do your own investigating on the school you are considering. I would definitely recommend Stephen Cho as a reliable recruiter.

#11 Parent Chris - 2011-01-30
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea

I'm glad you had a good experience with him. I'm afraid that you are in the minority. Stephen has brought numerous people to Canada International School and Topia, both of which are hagwons in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do. They were paid half of their salaries for months. Stephen lied to the teachers to get them to work there. Once employed, he lied to them to get them to stay there and told them that they would be "rewarded". They weren't. They were paid even less. Countless teachers quit and the vast majority of them are still owed money, and you clearly don't care about them. Had those teachers not reported the employer (Jake Ku) to the labor board, none of the current teachers would be paid anything. The schools are owned by a scam artist and Stephen has helped him scam people. Plus, it wasn't just that Stephen said, "teachers were paid late at several schools throughout South Korea a few years ago when they were suffering from the economic decline," it was 2010 and it was at the schools where he placed teachers. Stephen didn't care about the teachers, he cared about getting paid by the schools. Maybe your situation was different but you'd be just as mad as everyone else who is owed millions of won if that happened to you directly because of Stephen bringing them to schools that didn't pay them.

#12 Parent Ashley Fox - 2010-12-14
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea

I have no idea what this person is talking about. I have worked with SEVERAL recruiters here in Korea and Stephen Cho has been the ONLY recruiter who has actually listened to me and my needs. He was always there when I had a question or needed help. He took me to all my interviews which he set up and they were all interviews at very fine and professional schools. Mr. Cho even helped me move after helping me find a job! When I first came to Korea, I was supposed to work for CDI (now that's a company I'd steer clear of) and then they canceled my contract over money issues. Stephen not only helped me find a new job, but also offered me countless advice and tips on how to make a good impression and how to do well in Korea. All I had to do was listen. He also listened to me and chose schools that he felt I would like based on what I told him I was looking for in a job and in an employer. I have heard rumors and even Mr. Cho told me about the fact that sometimes teachers were paid late at several schools throughout South Korea a few years ago when they were suffering from the economic decline here, but that problem has been solved. If you want a person who will listen to you and your needs, someone who will be there at the airport when you arrive in Korea, someone who will always show you around and take you to your interviews and make sure that you are comfortable and happy here in Korea.. then Stephen Cho is the guy you want to talk to. He is well connected in the business and has been working as a recruiter for 10 yrs. MANY schools know and respect him for always bringing them good and reliable teachers. If you are still unsure about trusting him, then call him and speak with him yourself. Decide for yourself whether or not he's the guy you want to work with. Don't let one person who keeps posting nasty comments under the name Anonymous deter you from working with Mr. Cho.. It may be the biggest mistake you ever make if you want a good job as a teacher in Korea!

I have personal experience here in Korea with several recruiters, as I've said.. and NONE have been anywhere NEAR as helpful or supportive in helping me find a new job than Stephen Cho has been!

Anonymous - 2010-09-11
Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea

Do not under any circumstance accept a job from Stephen Cho from EDUOrange. Stephen is a major investor in Canada International School (CIS) and Topia in Ansan, South Korea. He works at those schools in addition to operating his recruitment agency. His first priority is to place teachers at these two schools, both of which are run by a scam artist named Jake Ku. The teachers at both of those schools are not getting paid and Stephen knows it. They are currently receiving less than half of their salary, just barely enough to live on. The schools are losing money and most of the tuition that is coming in is being used to pay off the owner's debt. The schools are currently being operated similar to a pyramid scheme. Teachers who were working there were not getting paid so they quit. More teachers were brought in to replace them and then they were not getting paid so they quit. They will bring in more and more teachers to replace those teachers and so on and so on. It is doubtful that any former teacher who quit will be paid. DO NOT accept a job from this recruiter. DO NOT work at Topia in Ansan or Canada International School (CIS) in Ansan. Stephen Cho is the most dishonest recruiter in Korea, beyond a doubt. I have heard horror stories from people about how he messed up their visas, forgot to pick them up at the airport upon their arrival, and most importantly bringing them to schools that do not pay their teachers knowing full well the teachers are not getting paid! He may have some decent schools in his list of hagwons but do you really want to risk accepting a job from this man? You should not. There are many other recruiters with similar jobs or the exact same jobs and ALL of them are significantly better than Stephen Cho and EDU Orange. DO NOT ACCEPT A JOB FROM THIS RECRUITER AND THIS RECRUITMENT FIRM.

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