#1 Parent The rumor spreader 2011 - 2011-01-31

I'm not exactly sure I understand Need to Know.

They are a recruitment agency, their business is in English education. They hire FT's to teach in schools around the city to teach students English. You say they have called you a few times for interviews but do not want to hire you as a teacher. This simply does not make any sense to me at all.

First of all, how do they know how to get in touch with you in the first place? You use the term 'call' so I am assuming you mean by means of a telephone. How do they have your number?

Secondly, If they are not asking you to an interview to be employed as a teacher then surely they must have told you what they want to interview you for and/or you must have asked them at some point during the few times they have called you what it is they exactly want to employ you for.

If I got a call from someone, whoever it may be, and they asked me if I would go to an interview for a job I would expect to be made aware of what that job was. If they failed to tell me, or it wasn't very clear then I would ask some questions whilst having the conversation with them.

Perhaps the fact that their ability to communicate in English is not the greatest, as is often the case with many Chinese companies, means that there was a communication barrier there and you missed what they were asking you to the interview for. I cannot see it would be for any other reason that being employed as a teacher, that is the nature of their business and I am unaware of any other business ventures outside of the education sector that they are involved in.

Perhaps out of curiosity you should go to the interview and see exactly what it is they are asking, my bet is it will be teaching in some respect. I would however not consider taking a job there. You can see for yourself just how many people have posted up their experiences of working for them. If I had known some of this prior to taking a job with them I would have looked elsewhere, its just unfortunate that at the time I was taking a job with them there was very little in the way of information. There was a page on another site dated 2006 which told a couple of horror stories and I missed it. Its a lot harder to miss the sheer abundance of useful information in existence today though and I hope that it serves to save a lot of people from making a big mistake.

#2 Parent Tom - 2011-01-29

"I have read the many posts about this school. I understand that they are a crap school. What else are the involved with besides education? They have called me a few times for interviews. They don't want to hire me as a teacher so what else are they up to exactly? what kinds of business dealings are they engaged in? Anyone? Thanks in advance"

Hello there
I'm on holiday so can't get involved in this site too much, but-
i don't think it's been suggested that they do have other business interests; only that they are one of the worst employers an FT can get involved with.

YUMING is essentially a teacher supply agency, although they do have a grotty classroom for tiny tots, down some nondescript back ally and on about the fifth floor, which is what they call their EDUCATION CENTRE.

If they don't want you as a teacher, you must have asked them what they want to interview you for? The only thing I can think of is that they wish to classify you as a lecturer on F Visa, thus obviating the legal requirements of getting you the proper permits etceteras- it will no doubt be something devious.

Please don't have anything to do with this outfit, they do not play cricket-they do play hard-ball, and you'll come out the loser.

#3 Parent Need to know - 2011-01-28

I have read the many posts about this school. I understand that they are a crap school. What else are the involved with besides education? They have called me a few times for interviews. They don't want to hire me as a teacher so what else are they up to exactly? what kinds of business dealings are they engaged in? Anyone? Thanks in advance.


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