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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2011-02-05
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Mainlanders love money and they'd sell you virtually anything. The local education has to be on the same page as the central government is on. Unis around aren't much different from training schools. FTs just feel a bit safer and honored there and so you won't hear as much cr*p about them. FTs have their dignity but it offten evaporates if staying for a longer period of time in the region, and especially if they have developed their social network etc. Knowing that offers aren't much different around, they just take what's out there. Employers have learnt that too.

As for the company, training center in case, it's been owned by some rich fellas that've made fortune in selling some medical equipment as far as i know. Having visited the place, I can only tell you that it looks much nicer than many other schools/centers around the country. Or, should i say has looked? It was almost ten years ago when they opened. Nice house, friendly owners and a humorous DoS, EF escapee called Mark C. It's even more humorous he returned to EF few years later. Interestingly, York was opened because of Mark, who bitterly took some materials and even customers out of the EF center he had worked in before the York advanture. My bet is that the center has been founded on the fallacies of this chap that has well aged by now. Moreover, i believe the owners have got fed up with him and the business that makes little profit and lots of troubles. That of course only if they are the same owners as i have drunk beer with 10 years back somewhere in a beautiful Fuzhou.

Cheers and beers

#2 Parent Kevin - 2011-02-04
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Yes, as a matter of fact there have been many foreign teachers who have convinced their
bosses that training schools should provide a proper education, AND THEN the bosses see
money and change their minds again

That is not the case in all situations. By showing the bosses that they can make more money if they do offer quality most bosses would do so. i am not saying that it is easy to do so but it can be done. The problem is usually the fear of loss of job that new people face which will continue to help crappy training schools stay alive.
The responsability of people that have been here for a while is to protect those people and not misuse their position. By doing so everyone can have a successful chance to develop as teachers.
For the owners who have no clue it is the choice of the individual as to wether they want to educate the boss or not. if not do not work at that school, but if the answer is yes it will be difficult but not impossible.
I believe we share the same opinion about the problems that foreign teachers have but differ on how to resolve the situation.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2011-02-04
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Yes, as a matter of fact there have been many foreign teachers who have convinced their bosses that training schools should provide a proper education, AND THEN the bosses see money and change their minds again :\

From your previous posts I can tell you know well enough that the chinese educational system doesn't prepare the most well adjusted individuals in the world. Since the educational backgrounds of chinese owners at the training centers are exactly from that background, I would think you would have more sense than to just assume that people of different cultures come together and sing kumbaya while being COMPLETELY HONEST WITH EACH OTHER.

Owners of private training centers HAVE NO FREAKIN CLUE as to bettering the educational quality of their country. They HAVE NO INTEREST in doing so, either. I have personally known quite a few chinese who worked for these types of places and THEN PROCEEDED TO OPEN THEIR OWN "School". What was their motiviation?? MONEY! MOOLAH! These people know exactly what they are getting themselves into as well as what their primary agenda is.

What pains me is to see newbies being taken for a spin by these crooks as they well know there is a huge expat population in this world to prey on. I'm talking about foreigners who genuinely want to come to china to contribute to the society and also enjoy their time here, that includes any kind of foreigner doesn't matter what your skin color, creed, or educational background is. Too many of us have come to this place only to have cold water dumped on us.

What we CAN DO is to warn people off from EVER WORKING IN THIS COUNTRY at private training centers forever!! Getting a lawyer, reporting the schools to the government, trying to work with greedy snakes JUST WON'T CUT IT IN THIS COUNTRY. Considering the 30,000 training centers which have popped up across the country like a plague, the exploitation and corruption won't be going away any time soon. Only when after a few generations of being trained by crappy local teachers as well as idiots and this country finds out how behind in the world they still are with the quality of education they are providing will there be perhaps some change.

IN THE MEANTIME DO YOURSELVES ALL A BIG FAVOR AND COME TO CHINA AS A TOURIST. Save yourselves the heartache of having a terrible work experience like so many of us who have come before.

#4 Parent kevin - 2011-02-03
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Why can you not do both make money and offer quality education? Why is that an impossible task?
Is it not possible to do so? Why would Chinese universities be able to do this while training schools are unable?
Is it not possible that there are individuals who have enough dignity to stand up to the less reputable schools and say I will not accept this? Has there not been anyone in the history of ESL in China that has been able to convince their training school bosses that money can be made if quality services are offered?

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