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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2011-02-10

John, i also complain and may i add a lot. However, i so much agree with you on this one that offers little in a sense of experiences or facts. Crocks here, crap there, that most of it. It begs the question why the board would support this guy's posts. In any case, the internet will probably always be abused and forums aren't any exception.
Cheers and beers to the board that still offers opportunities to share info

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-02-10

Believe me John, we (I am confident I speak for Turnoi as well) would be the happiest campers in the world if we actually didn't have anything to complain about. Complaining brings out negative energy and makes our moods go down. But the reality in the world is if you don't even try to speak out and just let things go the way they have then you are just as guilty for doing nothing, especially when you have worked in that environment. I encourage you to look back at older posts and read the abusive language thrown at people like us who criticize things.

#3 Parent Whistleblower - 2011-02-10

The academic and moral standards in the ESL industry are lower than low, and it is a disgusting world:

You do not change anything in keeping silent about it.
Are you one of them, or do you even have a vested interest in keeping things the way they are?

Sounds much like a grovelling weasel...

John - 2011-02-09

There are quite a few serious teachers on here that do require input from time to time or do have some valuable information to provide. However the same name keeps appearing simply complaining about everyones posts and input. Everyday Turnoi you are complaining about others, jobs and think you are all wise and mighty. Please treat this site seriously like most of us and get a life. Do you even work? Seems that all your time is spent complaining on here.

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