Return to Index › AVOID: Green Castle Kindergarten, Binzhou Shandon
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-02-11
Re AVOID: Green Castle Kindergarten, Binzhou Shandon

WOW that's one more original use for a foreign teacher's apartment. I have heard/experienced foreign teachers sleeping on sofas, relatives of the boss/owner staying with the foreign teacher AT THE FOREIGN TEACHER'S apartment, owner's baby peeing all over the foreign teacher's floor, etc. Now the use of a foreign teacher's apartment as a lounging area, what's next letting the spoiled kid of the owner/boss bring all of his pet animals into the teachers' apartments and run a private zoo there?!?!

Oh wait, I forgot these "schools" are zoos. I really should have borrowed Turnoi's white crocodile when I was living in those apartments. Ahh to be treated like a wet food stamp, those were the days!

#2 Parent bullring - 2011-02-10
Re AVOID: Green Castle Kindergarten, Binzhou Shandon

I would avoid any kindergarten anyway, but especially so any with the last name of CASTLE, a stupid name anyway. I will reiterate what silverboy, turnoi and others have MANY many times on these boards...simply avoid working for these places, make yourself happier, find a good public gig, make your own lesson plans, and hopefully these places will go down the tubes...

Cheers and sangrias,

gutted - 2011-02-09
AVOID: Green Castle Kindergarten, Binzhou Shandon

Save yourself from falling into the pit of this school: Green Castle Kindergarten
Binzhou city (Huanghe 5 Lu, Bohai 18 Lu),Shandong Province. It's managed by a couple
named Henry and Annie.They DO NOT have the permit to hire
foreign teachers. They will deduct 1000 - 1500 from you salary and tell you
it's a retention fee. A new school, just started operation around May last
year. Their two foreign teachers left ( a Filipino and a Zimbabwean) after the
school messed up with their visas and salaries. They (Henry and Annie) are an expert in the
field of cheating and mendacity, and both possess a pugnacious attitude.
Oh, the apartment they will give the foreigners is big though, only that, it
also serve as the resting/napping/siesta room of the Chinese teachers
during the afternoon break for they are not allowed to stay in the
kindergarten on those times.

Beware of this school!

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