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#1 Parent D BAG - 2011-05-17
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

So at a training centre you can't get a young Chinese girl drunk and [edited]!

[edited] young Chinese girls is one of the highlights of being in China!

Unless you are one of the prudes in China who "respects the culture", and wants to protect the "traditional" girls.

Western men do Chinese students a huge favor by agreeing to sleep with them. I feel sorry for these sexually repressed young women. A tyrst with a virile laowai is the only chance they will ever have in life to have a real sexual experience!

#2 Parent Ex-teacher - 2011-05-17
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

I taught in China for 7 years.

Training schools seem to have more focused and willing students who have actually given of their own money and free time to learn. Their curriculum, while often far from perfect, at least follows a recognised pattern of language acquisition and logical sequence of grammar and vocabulary building.

Universities, on the other hand, seem in general to have no purpose to their English classes other than to fill gaps in timetables and provide the compulsory X hours of English language to classes consisting of 95% uninterested students. Teachers are told to do what they like as long as every student receives a pass mark at the end of the year. The classes are unmonitored in terms of content, attendance, test and exam content and marking. Many of the teachers are illegally working at different schools of this type as they know the demand for foreign faces by far outweighs their linguistic and teaching ability. In most cases they are also keenly aware of the aforementioned points. I would hasten to add that some Universities are not like this, but from my experience and from talking to others who have worked in them, I'd guess roughly 90% are of this type.

Overall I'd say that training schools offer students far more than colleges and universities. They have smaller class numbers (typically 4-16 as opposed to 30-60 in universities), so their teachers actually know their names, are aware of their deficiencies and able do something to help them improve. A reduced student/teacher number allows teachers to better monitor pair and group work activity and improves STT.

On the other hand, Universities do offer foreign perverts the opportunity to get hugely naive Chinese girls drunk and [edited]. I guess it's all a question of ethics and your reason for becoming an English teacher in the first place.

#3 Parent bullring - 2011-02-14
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

"I hope you have a safe and happy journey and look forward to your rebirth on this site under another nom de plume. i shall know who you are because you have a distinct individual style"

@ Turnoi: Thanks for the support:). I'm finally relieve to have landed a job at last. But besides my northern english native tongue, German is the language I speak best and excel in, so teaching there was a perfect choice...not to mention the good beer, nice countryside and friendly people. I've got a stopover in Zurich airport for a few hours, can you recommend anyway to kill the time as I suspect you have been through there...

cheers again

#4 Parent Tom - 2011-02-14
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Hello Mr Milne
Time for bed but before i clear up my empty bottles and blow sand from laptop I'd better answer as you are off to Germany,Lucky Bugger (Mr Moderator, 'Lucky bugger' is not swearing or insulting, it's what English people say, irrespective of to whom, in this case quite fondly as he's always clever without being nasty)

I hope you have a safe and happy journey and look forward to your rebirth on this site under another nom de plume. i shall know who you are because you have a distinct individual style.

#5 Parent BULLRING - 2011-02-14
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou


What are you rattling on about now TL/bULLRING? What do single high speed lines have to do with the price of fish? This thread is concerned with York School of Foreign Languages and crappy training centres. Just occasionally the nature of the beast demands you make some measured remark like----'York school is crap and you have no proof it's otherwise' or 'all you detractors are full of hot air and unless you can offer any proof get ye gorn from the latrine'

Tell you what, Mate, Kevin (he has a British/Scottish name Mac something, maybe he's your relative) has just sent in his latest post, nice and long, so let's set you a test of answering him. Please don't use any other nom de plume, it's confusing. Don't take advantage of me referring to you as a Scot to avoid answering me, I could be wrong about that. YORK SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES--AWAY YOU GO-

I'll reply to this posting because it is quite a long one, and you obviously went to some trouble to write it, but you will have to forgive me if I don't respond in kind further, starting a new job in Germany a couple of days from now and I need to get packed, take care of my herb garden, say goodbyes and stuff like that before I leave, granted, it's not a beach holiday in Thailand, and my herb garden and writing isn't as exciting as you painting your house and getting your Z visa before you left, but each to their own eh? If not, and I feel I will brag here a little, I will at least enjoy the apartment & transport allowance and being paid in Euros as opposed to worthless outside of China 'Mickey Mao' money:=)

As for the part of Britain I am from I thought I have a good enough clue...the moors murders, saddleworth moor, can't really get any closer to the bone than for Kevin I didn't know he was scottish, but I am on your side in that I do NOT agree with him defending crappy TC's, I detest all those for York it sounds a living hell, to be avoided, and the using a scot argument is a cheap shot at me, but I will let it last name is Milne, so make of that what you will...

Happy valentines day Tom whether solo or coupled up:)

#6 Parent Tom - 2011-02-13
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou


What are you rattling on about now TL/bULLRING? What do single high speed lines have to do with the price of fish? This thread is concerned with York School of Foreign Languages and crappy training centres. Just occasionally the nature of the beast demands you make some measured remark like----'York school is crap and you have no proof it's otherwise' or 'all you detractors are full of hot air and unless you can offer any proof get ye gorn from the latrine'

Tell you what, Mate, Kevin (he has a British/Scottish name Mac something, maybe he's your relative) has just sent in his latest post, nice and long, so let's set you a test of answering him. Please don't use any other nom de plume, it's confusing. Don't take advantage of me referring to you as a Scot to avoid answering me, I could be wrong about that. YORK SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES--AWAY YOU GO-

#7 Parent bullring - 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Chinese to produce a top scientist or any other inventive person

Using that argument how come the Spanish are building their own homegrown hi speed rail system (after France, the only country in Europe to do so, despite the Germans being leaders in the tech and not having their own network!), meanwhile the UK is projecting something insane like 20 years to be able to have a singular high speed line...which will most likely end up a white elephant anyway...the fact is the Chinese CAN deliver on a lot of fronts, as can many other nationalities, meanwhile places like the UK and USA are falling light years behind...even Obama admitted similar after a trip to Beijing and other places in China...

It's going to be the Chinese century whether we like it or not it seems. Then I'd place living in Spain or even the Gulf states above living in the UK...seen Qatar or Dubai lately?

Cheers and cold beers

#8 Parent bullring - 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Have you finally jumped down from the fence and landed in Kevin's back yard? At least we will know where you stand- perhaps Kevin will arrange with his puppet masters to have your strings fitted-if the boss still has connections on the farm, the ring also.

America is a wonderful country and I have many good friends from the colonies but they do have their fair share of nutters. I assume you were talking about "school of thinkers" within USA.

Not at ALL. I am my own man thank you very much, tom:=)

I never worked for a training centre. And I will repeat it just in case it didn't sink in and your thai beach chillout is getting tiresome. I have NEVER during my five years in China worked for a training centre ever...nor am I KEVIN!

America, say what? to use your linguistic marker, not even gonna bovva mate!
Have a good weak-end

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

According to the BBC some 27000 Chinese school kids ended their own lives last year-the pressures of intensive education.

Just a sick sick thing to read. Anyone who defends these training centers has been and always will be a part of the problem. People who are stupid enough (foreign or native chinese) who self rationalize over and over of how they are supposedly making things "better" really are a disgrace to themselves. In the end parents, teachers, training center owners, principals, and anyone involved with the general education in China must realize they ARE NOT BRINGING OUT THE BEST OF WHAT THE KIDS HAVE TO OFFER ON THEIR OWN FREE WILL. But such is the childish attitude of the population in this country in general.

#10 Parent Tom - 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

"Actually there is a school of thought that this approach is better than say the way education works in the USA.."

Have you finally jumped down from the fence and landed in Kevin's back yard? At least we will know where you stand- perhaps Kevin will arrange with his puppet masters to have your strings fitted-if the boss still has connections on the farm, the ring also.

America is a wonderful country and I have many good friends from the colonies but they do have their fair share of nutters. I assume you were talking about "school of thinkers" within USA.

I agree with Dragonized who answered you well. But who am I to deign to agree with what he said? I recently listened to BBC, a special discussion where top Chinese interlectuals participated, all concerned that it is impossible for the Chinese to produce a top scientist or any other inventive person until they adopt western education and stop pressurising kids with work and more work at crap traing centres. They were however mostly concerned about the high suicide rate among young students, as part and parcel.

#11 Parent bullring - 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

I'm not stating it is better or worse. But you have to agree, Asians lick westerners when it comes to Maths...

And the lack of creativity/independence is a problem though...they are too spoiled by their parents

#12 Parent Kevin - 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

If York is supposed to be so crappy, "the worst of the worst"?. Why has no one posted on this thread their horrible experiences with this school? According to you and your fellow detractors this school is so bad and yet you have not given one ounce of specific evidence to support your opinion. I think the lack of responses speak for themselves.
What you have assumed in this thread has so far been wrong that figuring my father is less than forty is just another mistake you willingly make. I guess I have to make it clear for you as obviously you really can not understand a simple point. Either prove that York is a crap school with concrete evidence or shut up and stop posting on things you know nothing about.

I feel bad for you that you had to witness children committing suicide. no one should ever have to see that ever. To suggest though that training centres are part of the problem though is pretty much erroneous when considering all the other factors that children here are facing. I understand of course you are going to give any information that supports your conclusions as opposed to actually thinking about other possibilities. I find it difficult to believe that you would call parents stupid for wanting their children to have as many chances as possible to succeed in this highly competitive environment. What would you suggest they do?
As for you encouraging your students to sleep in class as before I have stated you obviously have no respect for yourself as a teacher, your students or the material. you are not doing them a favor but instead robbing them of an opportunity to develop as English students. Frankly you should be ashamed of yourself for depriving these children. maybe instead of ignoring them and their problems you could take an active interest in their development.

#13 Parent Dragonized - 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

I disagree with the idea that raising kids like this brings out well rounded people. Really the only intelligence being groomed is that of memory. Kids basically memorize and spew out what they learned on exams. There is absolutely no creativity or critical thinking, of course this may all be intentional [cough...sys...cough..tem]. I would argue that this type of upbringing is actually anti-intelligent in some ways.

#14 Parent bullring - 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Actually there is a school of thought that this approach is better than say the way education works in the USA..

#15 Parent bullring - 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

But I'll have a few more beers before i do anything so strenuous.

Again, completely unrelated...are you there or not?

#16 Parent bullring - 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

He should teach in China actually, he's a drunk and as mad as a hatter.....excellent qualifications for a position with York School of Foreign Languages.

Excellent qualifications for all China, in fact, don't you think? It seems you are not the person I thought you were, unless you hail from Wales or that case I owe you an apology.

#17 Parent Tom - 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

"Training schools will never disappear, not as long as Chinese parents want their children to learn English. You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution".

Come off it, Kevin, you are like [edited] on this site. What's all that about your dear old pappy suggesting you should vacate the toilet? He can't be any more than forty now, or so we glean from your ageist rants? Or was the ablutions' room revelation a bit of a slip revealing yourself as no slip of a lad at all but some old palisade of ageing fragments who would put a spring in the stride of all us veterans you malign so grievously.

As for Chinese parents ordering their offspring to private schools in the evenings after such a brutal day in Chinese middle schools(up at six saluting the flag) and at the weekends, what do they know about what's good for their kids? On three occasions on my watch in China children have thrown themselves out of middle school windows because of the pressures put upon them by the education system and parents just demanding too much. One of the reasons I started allowing sleepers to sleep came from my middle school experience. Even if there are private schools out there with good intentions they are still bad for Chinese children-pressure pressure pressure, just to make money and oblige stupid chinese parents to part with it. According to the BBC some 27000 Chinese school kids ended their own lives last year-the pressures of intensive education. Private schools must share the blame for this carnage.

#18 Parent Kevin - 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

I am impressed that you are willing to try and put yourself in my shoes. Nice to see some growth on this thread. You ask me what I would like to see as an outcome of our discussion and I tell you simply enough to stop going through this site and attacking every training school with the same old hyperbole. I would like to see constructive criticism and suggestions for the new people coming here on how to do well in China. At the very least I would like to see you admit you know nothing about York or the people who work there and you are merely judging them based on your own prejuidices and stereotypes, not on facts.
As you can see from the index i am only replying to this thread as this is where I live and work. I live five minutes walk from York and know most of the teachers that have worked there through the years. To be called GWs, goons or whatever other clever name created on this site is maliscious and unfounded.
You suggest I stoking the furnace by no longer posting on this thread because you know that you have been beat. Looking through other posts I recognize that you and certain other posters operate in a way that ultimately lets you have the last word.If someone tries to defend their school, you abuse them till they just give up and let you have your way with this site. Like a group of schoolyard bullies you throw your opinions around like they are the only opinions worth listening to. I am tired of it and have decided to take a stand. Again it is very simple if you want me to leave this thread give me conclusive evidence that shows York is a crap school. My dear old pappy used to say either crap or get off the pot. Until you do that I refuse to be browbeaten into submission.
I am sure anyone who regularily reads these posts would agree that just yelling crappity crap crap solves nothing.
Training schools will never disappear, not as long as Chinese parents want their children to learn English. You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution.

#19 Parent Tom - 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

I was just trying to put myself in your shoes. Lets just say for the sake of argument Kevin that you do believe all you say, and that you do feel that the chances of anybody working at York actually writing in at any time soon and complaining about them is unlikely- do you see where this is leading? In this case Dear Boy, it's who needs enemies when they have a friend like you situation. If things are as you say they are then this thread would become history and the only reason it can't is because of your input. This thread is kept alive by your good self, it's you who is stoking the furnace. Try and withdraw and you will surely stop this thread in its tracks if things are as you say they are. At the moment everybody is just responding to you. Or are you just doing it cos you have nowt else to do?

#20 Parent Tom - 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

"Aren't you, on the beaches of thailand...or not?!

If you are the former, I fink (to use your linguistic marker!) it's a clear case of 6 of 1 and half a dozen of the other to me:"

I'm very impressed with your cartoon and more so with the idea behind it Pot calling the Kettle. There's a lot in what you say, I suppose I am a bit of a wally sitting on the porch with the palms and the sea, slavishly writing on this site. Food for thought. But I'll have a few more beers before i do anything so strenuous.

#21 Parent bullring - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

You are spending too much time, Sunshine, clouding your mind with nonsense and not thinking about the job in hand. You are in China now and should be making the most of it instead of causing trouble on this site.

Aren't you, on the beaches of thailand...or not?!

If you are the former, I fink (to use your linguistic marker!) it's a clear case of 6 of 1 and half a dozen of the other to me:

#22 Parent Kevin - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

To clear up any confusion you have I will tell you this, I live in Fuzhou and I do not repeat DO Not work at York. Any of the other posters from Fuzhou reading this know full well this to be the truth. Believe it or not that is the simple truth.
I have not come onto to this thread to defend training schools in general, i have come here to defend York from malicious and unsubstantiated attacks brought on by those who have no intimate knowledge of the school or its people. I do not post on other threads unlike some who will troll this site and throw in their two cents on any thread that they can.
I fully understand that there are places here in China that will mistreat their fts, I have in the past worked at some myself. I do not encourage people to work there and am glad when someone posts specific information as to why a particular school sucks. If they do mistreat the teachers and their students and the author of the post reveals in clear detail what has happened I will fully support them.
On this thread however that has not been the case at all, one person came on here and claimed that it sucked because the bosses were bad and the DOS screwed over people but nothing concrete was said. I have asked repeatedly for concrete evidence that York is a crap school and no one has risen to the challenge, all anyone here has been able to do is post generalizations about training schools throughout China. Instead of hard facts posters such as TURNOI,TOM and other such posters rely on name calling and generalizations about York.
I am talking specifically about York, please read that and make no make n mistake that this thread is about York.York. As of yet I am still waiting for one concrete irrefutable fact that makes York crap and it remains unanswered.
Mark, Grant, Tom, Brad, James and Beef noodle have given reasons why it is not crap, if it really is so bad there should be no problem attending to their statements as opposed to engaging in character assassination. None of you detractors have yet to post anything of value,which basically shows you have nothing on the school or its people and just want to slam anyone working there down.

#23 Parent Kevin - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

You say it yourself Tom, your mind is closed to any and all answers I give you. You ask for answers in previous posts but willingly admit you will not believe anything I say. That does not make a whole lot of sense but then again most of what you say does not make sense.
Moving this argument onto me needing a woman while I am in China moves away from the fact that you and others have attacked York without any real knowledge of what is actually going on at that school. Suggesting I am wasting my time here when I could instead be looking for a woman shows exactly where your priorities stand. Apparently getting woman is more important to you then preventing slander from being spread around the internet. I do not need any suggestions as to finding a woman and again if you actually knew me you would know how laughable that actually is.
As before if you can offer concrete evidence as to why York is a crap school I will stop posting but until you do I will continue to defend it. It is a very simple task yet so far something any of you have have been able to do.

#24 Parent Tom - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

"You seem to have homed in on that under the bridge dweller who only wants to sleep and eat."

"Are you referring to EnglishTeacherX here? Or someone we once knew in the wilds of Central China..."

You said in a previous incarnation that i had a brother with whom you had a falling out, was that in the same wilds of Central China? and i replied if you recall, I do have a brother but he hasn't left Portsmouth for about forty years. He should teach in China actually, he's a drunk and as mad as a hatter.....excellent qualifications for a position with York School of Foreign Languages.

What do you think of this Kevin character then? [edited]

#25 Parent Deborah Thistlethwaite - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Do you live in China?
And do you actually work somewhere?

#26 Parent Bullring - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

You seem to have homed in on that under the bridge dweller who only wants to sleep and eat.

Are you referring to EnglishTeacherX here? Or someone we once knew in the wilds of Central China...

#27 Parent Tom - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

"Tell me if I answered your questions would you believe the answer. I seriously doubt you would even consider it as the truth for a moment. You are obviously too close minded and opinionated to actually have a fair discourse here on this thread. Other people have honestly given their opinions and you have declared them to be lies. Why would it be any different for me?"

Well of course we close our minds to the nonsense you come out with-"York School of Foreign Languages is a spiffing place for FT's to work" has as much sense about it as saying "Bill Clinton is the kiddy you should send your 20 year old daughter to if she needs one to one tutoring" No disrespect to Bill intended.

You are spending too much time, Sunshine, clouding your mind with nonsense and not thinking about the job in hand. You are in China now and should be making the most of it instead of causing trouble on this site. I feel you need to get your leg over. Lots of "Yangtze River Females" (unmarried women needing western boyfriends) on QQ who will help clear your addled brain. Most of them (albeit a bit past sell-by-date) in good condition, sporting good set of choppers-make good friends.

#28 Parent Bridehide - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Tell me if I answered your questions would you believe the answer

You should always tell what you believe in, and it does not matter whether other people "believe" in it or not.
Instead, if you make a claim you should be able to prove it or to support it by facts. None of the things you have said so far have been supported by either a prove or by facts.

If you say that the other people you are struggling with do not do the same, you ignore the fact that they are building on their experiences with training schools in China, and we all know how it works over there and how most of them are run. Now, if youi make a claim to the contrary regarding York, you should provide hard facts on what sets them apart from the rest of these phoney places that do not deserve to be called "schools"!

Most of us with very negative experiences regarding TCs in China have reflected on the system-related reasons why these phoney schools can operate in the way as they do. And we've drawn our conclusions regarding them - it doesn't matter anymore whether there are some training schools better than others, less or more corrupt....- we want a change in the system that allows such phoney schools to exist. Until then, we can only recommend from our point of view not to work for any of them and to apply for job positions in the public sector instead.
Why should anyone take a risk with a training school he knows nothing about and to wait and see whether they cheat, deceive exploit or employ their foreign teachers illegally or not? Many people feel training schools in China are not to be trusted to make it worthwhile leaving home, jump on a plane, to pay for the plane fare and visa fees, and all that. Those running these training schools in China must be aware that they form part of an industry that has destroyed its reputation a long time ago, and the lesson to learn from all that is never to trust any promises or contracts sent by owners of training schools again.

It is in the interest of each individual foreign teacher who does not want to be made a loser in the end by running into the trap prepared by unreputable training centre owners in China!

#29 Parent Tom - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

"Sad to see someone like you in a position of authority helping continue the tradition of bad teachers coming to China looking for an easy buck and young tail."

"May be you are one of those "teachers", am I right?"

I think you have hit the nail on the head, Deborah. I think our young Kevin is lacking a tail or two. What say we all put our heads together and find him a lady. i don't think we should try and match him with any young tails on the strength that he seems obsessed by trolls, so maybe looks like one- no, a bit of scrag-end will probably do nicely to get him up and running and away from his keyboard where he has become a nuisance, upsetting Turnoi and his team, detracting from their altruistic efforts of wrestling York School to oblivion.

Do we know of any 50 plus Chinese ladies? Not important if she doesn't speak English since Young Kevin has only a slender grasp of the language.

#30 Parent Kevin - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Tell me if I answered your questions would you believe the answer. I seriously doubt you would even consider it as the truth for a moment. You are obviously too close minded and opinionated to actually have a fair discourse here on this thread. Other people have honestly given their opinions and you have declared them to be lies. Why would it be any different for me?

#31 Parent Kevin - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Nice little jab there, umm simple answer is no.
Maybe next time you will have something to add that makes sense instead of a sly insult to someone you do not even know.
What must be going through your head to feel that that is ok?
I respond solely to those that have come on this site and trashed York without even living in the country or knowing the people involved.
I guess the anonymity of the Internet brings out the tough guy in all of us.
I would suggest next time you feel like you want to say something, DON'T.

#32 Parent Moramba - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Your arguments are just getting weaker and weaker with each post.

I would say that this applies to your own arguments.

#33 Parent Deborah Thistlethwaite - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

Sad to see someone like you in a position of authority helping continue the tradition of bad teachers coming to China looking for an easy buck and young tail.

May be you are one of those "teachers", am I right?

#34 Parent Tom - 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

"So that is the best you have now? You are going to start with the semantics of the word training school?"

That was a rant. You seem to have homed in on that under the bridge dweller who only wants to sleep and eat. Why not try answering questions and allegations as opposed to going off the deep end all the time. Is York giving you cash? Simple enough question.

#35 Parent Kevin - 2011-02-09
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

So that is the best you have now? You are going to start with the semantics of the word training school?
Your arguments are just getting weaker and weaker with each post. I strongly suggest you give up on this thread as you obviously do not have any solid statements as to why York is a crap school. call a place whatever you want the bottom line is they deliver English learning to students who have a desire for it. Those students are better off going to a place like York where the teacher will not actively encourage them to waste their time and their parents money by sleeping. No one can suggest that letting their students sleep in class is helpful to anyone, but what they can suggest is that a teacher who does do that obviously does not care at all.
Sad to see someone like you in a position of authority helping continue the tradition of bad teachers coming to China looking for an easy buck and young tail.
I have always heard you can never win an argument with a troll on the net and that might be true but I do believe they can be exposed as fools. In this certain case I believe that has been done most effectively.

#36 Parent Tom - 2011-02-09
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

"I have never allowed a student in my class to use a cell phone or sleep in my class, that is not only disruptive but rude as well. I have had more problems while in universities with that rule than I have ever had while working in a training school".

I'm hard pressed to decide what a training school is. The implication of using the word "train" seems to indicate that they will coach you in English for a particular reason. It's not all clear cut though is it? These so-called Centres and schools seem to have more than one string to their bows-The same outfits which have centres of learning (anything from one classroom) will often have contracts with state-owned middle schools and sometimes universities to supply FT's-they then get catapulted into being agencies, surely?

You seem to be lucky with your training school but what goes on in the classroom is just a small part of what makes up a good job for an FT.

What do you train your students to do? What do you school your students to do? Is 'to train' different from 'to school'? Do they never school in a Centre and can you call a Centre a school? All a bloody mystery to me but then save for a few weeks doing a TEFL I have never trained as a teacher, or, been schooled as a teacher-Yet can i call my TEFL Centre a school, if not why not? It looked like a school to me, they had classrooms-or am I just thick?

You are spot on, students should behave; however, I don't mind them sleeping, enfin pour moi.

#37 Parent Bullring - 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

No flies on me after ten years in China.

Did I ever say there was man? Besides stating the number of years in China, do you think it's a good idea to press the students too much and risk your job, even in the public sector...if your are independently wealthy, fair play to you, but otherwise it seems like career and economic suicide im my very humble opinion.

As for the last part of your post, it is a linguistic marker I have heard before and leads me to think we do know each other...

#38 Parent Kevin - 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

I have never allowed a student in my class to use a cell phone or sleep in my class, that is not only disruptive but rude as well. I have had more problems while in universities with that rule than I have ever had while working in a training school.
If the school chose to fire me for my convictions so be it I am not worried about finding another job. I have been at a training school for over four years now and have not once had my Chinese counterparts give me hassle about what rules I have in class.
Again I would say that if a school does not support their teachers the best thing to do is leave. The demand for good teachers does not meet the supply at all. this gives FTs the ultimate power as they can decide where to work. Training schools can be just as strict as any other educational institution perhaps even more so. By ejecting unmotivated or unruly students from the class improves the class and the school as a whole. Plenty of times I have seen students given their money back and asked to go somewhere else when it is obvious the student has no desire to learn English. At the universities or public schools that is not usually the case as the administration of these schools support the students more than they do the teachers.

#39 Parent Tom - 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

"That maybe ok in China, but teaching that way in Russia or the Gulf may get you fired, only saying. Besides, do Chinese students even NEED any encouragement to sleep,lol. I agree the fiddling with mobiles is annoying but seems it is endemic in China, they can't even switch the phones off on planes FFS"

Yep, i have had a few run -ins about mobiles. Some cheeky monkeys think they can fool me by pretending to be asleep because they know i don't mind that, whilst really sending texts under the desk-initially my response is to confiscate offending machine. No flies on me after ten years in China.

My first couple of weeks at a new school are always grim until I get my way-as much as twenty students get ejected from my classes in the first fortnight. I did get the sack once when enough disgruntled Chinese teachers sided with the students but I was unwilling to change my approach. That situation will most likely revisit at some stage; although, as a whole i have probably made life easier for myself.

Mind you, I have had a good few students say to me "thank God, It's become possible to actually learn something in your class, now it's not all silly games and unruly elements holding sway" (in their words of course)

Needless to say my attitude eliminates me straight away from even getting a job with some crappy places like York and Yuming-Don't fink I'll lose any sleep on that account.

#40 Parent Bullring - 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

I encourage my students to snooze but will not tolerate chatting or fiddling with mobiles-you won't lull students off to sleep in a noisy classroom, and that aint good.

That maybe ok in China, but teaching that way in Russia or the Gulf may get you fired, only saying. Besides, do Chinese students even NEED any encouragement to sleep,lol. I agree the fiddling with mobiles is annoying but seems it is endemic in China, they can't even switch the phones off on planes FFS >:( :O :O :O

#41 Parent Tom - 2011-02-07
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

I can agree with a lot of what you are saying here. I knew plenty of guys in China not only without any university education, but I wondered how much secondary education they had...and they still got hired in jobs. An ex army mechanic I knew always got work in China, but I don't get how being able to change the treads on a tank at some base in Cyprus equates with teaching English in China but there you go...

If you do have a bit of personal history behind you like that army mechanic you refer to it can be all to the good if you experience teaching in a crap English Training Centre which expects you to do two or more English Corners a week (1 Hour lectures) Rather than relying on well-worn topics like, Nelson bloody Mandela, Global warming etceteras, you can relate a few real life tales and experiences- plonk in a bit of grammar from time to time to use up some time when a deserving word comes along-Your soldier could have made a feast out of that word "tread" all its uses and derivatives. Lay youself down to change tread "lay and lie" another half hour well spent. Half the room was asleep by the end of my lectures, but that's no bad thing-sleeping students don't cause trouble. I encourage my students to snooze but will not tolerate chatting or fiddling with mobiles-you won't lull students off to sleep in a noisy classroom, and that aint good.

#42 Parent Bullring - 2011-02-07
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

I have to say I have met a good few FT's in China without so much as an O level, let alone a degree (well,most have been to Bangkok University) My observations of these teachers were that they were perfectly adequate to fulfil the requirements of Chinese schools, and indeed a few were better teachers than myself by far. On the other hand I have met a good few FT's bristling with degrees, yet had a much weaker grasp on English than their colleagues working on degrees purchased down the Khaosan Road. Some little 22 year old girl fresh from some run of the mill university in Pennsylvania is not going to have anywhere near the command of English that a 45 year old well-read ex-plumber turned FT from Watford England. When we talk about teaching English in China we are talking about Oral English(mostly)-Just turn up on time and open ypur mouth will do nicely.

I can agree with a lot of what you are saying here. I knew plenty of guys in China not only without any university education, but I wondered how much secondary education they had...and they still got hired in jobs. An ex army mechanic I knew always got work in China, but I don't get how being able to change the treads on a tank at some base in Cyprus equates with teaching English in China but there you go...

#43 Parent Tom - 2011-02-07
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

"I would wager there are not many teachers in China with so much as a Bachelor of Arts in English, or anything relating to it, I met some teachers with only high school education, nothing more".

I have to say I have met a good few FT's in China without so much as an O level, let alone a degree (well,most have been to Bangkok University) My observations of these teachers were that they were perfectly adequate to fulfil the requirements of Chinese schools, and indeed a few were better teachers than myself by far. On the other hand I have met a good few FT's bristling with degrees, yet had a much weaker grasp on English than their colleagues working on degrees purchased down the Khaosan Road. Some little 22 year old girl fresh from some run of the mill university in Pennsylvania is not going to have anywhere near the command of English that a 45 year old well-read ex-plumber turned FT from Watford England. When we talk about teaching English in China we are talking about Oral English(mostly)-Just turn up on time and open ypur mouth will do nicely.

Speaking about punctuality and being fined for lateness, it's very often not the FT's fault. Say you work for a recruitment/teacher supply agency-they will give you a timetable every week-Two middle schools and a normal university for example, all miles apart. These schools are so vast in China that you really need about three months to learn where all your classes are. You look at your timetable, you have junior 5 at 0800 followed by junior 6-IS junior six the next class along? No it bloody well aint in China, it's miles away on the fifth floor in another buiding and you have just ten minutes to find it. You eventually flustered and out of breath locate it-if you are on time sods law has it that this lesson is cancelled and your York type employers haven't bothered to inform you. You then hang around hostile cold corridors for two hours waiting for your next class-when that's done you have an hour to get to your next school-all the buses overloaded with spitting commuters, so after consulting your timetable and going up and down multiple corridors and stairs you find you are on the fourth floor of one block when you should be on the 1st of another one. You should get a bonus if you are never late not a fine if you are.

#44 Parent Bullring - 2011-02-06
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou

fully qualified and professionally trained teachers instead of those cheap copies having been "trained" in a 4-week intensive TEFL/Celta course.

@ Turnoi: I am a bit curious about what you wrote in your previous posting. You are somehow implying the CELTA course is not worth the paper it is printed in, I, and others would beg to differ it is not. If someone is using a counterfeit/fake certificate to gain a ESL job then of course that is morally wrong and akin to deception.

I would wager there are not many teachers in China with so much as a Bachelor of Arts in English, or anything relating to it, I met some teachers with only high school education, nothing more. Silverboy by his own admission has stated he only has a degree, and has a fashion/modelling point is, what do you consider adequate for teaching in China, how long is a piece of string? Because I can tell you guys I know with an MA and Delta look down on those in China with no degrees or only a BA....


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