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#1 Parent bullring - 2011-02-12
Re Is there any use for training centres when learning a foreitn language?

As for my not answering you concerning my whereabouts, have a look again at that post and I'm sure you will see that it's not necessary to be a code breaker to find my clear answer.

I'll have one or two goes, either A...yorkshire or B...portsmouth. Most definitely somewhere in England though, perhaps, London or the vicinity.

#2 Parent Tom - 2011-02-11
Re Is there any use for training centres when learning a foreitn language?

"but should they know what Wowza means? or wot-eva...two of your favourite terms?"

I Haven't the foggiest what you're on about, I have never ever used the first word and would certainly not use the second[whatever] as a rebuttal or a dismissive -it's one of those trendy in-words(expressions) popular with the the moronic masses.

You never seem to mention York School(for or against) as you didn't Yuming on that thread-I wonder why not?- bit like writing on Fisherman's Corner and rattling on about internal combustion engines all of the time.

As for my not answering you concerning my whereabouts, have a look again at that post and I'm sure you will see that it's not necessary to be a code breaker to find my clear answer.

#3 Parent Bullring - 2011-02-11
Re Is there any use for training centres when learning a foreitn language?

but should they know what Wowza means? or wot-eva...two of your favourite terms?

#4 Parent Tom - 2011-02-10
Re Is there any use for training centres when learning a foreitn language?

"gonna", "wonna",

Well said, Turnoi.

I suppose it's right that students should know what these words mean, otherwise they are going to have problems following Hollywood films, or understanding some Westerners they come across; however, the sad state of affairs in crap Centres is they will be taught these as good English.

As far as grammar is concerned, I have told my students that when and if you progress way past the level of being fluent, if you are good enough you can[selectively] start using bad grammar. I have to say that i have never met a fluent English speaker outside of a native born speaker who could get away with it- as you know it's called bad grammar but extremely good English. Anyway, I'm no academic like yourself so I'll bow to your knowledge that there are good non native English speakers out there that can give us a run for our money.

Carry on the good work.

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