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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-04-18
Re How desperate must schools like York be getting?!?!

Your ability to empathize suggests you are in fact still an immature child. As for the mister part you need to ask your nanny if that's okay, since we don't want to look so high and mighty. Of course if that's your pre-disposition in the first place then we can call you other things, just don't get offended so you won't look like a hypocrite.

As long as there are folks such as you who fashion yourself to be a conduit of real change in china, there will be people such as me coming on here telling you what a fool you really are. Your posts show a gross lack of knowledge about the esl situation in china and you don't actually know anything that you talk about. You defend for the sake of defending. Your lack of a belief system makes you a perfect fit in china. Just remember you're not in a fairy tale, so don't go around spreading the word for criminals/crooks. We'va already heard enough propaganda to last a lifetime.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-02-13
Re How desperate must schools like York be getting?!?!

I am well aware of the thread being started in 2008. However I will not waste my time replying to all your self righteous crap about the school, the people working for them, and especially you at this point.

Take a look at the other crap "schools". They still get new teachers coming to work for them all the freaking time. It's your non-stop bashing of people who want to warn others of bad places to work at that draws all the suspicion to you, and deservedly so.

But keep talking, maybe someday something intelligent will finally come out of your head.

#3 Parent Kevin - 2011-02-13
Re How desperate must schools like York be getting?!?!

first of all this thread was started three years ago, if you bothered to take the time to scroll to the bottom you would see that. The fact that you have not shows you only care about what you want to see. If you reread Claudius Mcduffs post he does not give any specific information as to why the school is crap. He writes a scathing review of it with generalities and name calling but giving us no specific reason to why to stay away from it. I will admit pink house panda repsonding by calling him names was foolish but it certainly did not deserve you and your band of goons to interject. If Claudius was adamnet about the school being crap he could have responded himself. you fellows took it upon yourselves to sling mud at a school and people you know nothing about.
At this point I was content to let the teachers that actually worked there defend their situation and shed light on what truly was going on there. It was after talking to some of the posters that I decided to speak. I have seen you and others shout down anyone that comes on this site while knowing nothing specific about the school or the people that work there. I can not speak for other training centres in other cities and I am not that arrogant to assume I know what is happening throughout China. I have repeatedly asked you to prove York is a crap school with specifics to show others on this site that for the most part you and your band of goons are full of hot air with nothing constructive to say. Some of you do not even live in the country anymore and most of you have never worked at a training cedntre but you feel confident in spouting off garbage. This does not make sense, you obviously do not the experience at York to call it crap but you generalize and try to fit it into your narrow minded view of the world.
Whining and complaining is what you call it when someone disagrees with your opinion? And you call me a boy..... that truly is laughable. I have stated many times why I am posting on this site and ultimately gave out a challenge for one of you to give evidence without a shadow of doubt that York is a crap school. I am challenging you to either put up or shut up and as I guess earlier none of you have been able to rise to the challenge. I would suggest that in this thread you are ignorant, ill informed and too lazy to find out the truth.
I have never claimed to work for York that was your assumption. I guess it is so difficult for you to understand that there are people out there who can only stand so much crap for so long. Although i do not work at the school I have had many conversations with the teachers there and know full well that they do not deserve the abuse you try heaping on them. My reason for being here is simple, what you and your goons are doing is wrong. you can believe whatever you want, thats your right but when you come on this site and attack people that are doing there best to make the situation better that is where I draw the line.
I understand you do not believe that China will ever change, that FTs will always be given the shaft at training schools and that people in the past (both expat and Chinese) have created a horrible environment for teachers and students. I also understand that has shaped your opinion to date, but I suggest to you to stop living in the past and realize things have changed. If you really want to know if York is a crap school and are actually trying to help people then come to the city, go to the school, sit down for a beer with the teachers there and hear what they have to say.
You can call me Mr. McConnell if Kevin does not appeal to you.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2011-02-13
How desperate must schools like York be getting?!?!

When the York School thread was started over half a month ago a person named "Claudius Mcduff" went on the boards and criticized the school for shafting him as well as many other teachers. Some person named "Pink House Panda" as well as other people like "Brad" who claimed to work at the school promptly went on this site and dismissed him as being arrogant and not appreciating the "real" situation at the school. This was when me, Turnoi, and Silverboy jumped in and told these people what frauds they were for stating what they had stated. There was no real proof as to why Claudius should be dismissed as lying, since the detractor couldn't really bring out any real explanations of when, where, why, and how the conflicts started. They just continued assassinating the person's character, so obviously they were going to get egg on their face.

Enter "Kevin".

This boy has been whining and complaining about us not giving the private education sector a chance. He claims to have dealt with or heard of these bad experiences of teachers himself. Yet he will continue to stand by his belief that those of us who criticize these pretend schools are not making any efforts to make china a better place. He is suggesting we are too lazy, ignorant, stupid, or too uninformed to make any statements about the private education sector.

Then he reveals himself as to not even working for this York school.

So basically what he has done is LOSE ALL CREDIBILITY. What was he trying to get at in the first place? He put himself on the side of York only to come out with an escape plan of never being affiliated with them. What should we call him? A grovelling weasel? A corporate lackey? These names should only be given to people who work at these places. Apparently he was persuaded to fight for York's cause for reasons still yet unknown, although money could certainly be a reason.

What do you call someone who is low enough to support something he doesn't even know anything about?!?! We have been giving him way too much credit all this time for even acknowledging his points as being legitimate, when they are ANYTHING BUT. York helped persude this fellow to fight for their cause by pretending to be an experienced teacher who is making the world a better place by working in the Crappy ESL World of China.

What do we call you Kevin? [edited]

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