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#1 Parent NO PHOTO OP - 2011-02-14
Re Beijing Huijia Private School

White Face, remember the memo from November or December that told everyone not to take photos and to report people that were seen taking photos? That was posted all over the campus. There is a reason that they don't want any photos being taken. If people outside of the Huijia detention camps saw the real world here, the school would be no more. What might be fun is translating the Chinese to English comments that students and parents post on the net and then post them here with direct links for anyone to read. Those go way, way, back and are quite dated because the history of the shit hole to use your own words is long and deep. Not everyone here hates their jobs. I like my job but I hate the school. This is the worst school I have ever come to know in China. Just like you I won't let the door hit me in the ass on the way out.

Got a camera? ;)

#2 Parent White Face - 2011-02-14
Re Beijing Huijia Private School

Barbie, I have taken many screen shots of the "Web site" which has been off line until just the past 1-2 days. The new Web site stinks and mostly has photos from the primary school not the IB high school or middle school. The new Web site does not at all reflect a clear picture of daily life in this shit hole of a school. I signed for a semester and when the semester is up I am out of here and gone as are many other teachers. I would encourage the school to add a link to their Web site that allows the general public to see their supposed curriculum for the IB high school and the middle school for each area of study. I would also encourage the school to post a place where perspective teachers can call current teachers freely so they can learn first hand just how shitty this place is. We all know that is never going to happen.

I work here now and there is no curriculum anywhere that I have ever seen and when I ask teachers in the middle school if they have ever seen any type of curriculum I am told that there is no curriculum there either other than a half-assed curriculum that is fed to them from someone in Australia that is actually the school president's sister who is Chinese and cannot teach ESL to save her life.

While noting the comments on this forum about the black taxi drivers. Illegal cars, of which around here there are a few hundred. Just like a barbershop, people vent and with taxis, people vent. While riding with some foreigners here that can speak Chinese fluently, most of the taxi drivers believe the school will soon fail and that it is poorly run. Why not spend 100 RMB? Get in and out of 5 illegal taxis parked near the school and ask random questions. That money will save you thousands in pain and suffering later. Many of the local shops near the school all have bad things to say about the school and almost nothing to say about the foreigners that work here. That says a lot.

Amanda lied to me and tried to get me to sign an 18-month contract for more money and when I said no, they gave me 10,000 RMB per month. The problem with some of these forums is that when the schools get wind of what the teachers are saying, along comes some shit bag from the school administration to try and do damage control such as this news of the school's Web site. How many schools in China have Web sites? Maybe a million of them.

They always start out with the usual shit such as the school was built in 1887 and is situated on 1,000,000 hectares of land with 999 buildings and employs 3000 Chinese teachers covering 101 majors. Huijia's new Web site index page features some primary school kids painting pictures. How quaint. Where can I see real-life photos of what is really happening here?

No one gives a shit. What foreigners want to know is can they work somewhere and be treated fairly, get paid on time and work and sleep in good conditions. At Huijia the answer is clearly no. The people in building 10 on the 2nd floor freeze. The people stuck in building 8 would be better off moving into a dog house. Teachers are always sick. The coal smoke blows into the housing units, heaters do no work, food sucks, classes are shitty, the school lacks curriculum in almost all departments, and compared to many other schools in Beijing this place is a shit hole.

Is this a good time to talk about how many of the foreigners got f****d on vacation pay?

This place is for the birds. I got back here and I must say that I am not looking forward, nor am I excited about teaching here. I will do what I need to do for my students and that is it. They can take this school and shove it where the sun does not shine.

#3 Parent barbie - 2011-02-14
Re Beijing Huijia Private School

The website of Beijing Huijia Private School is

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