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#1 Parent Lip Stick - 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School

Examine the facts: The king, a legend in his/her own mind, just placed the noose around his/her own neck in a pathetic attempt to cover his/her sorry ass of a school. He/she said that some teacher from his school called Harvard University and asked for information on a teacher. Oh really? That's quite amazing because this is a link to Harvard University's Web site and their student record and personnel record policy.

Harvard University has a clearly worded position about privacy and the release of records. This is my source:


FERPA also gives a student the right to block public display of directory information. Schools are required to convey to students the information they classify as directory information, and to allow students and parents a reasonable amount of time to request that the School not disclose directory information about them. This request is referred to at Harvard as a FERPA block.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; a federal law that requires protecting the privacy of student records. Read the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Read the U.S. government regulations about implementing FERPA.

That is cut and pasted directly from Harvard University so whether your former teacher(s) did or did not attend there is completely irrelevant as there is no way that any American college would release such information. They could be sued and even jailed for doing so.

Two words come to mind when reading the kings postings. Viciousness and Veracity. The kings postings lack veracity and the kings attacks are vicious and appear to be clearly hostile and directed with malice. They ramble on but lack facts as usual.

If any teacher was calling colleges they could also be sued and criminally charged if they were attempting to gain access to private data. The term stalking comes to mind as does violation of privacy. If there is in fact any litigation taking place against Huijia whomever those teachers are would or could likely find themselves ponying up some loot as co-defendants. If teachers were fired without being paid by Huijia they'll learn in due time that when a Chinese-owned enterprise violates the rights of foreigners in China that they will lose. Not only that but the foreigner could also bring actions in his or her own country against Huijia in which case Huijia would be all done dancing in places like the USA because a foreigner can also place holds on Huijia financially.

Although I did not have the luxury of attending Harvard, one of my colleagues did and they have told me that there is absolutely no way that anyone at Harvard is going to hand over information on students, teachers, or other employees there.

True to form Huijia decided to shit can a few people that did not conform to their many losing propositions and they created some smoke and mirror version of a cover story to do that. True to form pathetic losers such as the king that most likely cannot find suitable employment anywhere else and certainly not in their own respective nation, runs to the aid of Huijia until the king him/herself is dethroned and kicked to the curb like 3rd period French by the thug monkeys at Huijia. Then the king will be online carrying on about how they were mistreated. Its like a loop tape that plays over and over again.

The real issue at hand is that Huijia screwed some more foreigners. Most foreigners know the school is a bad deal. Most foreigners know better than to work there. Many foreigners that worked there thought it was a bad experience. Chicken foreigners that lack skills to go elsewhere remain at Huijia with their little security blanket sucking their thumbs and being complacent. I have no patience or respect for anyone that would knowingly remain at Huijia. I have even less respect for anyone that even tries to play hero and defend such malignant cancers as Huijia.

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