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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-03-05
Re: Jiaying University biggest problem & young Americans

Curfews are for teenagers, if your school's admins are that stupid and inept that they would continually hire unqualified individuals then maybe it's about time you looked at the system within your school, although I doubt you have enough influence and leverage to even speak to a high ranking admin about this.

For me, the treatment of teachers at your school makes me believe that your school's admins WANT TO TREAT PEOPLE LIKE CHILDREN, as that would satisfy their sick fantasy of being IN CONTROL OF OTHERS, which is the disease that afflicts many of the corrupt education officials in china.

#2 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-05
Re: Jiaying University biggest problem & young Americans

so then they should be fired, and deported, heck even black list them from China. But a curfew ? not in a pigs eye :O :O :O

#3 Parent Sue Ellen Parsons - 2011-03-03
Re: Jiaying University biggest problem & young Americans

You may be mature, and have left your mother's care, but it is very idealistic and illogical to think that without rules, all people are mature and stable individuals. It only takes one to ruin life for those adjusting to a new country. It is a mixed bag, and universities obviously do not know their teachers well before hiring them.
I believe the other poster was referring to a couple who were absolute hell-raisers, and demented, sadistic, sick and unforgiving individuals.
Their names are Andy B[edited] and Katrina Z[edited].

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