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#1 Parent Tom - 2011-03-10
Re Expertise Education Company LTD, Beijing, Nanjing

Share a flat with someone else unknown in China provided by a crap company? Is anyone seriously thinking that you would be willing to China to live under worse conditions than you would do at home? Sounds absurd, kafkaesque, so-to-say.

Thanks, well reinforced.

I don't think it can be emphasised too much how important it is to have a self-contained flat for yourself when you work as an FT. There's all sorts of reasons why- for example, some of us have given up smoking and have all the zeal of the convert, making us very angry indeed should an evil smoker be spotted doing things in the communal lounge. Sadly I would be that evil smoker but would be unwilling to skulk outside or use my own bedroom should I want a fag. Also, why should a non smoker have to put up with it? What about the toilet? Do we really want to wait in a queue for thirty minutes if we have consumed an iffy dumpling the night before? Too many reasons to particularise why you need your own pad.

Crap accommodation always and without exception equals a crap school- no other reasons needed.

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