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#1 Parent Matthew - 2011-03-28
Re Chengdu NDI and Dennis L

I worked for NDI, with Dennis as my boss, for 6 months. I would never ever recommend working for him, although I wouldn't necessarily discourage anyone from working at NDI, as there are several branches in Chengdu. The work was easy, the physical work environment was comfortable, the staff were friendly and the administration (barring Dennis) were occasionally unreasonable, but generally minded their own business and let the staff see to theirs.

On the other hand, I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it either. It all depends on what other options you've found.

Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions about NDI, but note that I left their employ in August 2008, so my info's a little old.


Chengdu CT - 2010-08-03
Chengdu NDI and Dennis L

A while back I was doing some background information on Dennis L[edited]. Dennis is the Malaysian Chinese fellow with a Canadian passport that runs the corporate training program for NDI in Chengdu.

I came across a post that accurately described his organization and personality. However, when I returned at later time to post a response it was gone. I have searched the site several times but have never located the original post.

If anyone has information on Chengdu NDI and/or Dennis L[edited] please post this information.


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