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#1 Parent Bavaria beer - 2011-04-01
Re Expertise Education Company LTD, Beijing, Nanjing

I would say Cuba is more communist than China in terms of having universal health care at least, then you could also make the same argument about the UK?

Go far enough left, and eventually you come full circle to the right, one reason I'm all for a mixed economy, but no way for full socialism...

#2 Parent Sinologist - 2011-03-31
Re Expertise Education Company LTD, Beijing, Nanjing

Like I said, China has Fascist traits, and the term I used was Quasi-Fascist.

I also stressed that the term Fascist is extremely misused and misunderstood. But at least on the basis of perhaps the only 2 officially Fascist Governments, interwar Germany and Italy, we can at least discern the defining characteristics as extreme nationalism, and complete subordination to the state.

What you did was provide your family history, rather than provide any kind of case as to why China does not fit those two defining characteristics.

Furthermore, the very title Chinese Communist Party is as much a tarnishing of the word Communist, as Fox News tarnishes the term "fair and balanced" and Democratic People's Republic of Korea tarnishes the term Democratic.

This hardly matters to me, as I consider Communism to have been discredited in practice, but I believe China's current state owes more to Nationalism, State Worship and scapegoatism than it does to the writings of Marx and Lenin.

So to stress again, the term I used was Quasi-Fascist, essentially that it has developed Fascism with Chinese Characteristics, not a wholesale plagiarism of the ideas of Mussolini and Hitler.
I agree its a mix of many things, wild west capitalism, state owned enterprises, ubiquitous nationalistic propaganda, scapegoatism and the wholesale attempt to affect complete subordination to the state.

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