Return to Index › Re English First Moscoe [Ivor G[edited]]
#1 Parent Ritch Duncan - 2011-04-15
Re English First Moscoe [Ivor G[edited]]

This was on Russian TV (Andrea Malcahov) concerning Russian Police brutality, so this is how it is in Russia. The guy that was beaten up was an emergency ambulance driver....cause he would pay bribery money.

#2 Parent Ritch Duncan - 2011-04-15
Re English First Moscoe [Ivor G[edited]]

Russian Police Brutality (The Puctgovoryart Show with Andrea Malahov)

#3 Parent Ann Erkannt - 2011-04-14
Re English First Moscoe [Ivor G[edited]]

This is a very pitiful situation, and it highlights the pitfalls of not remaining awake to the dangers of being invited to work abroad bu dubious employers. Ivor G[edited] is a smooth talker, he tells both the teachers and the company what they want to hear, but the only thing is is that what he is telling the teachers is the truth to a degree, but truth shrouded in a veil of lies and deceit. At the end of the day, he is the grovelling weasel, he is a survivor, and he will always sit behind that desk and do what he is told even if his conscience does bother him. Other peoples loss will always be his gain. He is a fraudster of sorts, and he goes along with company flow, and many have been duped and robbed by him. At the end of the day, they will use the situation, turn it around, and then blame the teacher. But, as the saying goes, nothing lasts forever, and at some point "grovelling weasel" will not have that protection when he needs it most. G[edited] is a liar and a thief, and all that can be done now is to rely on the authorities both inside and outside Russia. He may win on this occasion, but all it takes is one more complaint, several more posts on here, and then its goodnight for G[edited] and EF. This is a guy who signs his emails (The Methodist), and uses a bogus identity to lure others to come and work for his ailing company. There is strategy involved in inviting "fools" to come and work for EF Corporate, because it gives the impression to others that everything is hunky dory when it is not, and when the bubble bursts very soon, these people will be left with nothing but their dicks in their hands. Russian teachers working for this cabal have already twigged on to what is going on, no contracts, no clients, no money.....the shut down is coming, and its coming soon, and no more business for laundering money and drugs. Spare yourselves the grief and do not work for this company.

From day one, Duncan told me that the company was on its knees, and that the Russian cabal running it treated the staff like that of shit. This is very true. He also spoke of his dismay in the quality of staff, use of drugs and alcohol, and despite all these things it continues on, and they wonder why they have no clients, and why good teachers leave. Work it out for yourselves.

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