Return to Index › Ansan Topia, Ansan CIS, Stephen Cho, Eduorange Recruitment
#1 Parent no name - 2011-04-30
Re Stephen Cho and Eduorange

he brought you to a school that owes its teachers a lot of money; one where the boss wanted to fire you when you first started working there and would have done so had it not been for a teacher shortage he was facing since teachers didn't want to work for a million won per month. nice job, stephen! nice job in screwing people that is! way to go!

#2 Parent no name - 2011-04-16
Re Ansan Topia, Ansan CIS, Stephen Cho, Eduorange Recruitment

If any of you are offered a job at Topia in Ansan, I'd decline it immediately. Any recruiter who tries to put you there is certainly not trying to help you. The same goes for CIS (short for Canada International School) in Ansan as well. They're two schools in one. Weird management and lack of pay are the two of the worst problems but definitely not the only problems there.

#3 Parent Bwa-ha - 2011-03-28
Re Ansan Topia, Ansan CIS, Stephen Cho, Eduorange Recruitment

Hi, Stephen. You really should just let these threads die.

You get busted at Dave's for being a sock, then come here and resurrect a dead thread. You're SO smart. S-M-R-T.

#4 Parent Noname777 - 2011-03-26
Re Ansan Topia, Ansan CIS, Stephen Cho, Eduorange Recruitment


You are one of the very few who had a positive experience with Mr. Cho--however, I can't agree with you completely. I firmly believe that Mr.Cho tries to work for the best interest of the 'foreign teacher', and if that is the case--there wouldn't be any of these problems that have been posted on many different websites about him?! If these schools were using him to find teachers-I am sure he was and HAS been well aware of the financially difficulty of these schools in the Ansan area. These schools have a negative reputation and its not a secret. I speak from personal experience--yes, he has good points (ie pick you up at the airport) and will try to be helpful in other areas but the bottom line is that he is only out for himself! As a recruiter, he only gets paid by the school for each teacher he places and I am sure he 'prays' they complete their contract at the placed school. If not, he loses out. I guess what I am saying is that I cannot share the same positive review you have given. You were very LUCKY. Not many can share the same sentiment about him. I don't believe he was doing his best by placing you in this school only to go through the stress and headache of finding another school while in a foreign country where you don't speak the language. In your initial situation, he did not do his job as a recruiter to the best of his ability!!! No offense but didn't you do your 'own investigating' before signing the contract provide Mr. Cho? If you did, you would have read on many website that these school do not treat the teachers with respect and plagued with problems. Bottom line, he lied to you and I would think twice about placing 'trust' in him to find you a decent teaching contract!!! Good luck. :D

#5 Parent Carrie Schubert - 2011-03-19
Re Ansan Topia, Ansan CIS, Stephen Cho, Eduorange Recruitment

Stephen Cho from EduOrgange was my recruiter, and I believe he did his best to place me in a good position. From my experience, he was helpful, reliable, and kind. I was able to call him for help whenever I needed it, he was always friendly and did his best to make my transition to Korea and time here easy and memorable. It is unfortunate what happened/is happening at the CIS Topia school, but from my understanding, since he himself is not the owner or director of the school, I don't think its fair to hold him to the same standard as the person who was actually holding wages from the employee's. I would definitely recommend Stephen Cho as a reliable recruiter. My suggestion is to do your own investigating on the school you are considering. There and so many websites where you can find all the information you need to decipher a good school from a bad one. If for some reason he offers you a position at this school, don't accept- simply tell him you'd like to go elsewhere. If it is true that he is an investor or part owner of the school, I am sure he would like to see things change, and will do whatever he can to make those changes, including offering you a position, and trying to sustain the school until things become better. Like I said, DO YOUR OWN INVESTIGATING. Bottom line, Stephen is a good guy, who means well. Whether you choose to work with him or not is your choice, but when I am looking for my next position in Korea, I will definitely use Stephen, and trust that he will find me a great job.

#6 Parent D - 2011-02-06
Re Ansan Topia, Ansan CIS, Stephen Cho, Eduorange Recruitment

WARNING: Stephen will bring you to a school that won't pay you. He is a liar, selfish, and rude. There are hundreds of recruiters in Korea and he is the worst. Don't waste your time and accept a job from him.

#7 Parent Chris - 2011-01-30
Re Stephen Cho and Eduorange

And he probably paid you to write this too! Stephen is not a "nice man" regardless of what you wrote. He scams people left and right.

#8 Parent Devin - 2011-01-03
Re Stephen Cho and Eduorange

I personally have not had any problems with Stephen Cho from Eduorange. He is a very nice man that helped me find a job when I really needed one. He helped get me temporary housing in between jobs and when I fractured my shoulder he came to the hospital to help with translation.

#9 Parent Alabama Blues - 2010-12-11
Stephen Cho and Eduorange

A multitude of teachers have had trouble with Stephen Cho and Eduorange. I've heard nothing but bad things about him. I'd suggest to anyone who reads this not to use Stephen Cho at Eduorange as a recruiter. Dozens of recruiters operate in Korea. They're all better than Eduorange.

#10 Parent S - 2010-12-02
Re Ansan Topia, Ansan CIS, Stephen Cho, Eduorange Recruitment

Stephen Cho is a liar and an awful recruiter! He will lie to you about everything! He works at Topia in Ansan and he lies to the teachers all the time. Don't trust anything that he says. He lies about the school, the housing, the benefits, and everything else. He puts teachers at schools that don't pay them. Watch out for Stephen Cho, Topia, and Canada International School in Ansan. He's been reported to the authorities and his recruiting license should be suspended soon.

#11 Parent holymoly - 2010-09-27
Re: Ansan Topia, Ansan CIS, Stephen Cho, Eduorange Recruitment

The recruiter, Stephen Cho is a lying and dishonest. Only out for himself. Bit of a shady character. From personal experience, stay away from him and his so called recruiting company.

anonymous - 2010-09-18
Ansan Topia, Ansan CIS, Stephen Cho, Eduorange Recruitment

I read the other posts about the Ansan campus of Topia and Canada International School (CIS) so I thought I would post one of my own. I just started working there and I ended up in hell. Most of the foreign teachers just quit because they had not been paid in months. I was brought in to replace one of them. Just my luck. I ended up at a school that doesn't pay its teachers! The school sucks and none of what recruiter Stephen Cho from Eduorange told was me true. The director is not professional. He is never around and isn't very friendly. The schools are not well run. Christ, the teachers aren't even getting paid their actual salaries! I can't live on less than half my salary, which is what the teachers there have been receiving. The schools should be shut down! Do not ignore these postings about the schools. Do not work for Ansan Topia and do not work for Ansan CIS. If you are offered a job at either of these schools do not take it, unless you like teaching rich kids for half of your salary, lol!

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