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#1 Parent leaping - 2011-05-08
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

: Dongbei Shida, one of the big universities in Changchun, has just reduced all of their
: English FTs' salaries to 3,000RMB per month.

Leaping in here to correct a mistake. Turns out it is Jilin University that has just dropped their salaries to 3000 per month. Not Dongbei Shida.

#2 Parent leaping - 2011-04-29
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

To be honest, I didn't realise the post was old. It struck me as not matching my experience, and I thought I should say so.

Does it really matter that much to you? Why do you guys "skulk" around this forum? Hopefully it's for the same reason that I do: try to inform people who are thinking about teaching in Changchun what it might actually be like. I have a little experience of that, and think that sharing my experience might be helpful. It is clearly different from some other people's experience, but that's the nice thing about freedom of expression.

#3 Parent leaping - 2011-04-29
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

Hey apollyon, you still out there?

:: Which city in China were you in when you earned 12,000RMB per month? And was that before any additional private tuition?

#4 Parent Bubble - 2011-04-28
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

Why is he skulking around this thread, God knows? He is facing a crisis of sort, it's clear. A couple of days ago as if the ink was still wet, he answered a post written three years ago by silverboy. Perhaps if we ignore him he'll go away.

Maybe you're right about him going away. I think he should look before he leaps. I also think his posts require a leap of faith to be taken at face value. There's probably method behind his madness re his answering an old Silverboy post, but nothing leaps out at me in that regard!

#5 Parent Apollyon - 2011-04-28
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

"Leaping" is clearly leaping for joy working for EF Changchun. He has a guaranteed career structure there, and can earn good money leaping around in front of his students. EF Changchun is his ideal employer, and he likes the city despite the cold winter weather. Let's back off and leave him be. It takes all sorts to make society. We needn't be so critical of him and training schools in general. Live and let live, please, I beg you. I believe they can not all be bottom of the barrel, some must be even be par excellence, though I personally prefer the public education sector here in this wonderful country.

I think you're right to be concerned about him, my dear. He's suddenly announced that he doesn't teach at EF Changchun. Why is he skulking around this thread, God knows? He is facing a crisis of sort, it's clear. A couple of days ago as if the ink was still wet, he answered a post written three years ago by silverboy. Perhaps if we ignore him he'll go away.

#6 Parent leaping - 2011-04-27
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

: "Leaping" is clearly leaping for joy working for EF Changchun. He has a guaranteed

This is becoming tedious. Let me repeat myself again. I don't work for EF, and never have worked for EF. I have never stated that I work for EF. Why do the people on this message board persist with making things up?

#7 Parent leaping - 2011-04-27
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

I'm ignoring all that stuff about glass cubicles etc, since we don't have any at the place where I work. I don't work for EF, and have never worked for EF. I'm guessing that's where the glass cubicle stuff is coming from.

As for not being allowed to leave... it's the same as any other non-teaching job I've had. As long as it is appropriate, I can come and go as I please. I'm just about to walk up to the shop to buy some things, and maybe we will go out for lunch. I don't feel unreasonably restricted.

: Now, in a university because you have only one or two lesson plans a week, it's not difficult
: to, get your plans together (based on their text books) and do any marking all in two
: hours a week. If[the university] they only pay you 5500 for say 15 hours teaching plus
: your two hours for plans and marking papers (not much of that) you will earn about 323
: RMB per hour.

I have 3 lesson plans a week. So, I think I'm doing okay on that front. But I repeat the same lesson 9 times to cover the 370 odd students that I am supposed to teach. I would say that's the biggest drawback. With 370 students, I'm lucky if I can remember all of their names let alone track their individual progress in my head.

Dongbei Shida, one of the big universities in Changchun, has just reduced all of their English FTs' salaries to 3,000RMB per month. Most of those jobs are now being filled by religious types, who have their salaries supplemented by their churches back home. I'm not in a position to comment, but I would guess that the quality of teaching there has just taken a massive nose dive.

I think the other universities in Changchun are still paying around 10,000RMB.

Which city in China were you in when you earned 12,000RMB per month? And was that before any additional private tuition? EF salaries in Beijing are 12,500RMB, but that's before rent and tax which I think leaves you with around 8,000RMB in the hand. Not enough in my opinion to live in an (IMO) expensive city like Beijing.

#8 Parent Maureen - 2011-04-27
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

"Leaping" is clearly leaping for joy working for EF Changchun. He has a guaranteed career structure there, and can earn good money leaping around in front of his students. EF Changchun is his ideal employer, and he likes the city despite the cold winter weather. Let's back off and leave him be. It takes all sorts to make society. We needn't be so critical of him and training schools in general. Live and let live, please, I beg you. I believe they can not all be bottom of the barrel, some must be even be par excellence, though I personally prefer the public education sector here in this wonderful country.

#9 Parent Apollyon - 2011-04-26
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

Sorry - I should have been more precise, since this has caused a lot of confusion for some of you.

I originally said I work 30 hours a week. I spend 16.5 hours a week in front of students. The rest of the time is paid time to prepare lessons, mark papers, homework, etc. I don't need to tell you how to suck eggs. I hope.

You do work 30 hours at least a week. You sit in a glass cubicle, with students and Chinese tutors running in and out all of the time pestering you. You are not allowed to leave. The 16.5 hours in the classroom-glassroom is the easiest part of your 30 hours. I could have one lesson a week but if I were obliged to sit in the office for the remaining 39 hours, I would have worked for 40 hours, since i don't want to be there. No, No, you work thirty hours any way you look at it.

Now, in a university because you have only one or two lesson plans a week, it's not difficult to, get your plans together (based on their text books) and do any marking all in two hours a week. If[the university] they only pay you 5500 for say 15 hours teaching plus your two hours for plans and marking papers (not much of that) you will earn about 323 RMB per hour. However, you[in EF Changchun] only earn 233 per hour. The disparity gets much much wider when you take into consideration that most universities cover your utility bills including Internet. Indeed they supply you with a desktop in your flat. Your money is poor to say the least. Can't you get another rubbish training centre job? When I did a year in one a few years ago I used to take home 12000 for the same hours you're doing? Maybe overly-cooperative FT's have lowered TC pay, I don't know.

If you work in a university and your hours are only 10-15 a week, you can always find yourself private students. I used to put my details on Chinese sites and ask for just 200 for a one hour lesson. These days a few hours work a week will do me.

#10 Parent Apollyon - 2011-04-27
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

Sorry - I should have been more precise, since this has caused a lot of confusion for some of you.

I originally said I work 30 hours a week. I spend 16.5 hours a week in front of students. The rest of the time is paid time to prepare lessons, mark papers, homework, etc. I don't need to tell you how to suck eggs. I hope.

.Tell a Friend

Sorry, miscalculated before even though it amounted to the same percentage difference. I meant to say.

Your hourly rate of pay is 58.33 RMB at EF monthly pay 7000

but if you work in a university for 5.500 it'll be 80.88 RMB per hour.

(that's for 15 hours teaching and 2 hours to prepare 2 lesson plans. (maybe only one)

#11 Parent leaping - 2011-04-26
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

Sorry - I should have been more precise, since this has caused a lot of confusion for some of you.

I originally said I work 30 hours a week. I spend 16.5 hours a week in front of students. The rest of the time is paid time to prepare lessons, mark papers, homework, etc. I don't need to tell you how to suck eggs. I hope.

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