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#1 Parent leaping - 2011-04-29
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

Hey Apollyon, are you still out there?

Hoping you could reply to my earlier questions:

:: What about you? I didn't catch which city you are in, nor your work conditions. Care to share?

#2 Parent leaping - 2011-04-26
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

Some people would say I have no shame, but I am not interested in who has shame or not. I am only interested in trying to talk about the facts. I certainly wouldn't call my situation especially well off, nor particularly bad either. As you might know, it is less than the normal rate for university teachers in Changchun.

So, are you suggesting it would be normal in China to get paid 7000RMB per week?
Or, that it would be normal to work only 13 hours a week?
What is it you are trying to say other than calling me a court jester?

I get paid for 11 of the 12 months a year, and get a bonus for the 12th month. Which has the end result of being paid for 12 months. And no, I don't work through the winter or summer holiday breaks. Thanks for asking. For the up coming May Holiday I get 9 days of paid leave, and it is truly my own time to do with as I please.

What about you? I didn't catch which city you are in, nor your work conditions. Care to share?

#3 Parent Apollyon - 2011-04-25
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

I get 7000 RMB a month (minus utilities but plus rent) and work a 30 hour week. I get Saturday and Sunday off. And I work for one of the rubbishy training centres you like to bash all the time. Only speaking for myself of course.

I imagine out in the ether there's many relieved that you did conclude with "only speaking for myself" but at least you added a little reality to the bizarre piece of bragging by further adding "of course"

So, let's try and get our heads around this- you {pay your own utility bills, you work for a traing centre, you put in thirty hours (did you mean 13?) they pay you 7000 RMB} Are you some sort of court jester? Are you trying to mess with our heads? Or have you got no shame? The next thing you'll be telling us is they don't pay for the three month's holidays but they are generous enough to allow you to work through these much-cherished breaks that all of us look forward to.

My apologies if you meant to say 7000 a week but you should be more careful.

#4 Parent leaping - 2011-04-25
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

: their minds when it comes to renumeration of foreign teachers. An average salary in
: Changchun for an FT is around 5000 RMB a month. To earn 8000 RMB a month there, one
: would be working all hours.

I get 7000 RMB a month (minus utilities but plus rent) and work a 30 hour week. I get Saturday and Sunday off. And I work for one of the rubbishy training centres you like to bash all the time. Only speaking for myself of course.

#5 Parent Johnny Tarrant - 2011-04-08
Re: EF Changchun is rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - and I tell you why!

Well put, Turnoi. I suspect that the fan of EF was likely employed in the service industry in a minor position before ending up at EF Changchun. Non-managerial jobs in the service sector usually entail long working hours and low pay. That's because, unlike professional posts, almost anybody can do them. If I had been previously employed as a hotel flunkie, for example, working a 60-hour week for a rubbishy salary, I'd have thought that 40 hours a week was heaven on earth.
I've taught in Changchun fairly recently, but at a real school, not at one of those rubbishy training centres there. I can tell you that there would be no need for EF or any other such employer to waste 4500 US $/month on a foreign teacher. The Chinese are not out of their minds when it comes to renumeration of foreign teachers. An average salary in Changchun for an FT is around 5000 RMB a month. To earn 8000 RMB a month there, one would be working all hours. 4500 US $ a month there as an FT's pay is fiction, just a pipedream. No way, Hose!

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