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#1 Parent San Mig Beer - 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai

Just expressing my opinion. As is my right. And your right to express yours...this board isn't only for China based teachers, and your response shows you do have some insecurity about your current low earning me, and we can gladly bash this out. I'm not a fighter but I will defend myself...

#2 Parent Hollandia beer - 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai

Oh, it's you. Do you use half the aliases on the site! I have nothing to say
to you.

WRONG again...I only use the beer aliases. No idea who edited or leaping are, ta gracias...

And I know I still irk you, don't I Tom lad...:)

#3 Parent Apollyon - 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai

Good day, your old pal from Central China.

Oh, it's you. Do you use half the aliases on the site! I have nothing to say to you.

#4 Parent San Mig Beer - 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai

I see you use this much-loved by the Chinese word 'cooperate' You are obviously not a native born English speaker. Why would anybody want to co-operate with a private school in China that want you to work for a lower hourly rate of pay than you'd get at a university, with no chance of promotion, no pension, no sick pay, no holiday pay and the company is invariably owned by a non English speaking ex chicken farmer with sod all interest in the English language himself. The only industrious westerners in China are engineers and such like whose companies are investing in China, not white monkeys who will never be allowed a decent cut of the education industry pie, no matter how much they co-operate.

I repeat, FT's in the main are not proper teachers, they are not recognised as such in their respective countries and they can be industrious and co-operative as they like in those countries but we wouldn't be able to even get a job in said schools wiping the students arses.

An FT's job in China should be a long working holiday-we shouldn't be ingratiating ourselves to ex-chicken farmer Chinese gravy train private school owners.

You can be industrious and co-operative till the cows come home but there will never be any advancment for you as a FT in China, and of course back home it'll count for nothing.

Now, I'll tell you what would be really industrious- Get a job in a university, as few hours as possible. learn to speak and read fluent Mandarin instead of getting poe-faces every night. If you want extra money, put your details on a Chinese website and go ziji shang ke- Illegal yes, but are you a man or a mouse? A private training centre drunken waster mouse?

You took the time to type all that and respond to my posting and keep confusing me with someone else. Fine. That is your right. But it is also my right to dissect your post to pieces and respond as I may...or is that only the right of you PHd toff types who look down on others from their ivory towers? And by your own admission you were a toilet cleaner in the UK, so you can't claim to know everything regarding teaching-and neither can I, nor do I claim to! In fact, I have about as much interesting in teaching as watching paint dry, hope that pretty much sums up my whole attitude to this TEFL lark, anyways, onwards and upwards....

Co-operate is an English word, and used in the West. You disagree and seem to think I am Chinese, but you do know me, both in person and on these boards. You would probably think I'm a Uzbek as long as I don't agree with you on what constitutes Chinglish, and what I know to be a real English word.

You wrote: You can be industrious and co-operative till the cows come home but there will never be any advancment for you as a FT in China

Depends on how you view it. To a glass half empty type of person they will always see the worst? But for someone with a bit of get up and go, an FT can provide a springboard/starting point into something better in China, if one remains positive and works hard. I don't see how this irks you so much, that others earn more, or work more hours...does that affect your hours that you work or your life?! Live your own life, enjoy your easy job...that's what I did and would do if I went back, leave the hard slog to those that want it...

Last but not least: Get a job in a university, as few hours as possible. learn to speak and read fluent Mandarin instead of getting poe-faces every night. If you want extra money, put your details on a Chinese website and go ziji shang ke- Illegal yes, but are you a man or a mouse? A private training centre drunken waster mouse?

I agree with all this except the ad hominem insult at the end. I did work 10 hours at a college in China...and it was like watching paint dry, boring second tier city, racist locals (yokels), and to fu coming out of my ears...fugged about it! I learnt to speak ( but not read) Mandarin well, and even some Cantonese...although I am guilty of getting poe faces (smashed? drunk?) every night, although not any more, my present employer in this country wouldn't tolerate those kind of antics...A man last time I looked, although I've been told I do have some characteristics of a mouse, all except loyalty Tommy boy...never worked at a private training centre in my life, I work at a PUBLIC college now, but I do teach 18 hours, but do get paid accordingly...

I'll await your responses for round 2.

Good day, your old pal from Central China.

#5 Parent D BAG - 2011-05-17
Re Web International - Shanghai

Well said. No, we are not here to help corrupt Chinese training school owners become rich. I will do the least amount of work possible at a university. I personally think Chinese training "center" owners deserve to be beaten up. And their shiny black cars should be smashed up.

If any of their family members are involved in the "business" they can be beaten also.

#6 Parent Apollyon - 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai

Nothing in this world is perfect nor black and white. You have to take the good with the bad and accept the shades of gray. You have to decide what you are willing to tolerate and what to eliminate. It's

It's centre not center, unless you are an American of course. I should stop flying off the handle and read what i say. I have a small key board and often shove in an extra letter or miss one out. The odd spelling error upsets me not, I was merely noticing you must be an American since the rest of the English speaking world including Canadians spell centre like that. Also grey as opposed to gray. Don't worry i know one is English English and the other oxymoron American English. Both okay so don't go into one of your fits.

Now, Dear Boy, it was you who informed all us perverts sitting in our brother-in-laws' cellars leering at naked Chinese girls on the internet, that Web was not only a bad employer but also a lying one when it comes to students and presumably their parents who fork out the cash. Now your descriptions of bad liars do not fit happily into the shades of grey, do they? Nobody elses fault but your own that we are all homing in once again on this terrible outfit. I can't imagine that Web are too amused at you rubbing extra salt into their wounds.

#7 Parent [edited] - 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai

You're funny! Attack my spelling (with no examples) when your own post contains the following: measily and traing. You're such a scholar! It's a good thing you teach university students that don't realize when you FU!

You boys can sure dish it out: calling people GWs, impugning their integrity, and generally behaving like self-important snots. My initial post to this board was an honest, and non-insulting, response to a poster that asked about a company with which I have some experience. You and croc boy inserted yourselves into the dialog, not in response the original poster, but took direct aim at me and my post. Now you are offended because you have been "viciously attacked". Crybabies!

You want be above the nasty business of private ESL training by sequestering yourselves in the ivory towers of academia. You imagine you've preserved your purity and integrity. The truth is, the rough and tumble world of private enterprise is too difficult for whiners like you. It chews you up and spits you out. So you muddle along on your puny 5000 per month salary and tell yourself you're really making MORE money than the rest of us. Of course, you still can't understand why the girls won't do anything but talk to you. That's why you play with your crocodiles and spend your evenings posting to this board on your "free" computer. My salary allows me to enjoy a very comfortable life in China that includes travel, sports, entertainment, dining, etc. And, I bought my own computer! Do the math on that, genius.

In your world, all private training centers are "rubbish". Because of your inexperience and youth, you aren't aware that not everyone is in a financial, professional, or personal position to attend university. And yet somehow, these people manage to study and learn English. It must be in those "rubbish" private training centers. You know, the ones that are beneath you and your valiant cohorts. We do agree on one thing: there are too many bad teachers and bad training centers. I'll suggest a solution to that further in this post.

I've worked at bad companies in the past and left when I felt the standards of the workplace jeopardized my personal and professional reputation. I've also been in China long enough to understand the problems training centers face with self-important malcontents like you. Nothing in this world is perfect nor black and white. You have to take the good with the bad and accept the shades of gray. You have to decide what you are willing to tolerate and what to eliminate. It's called real life; you should grow up and get one.

As I stated before, this board is full of people whose sole purpose for being here is to denigrate others and the training centers that hire them. They derive a false sense of superiority from this. For all these geniuses I have a challenge: start your own training center. You're full of insulting criticism; let's see if you have the starch to show us how a proper training center is operated. Hmmm, is that crickets I hear? I'm sure I'll be reading your excuses soon, though.

#8 Parent Apollyon - 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai

One teacher I knew thought 15 hours a week too much! Some people don't want to be co-operative and industrious it seems...real losers back in their respective homelands

I see you use this much-loved by the Chinese word 'cooperate' You are obviously not a native born English speaker. Why would anybody want to co-operate with a private school in China that want you to work for a lower hourly rate of pay than you'd get at a university, with no chance of promotion, no pension, no sick pay, no holiday pay and the company is invariably owned by a non English speaking ex chicken farmer with sod all interest in the English language himself. The only industrious westerners in China are engineers and such like whose companies are investing in China, not white monkeys who will never be allowed a decent cut of the education industry pie, no matter how much they co-operate.

I repeat, FT's in the main are not proper teachers, they are not recognised as such in their respective countries and they can be industrious and co-operative as they like in those countries but we wouldn't be able to even get a job in said schools wiping the students arses.

An FT's job in China should be a long working holiday-we shouldn't be ingratiating ourselves to ex-chicken farmer Chinese gravy train private school owners.

You can be industrious and co-operative till the cows come home but there will never be any advancment for you as a FT in China, and of course back home it'll count for nothing.

Now, I'll tell you what would be really industrious- Get a job in a university, as few hours as possible. learn to speak and read fluent Mandarin instead of getting poe-faces every night. If you want extra money, put your details on a Chinese website and go ziji shang ke- Illegal yes, but are you a man or a mouse? A private training centre drunken waster mouse?

#9 Parent Turino - 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai

One teacher I knew thought 15 hours a week too much! Some people don't want to be co-operative and industrious it seems...real losers back in their respective homelands!

Maybe you're the loser, and that teacher is the winner!
Why work your socks off to waste your salary on the bright lights? Personally, I feel I'm not on this Earth to make the rich richer at the expense of losing my valued free time. You fail to understand that's why many of us so-called losers are working here in China. In our eyes we are winners, not losers, and don't dare tell us we're impoverished here, coz we're far from that. The Chinese currency buys heaps more locally, so we can work less hours for a much better standard of living than what is possible in the west! There's no glory in being a workaholic! Get your priorities right!

#10 Parent Hollandia beer - 2011-05-16
Re Web International - Shanghai

An FT in China should not be working 30-40 hours a week for a measily 10,000 RMB, when 5000 RMB for 15 hours a week in a university, holidays paid for , your flat, internet (desktop supplied) paid for, will give you a better hourly rate of pay, and you stand a much better chance of leaving China without a bad taste in your mouth.

One teacher I knew thought 15 hours a week too much! Some people don't want to be co-operative and industrious it seems...real losers back in their respective homelands!

#11 Parent Apollyon - 2011-05-15
Re Web International - Shanghai

In other words, you don't know anything about Web but are perfectly willing to express an opinion about it. If you read my original post, I stated that Web, like all private centers (and universities), has problems. Yet, despite it's problems, the students (at the center where I worked) learned English. Many of them were quite happy with the instruction they received. You can't please everyone.

Ha ha! You compare a company, whose sales people are sometimes dishonest, to rapists and murderers. Then suggest MY logic is lacking! Your sense of proportion is what is lacking.

Can you tell me why it appears that certain posters make an inordinate number of contributions on this board? It doesn't matter which thread, nor the topic; the same posters denigrate everyone and everything, complete with stupid crocodile references. Is it possible "crocodile" is a euphemism for "Levi lizard", and that poster is flying solo with his reptilian companion every night? I'd rather spend my evening with a beautiful Chinese girl than a crocodile.

These posters have an extraordinary amount of time to scan this site looking for new posts to attack. My own theory is that without the requisite social skills, personal grooming habits, or attractiveness, it's impossible for them to engage in the standard pursuits of drinking in bars and chasing (and catching) beautiful Chinese girls. Maybe they're actually still in the UK, living in their brother-in-law's basement, vicariously (but jealously) experiencing China through those of us making friends, seeing the sights, and enjoying ourselves in this amazing country.

You've posted a lot on this site, so you're obviously an expert in all things ESL. What's your opinion about these people?

I'd post a longer response, but I've got to meet with some local hotties right now. If the goons play nice, perhaps I'll put up some photos for them to salivate over.

I'm English but not all posters on this site are British. I gather you're American, either that or you know not how to spell. Turnoi whom you viciously attack is certainly not from the UK.

I can't make head or tail of you, you tell us that, no, Web are not good employers (which means they're bad) You say they tell outrageous lies when soliciting new students. It would seem to me that we are justified in warning would- be FT's from going that way. Now, the point I think you're trying to make is there are worse schools around- why you want to prove the obvious is beyond me, of course there must be; however, in your own words they[Web] are bad employers; whereas, generally speaking, establishments such as universities are good employers, where you'll work fewer hours for a better hourly rate of pay if you bother to do your sums- more paid holidays etceteras.........and..and, more time to chase those girls and to learn Mandarin; however, be careful, young man, you use the word catch, so try and not catch more than you bargain for.

An FT job in China is not a proper job. An FT in China is not a proper teacher. An FT in China should not be working 30-40 hours a week for a measily 10,000 RMB, when 5000 RMB for 15 hours a week in a university, holidays paid for , your flat, internet (desktop supplied) paid for, will give you a better hourly rate of pay, and you stand a much better chance of leaving China without a bad taste in your mouth. If we can (and we have) save a few FT's from a bad experience at a rubbish traing centre (any training centre) then crocodiles and all, we are doing a worthwhile job. There are many training centres who try and undermine our efforts, getting FT's to do the job for them is quite usual. Good Morning.

#12 Parent [edited] - 2011-05-15
Re Web International - Shanghai

: From what you say, Web seems to have all the ingredients of a money-grabbing training centre

: The villains that
: attacked you and your wife, raped your wife and murdered her; however, those that
: attacked me and my wife only raped her and spared spared her life; therefore, I highly
: recommend that particular area for your vacation this year, makes as much sense.

: Your logic is a bit lacking,

In other words, you don't know anything about Web but are perfectly willing to express an opinion about it. If you read my original post, I stated that Web, like all private centers (and universities), has problems. Yet, despite it's problems, the students (at the center where I worked) learned English. Many of them were quite happy with the instruction they received. You can't please everyone.

Ha ha! You compare a company, whose sales people are sometimes dishonest, to rapists and murderers. Then suggest MY logic is lacking! Your sense of proportion is what is lacking.

Can you tell me why it appears that certain posters make an inordinate number of contributions on this board? It doesn't matter which thread, nor the topic; the same posters denigrate everyone and everything, complete with stupid crocodile references. Is it possible "crocodile" is a euphemism for "Levi lizard", and that poster is flying solo with his reptilian companion every night? I'd rather spend my evening with a beautiful Chinese girl than a crocodile.

These posters have an extraordinary amount of time to scan this site looking for new posts to attack. My own theory is that without the requisite social skills, personal grooming habits, or attractiveness, it's impossible for them to engage in the standard pursuits of drinking in bars and chasing (and catching) beautiful Chinese girls. Maybe they're actually still in the UK, living in their brother-in-law's basement, vicariously (but jealously) experiencing China through those of us making friends, seeing the sights, and enjoying ourselves in this amazing country.

You've posted a lot on this site, so you're obviously an expert in all things ESL. What's your opinion about these people?

I'd post a longer response, but I've got to meet with some local hotties right now. If the goons play nice, perhaps I'll put up some photos for them to salivate over.

#13 Parent Apollyon - 2011-05-14
Re Web International - Shanghai

Do the sales people lie to close sales at Web? YES! Do some of the Chinese teachers struggle with their own grammar and pronunciation problems at Web? YES! Is Web's objective to make as much money as possible? YES! Is Web a wonderful place to work? NO! But it is the best that I have experienced in my few, short years in China. That's my experience and opinion, and that is what the original poster was asking for.

From what you say, Web seems to have all the ingredients of a money-grabbing training centre which FT's shouldn't touch with a barge pole. You appear to be telling us that out of 'horrendous and awful' you would say that Web is only awful so perhaps it's worth awarding them some brownie points for that dubious distinction. The villains that attacked you and your wife, raped your wife and murdered her; however, those that attacked me and my wife only raped her and spared spared her life; therefore, I highly recommend that particular area for your vacation this year, makes as much sense.

Your logic is a bit lacking, best suggest to folk that they avoid all rubbish traing centres and find themselves a position in a university.

#14 Parent Ravens Roost - 2011-05-13
Re Web International - Shanghai

Web is a joke. Get real. Their so-called corporate trainer was a kid from the U.K. that walked around all day long impressing himself with words such as befuddlement. Their HDQRS is a joke in a B grade building with office and class space spread over 2 floors in a nasty looking building. The FT's there, most of them, look like drunk backpackers. Their VP for the company named Sunny as I recall was some uptight witch without a clue but undoubtedly she knew how to smoke the baloney pony otherwise she could never have been in such a position. Their lessons are rubbish and for a long time they were circulating a lesson from center to center that had a plan for teaching students about what an acronym was. The lesson was in circulation for some 9-years and the example they used was the word thumbs. They had the word mixed up and the lesson plan stated that an acronym was a mixed up word. Below that were some boxes to place the jumbled word into proper order. When I saw that I nearly fell over. I'll never forget it. Center directors are idiots with money to invest in a local Web franchisee and they, much like their teachers, have no clue. Don't even think about Web and the same is true for Wall Street or EF for that matter. They are all rubbish.

#15 Parent [edited] - 2011-05-13
Re Web International - Shanghai

: Remember FT's are generally not proper teachers and are generally
: employed to teach oral and converse, and not to discuss Shakespeare and anguish over his
: grammar. Real English teaching requires great emphasis on grammar, you can't get away
: from it.

Thank you for making my point! I'm not an English teacher by training, but once in the field I personally made the effort to re-educate myself about grammar rules so I could impart them to my students. Not all training centers are structured to accommodate this kind of instruction. Web is, at least more so than the other centers where I've worked. The objective in the classroom is to have the students practice using the grammar and vocabulary they have learned through courseware.

Being a native English speaker qualifies me to be a "teacher" at most training centers in China. This board is replete with examples of training centers where the instruction is so poor, any English learning should be considered miraculous! I can only address the quality of lessons and instruction at the centers where I've worked.

Do the sales people lie to close sales at Web? YES! Do some of the Chinese teachers struggle with their own grammar and pronunciation problems at Web? YES! Is Web's objective to make as much money as possible? YES! Is Web a wonderful place to work? NO! But it is the best that I have experienced in my few, short years in China. That's my experience and opinion, and that is what the original poster was asking for.

#16 Parent Apollyon - 2011-05-12
Re Web International - Shanghai

Bottom line is this, training centers exist to make money. They will squeeze everything they can out of you to make a little bit more money. When you burn out, you are easily replaceable. But, Web is one of the better places to work because you are actually TEACHING, unlike most schools where you just make conversation to entertain the students

Yes, well, my main consideration is not how good it is for the students, it's how they'd treat me if I came half way around the globe to work for them. Can you elaborate please, what do you mean by "you are actually TEACHING, unlike most schools where you just make conversation to entertain the students?" because some would say that it's actually the job of the oral English FT to make conversation. Most students are actually pleased only if you give them sweets, play Mr Bean, and allow the little [edited] to make as much noise as their hearts content. To please them with conversation doesn't seem that bad to me. Remember FT's are generally not proper teachers and are generally employed to teach oral and converse, and not to discuss Shakespeare and anguish over his grammar. Real English teaching requires great emphasis on grammar, you can't get away from it.

#17 Parent [edited] - 2011-05-12
Re Web International - Shanghai

I don't know how much experience you have in the ESL field in China. ALL training centers are all about money. Some do a better job of teaching English than others, some care more about teacher quality than others.

My experience with Web Shanghai is limited to a training seminar held at the main center in XuJiaHui. I recently worked at the Web school in Kunshan, near Shanghai. My impression is this: Although they have many problems, Web is better than the other centers I've worked at and seen. They have lessons with clearly defined goals. The senior foreign staff in Shanghai seems to focus on training and teaching. I found the information garnered at the seminar valuable. But, each center is different. The center director can have a profound effect on whether your experience is pleasant or not.

Bottom line is this, training centers exist to make money. They will squeeze everything they can out of you to make a little bit more money. When you burn out, you are easily replaceable. But, Web is one of the better places to work because you are actually TEACHING, unlike most schools where you just make conversation to entertain the students.

PGT - 2011-05-09
Web International - Shanghai

Hi guys

I was just wondering if anyone has experience working for Web International in Shanghai. I saw a thread on Suzhou, but the messages are a bit old. Please let me know if the place is a legit and reasonably good employer.


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