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#1 Parent extc - 2011-05-16
Re EF Tangshan is hell

Turnoi, Silver, others:

Much obliged for the detailed replies - I had a feeling that Wolffe is just out for himself. Turnoi, this is my email regular email address.



#2 Parent Fergus - 2011-05-15
Re EF Tangshan is hell

He is the perfect example of someone who has completely failed in his own country and went to China as a last resort. Whether such people can do any good in China is another question. But I personally believe firmly such people should not be in the teaching profession at all - neither in China nor anywhere else!

Yo, Turnoi. I'm sure you will agree with me wholeheartedly when I say all teachers must be university graduates holding a PGCE. In particular, it's high time governments forced kindergarten teachers to be properly qualified formally for their demanding jobs. Naturally, the same applies to PE teachers. You're always such a down-to- earth kind of bloke, not someone with his head in the clouds with an elitist attitude. I'm truly amazed. It's unbelievable.

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