#1 Parent The Rumor Spreader 2011 - 2011-05-17

Hey Yuming, how's that legal battle coming along :P Just I have heard jack from anyone as to when the court date is so wondered what was taking you guys so long. Considering the sheer amount of malicious and untrue stuff I have had to say about your outstanding establishment I would have expected to be in the labor courts by now :P

Notice you have attempted to change your advertising tactics a little by trying to post most of your SPAM ads on sites without a comments box. Well don't worry, we can all open free accounts at these sites and post up a warning alongside your ad as opposed to underneath it :P

You will regret the day you ever decided to screw me and other teachers over, [edited]...

#2 Parent Tom - 2010-12-23

"Just thinking actually, we are days away from Christmas, so any day now Yuming will be paying that fateful visit to their prized teachers to inform them that the 4 weeks Winter holiday that they advertise is actually going to be 2 months and that they do not have any substantial work to offer them during this period."

A jolly good point. Some of my friends who teach in Chinese universities have already stopped teaching until next term. Needless to say they'll get their full pay and flat paid for-why would one settle for a contract short of that??

Over the last week these friends have been wined and dined by their deans and leaders as a way of thank you and to encourage good relationships-why would one wish to work for an outfit with an attitude that falls short of this normal friendly consideration? I can't see Yuming FT's getting so much as a cold dumpling- Helen and cronies will be quite happy to see them picking up dog-ends in the gutter, and still expect them to be on tap in two or three months time. Well she could be right as her FT's will be too broke to saunter off to Thailand for a nice long break. Yuming bumf makes me laugh "you are free to travel during holidays" free to pick up dogends maybe.

I have a suggestion for Yuming FT's at this stage-collect your pay, sod off, find another job, especially if they just have you on F visa.

#3 Parent The Malicious Rumor Spreader - 2010-12-22

Just thinking actually, we are days away from Christmas, so any day now Yuming will be paying that fateful visit to their prized teachers to inform them that the 4 weeks Winter holiday that they advertise is actually going to be 2 months and that they do not have any substantial work to offer them during this period.

Lets all spare a thought for those unlucky enough to get sucked into believing Yuming's pack of lies and are just about to come to the realisation that what they were told when they began working there was rubbish, a simple bait and switch.

#4 Parent The Malicious Rumor Spreader - 2010-12-20

Hi Amy and sidekick Helen.

I would be the one who has spent a lot of time spreading what you refer to as lies about your backstreet cheapskate recruitment agency. No, not Silverboy, or anyone else that regularly appears on this board. I am the one who started the reviews off for you on China School Reviews website and probably the most recent one would be Most of my posts can be identified by the fact that they are long, detailed and start off with the opening lines "BEWARE YUMING EDUCATION" or "AVOID YUMING EDUCATION".

So tell me Helen, exactly how do you intend to proceed with legal action against someone who simply takes specifics which you state about the working conditions of your company and highlights the fact that they are in error.

I have proof in terms of payments into a Chinese bank account showing when and how much I was paid during my time working for you, a copy of a contract which was not adhered to. A host of contradictory advertisements which you have posted around the internet stating one set of facts in one and then a completely different set in another.

I have a number of teachers who have passed through the bowels of Yuming at various stages and have been screwed around in one way or another who are happy to have their stories told and would additionally be happy to put their names to them. Plus the fact we have the entire expat community of Tianjin who are well aware of your continued antics, most of which would again be happy to back up anything said about you.

No-one needs to lie about your company Helen, you do a good enough job of creating enough credible evidence to show what an undesirable criminal organisation you operate. What would be the point in creating falsehoods when there is so much available which is provable, and very easily.

The fact you are back here mouthing off again with your bullshit threats of legal action only goes to show that the evidence against you which has been posted online is having the desired effect, that being helping to put you out of business once and for all which cannot come quick enough as far as I am concerned.

However, being a fair and honest person and someone who believes in giving people a chance I offer one to you. Please highlight exactly which statements have been made on the various sites around the web and why they are false and if I cannot prove otherwise I will be happy to retract said statements if they were so posted by myself with a full and lengthy apology informing all future readers that I was wrong and you were right :)

If you however, which lets be honest, is basically the case, simply spouting because yet again your are unwilling to take any accountability for your actions and unwilling to loose face, then you can screw yourself and carry on. You will be the only ones left with egg on your faces and loosing face, as well as your piss poor business.

But another question springs to mind about your pursuit of legal action too. Would this be like the legal action you were taking in last year that never amounted to squat?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yuming Education, Glad to see the heat is finally on.

#5 Parent Tianjin Expat - 2010-12-20

LOL If the truth is malicious then it's your own fault. Maybe you should do something really radical like run an upright business that doesn't routinely screw people over.

Just sayin

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2010-12-15

Thank you for letting all of us know how much we are p*ssing you off!!! We will gladly spread word of your disgusting company to AS MANY PEOPLE AS WE CAN!!!

#7 Parent Yuming Education Center - 2010-12-14

We know that you have been posting on numerous websites for the last 12 months to destroy our companys reputation. You will be held responsible for the malicious and untrue stories that you have been spreading. We are taking legal action against you and pursue your legal responsibility.

Yuming Education Center


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