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#1 Parent Sam - 2011-05-28
Re Qiao Yuan English School Kaiping Guangdong China - ESL school review

So this was written 6 years ago, there has been a change of management but not a change of policy. I arrived in 2010 and straight away the lies started. They held back some money, lied about my salary and how my classes would work. The accomodation was very ropey so I ended up finding my own apartment soon after. They tried to hold back some of my salary and told me this was normal here, it wasn't. They would always pay me late or ask for a loan.It was ridiculous, you have to nag them to pay you on time. After promising to be more honest with me, they gave me a new deal (a %) which would have worked out better than my previous salalry as it was based on how many students I could attract (including teaching spanish which I wasn't qualified for), however, they lied (and later flatly denied) about the level of interest in the Spanish class so I got less money than the previous year. Without going into all the details, they will try and control your money, and keeps tabs on you by asking how much you have in your bank. They are very shady people, the owner from Canada likes to spy on his staff and forces people to befriend you in order to spy on you and see what you really think. He has even installed a camera in the office purely so he can look at the 'hot girls' from his office in Canada. The other owner lives there but could not care less about anything about the school, he is just in China to play live cheaper than he could in England. They no literally nothing about education or about looking after employess. Morale amongst staff is very low as they cut the more vulnerable staffs' salaries as they know they can't fight back. Do not join this school. I stayed a year because I was having a good time outside of work. Another foriegner they have just hired has quit too...after just one month. Also they are not allowed to hire foreigners which is why they get you to lie on your visa and 'if anyone asks, just say your a business consultant..'!

Crystal - 2005-11-02
Qiao Yuan English School Kaiping Guangdong China - ESL school review

Qiao Yuan English School (Canadian) Kaiping Guangdong China

They talk big but they dont deliver. They told me they were a well-established school. In Fact they have only been open for 1 year.
They told me they would provide food and lodging with a private room and bathroom. When I got there they showed me to the dorm where 5 other people were living there and had to share a bathroom with 5 people.
The food they offered was horrible so I had to buy my own. I am sure that is why they made the claim of offering meals because they knew no foreigner would eat what they served and none did.
During the 4 months of hell I stayed there I saw 3 teachers leave for the same reason I did when the semester was over.
They lied about helping me get a visa they are not licensed to hire foreigners so they just go with you and do nothing to help you obtain a visa other than showing you where the place is.
When we discussed teaching schedule they said only 20 hours per week with adults but when I got there is was 25hours per week with weekends and children classes.
I was very unhappy because I believed them and they did nothing to make good on their promises. So there I was 25 alone in China.
I was told not to talk with the other teachers about housing or pay. When we (the teachers) did talk it was amazing what they had told each of us to get us there to fill the positions of the teachers who had quit. The same story was told over and over again.
The headmaster and the owner both lie and try to cheat teachers as they consider it a normal way to do business.
I was never paid on time. The boss held the money for days after it was to be paid. Also the agreed on amount to be paid was reduced to what they said was a probation period which very conveniently was exactly how long I stayed. I think they do this on purpose because they know no one will stay longer than one semester.
As for the return airfare after one year of teaching they have that scam down as well, they know you wont make it more than one semester so they dont have to pay your return airfare.
The owner is not an educator and does not speak English. The headmaster was the middle man and made no decisions only told the teachers what to do.

I see that they have a new ad in the ESL job search and thats why I decided to post this article about their business practices.
This was my experience and would hope anyone that is considering working for these people to think twice.

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