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#1 Parent Crap School Spotter - 2011-06-03
Re Guangzhou Saintshine Education Service Co

This POS was online with me the other day while I was using one of my many "fake teachers" to fish him around a bit. His story at the time was that some teacher had to leave a school for an illness and the school was OK with it. They needed someone to cover the rest of the semester. My character said...OK, I can help you for a few months or to the end of that other teacher's contact which ended in July. He, Mike, came back and said sorry, all contracts are one year....His story changed throughout his 4-5 emails that he exchanged with my character.

I sent his email address and his mobile telephone number to the guys over at Beijing Blacklist. He is a prime candidate for them to make a house call on.

#2 Parent Sora - 2011-05-30
Re Guangzhou Saintshine Education Service Co

Thank you for letting us know. It is good I researched this first as we all always should. He is at it again. He is posting information from serious teachers website. Thank you for your warning.

#3 Parent Franco - 2011-03-04
Re Guangzhou Saintshine Education Service Co

I had the wonderful opportunity to work with this so called recruiter Mike Zheng, what a scam artist he is.
Just to get my salary I had to call him every month to get it - he was always late or "out of town" as if there are no banks "out of town". There were times my salary was a week to 10 days late.....and the school paid him ahead of time - he just hated letting go of my money.

He lies about everything. Just so he can fill the position at whatever school he lied to about filling the slots with foreign teachers.
This man is totally incompetent at being a recruiter and he says he's been doing it for "many years" from his offices at various universities (his bedroom - hahaha). He actually doesn't know the whole process of getting a visa, Expert Cerificate, etc..... telling me I had to do it all.
His so called company is a one man outfit - him - working out of his bedroom - true!
I actually had my interview with him outside on a bench outside his home because the offices were being renovated because he was expanding - lies and lies.
I had to literally go knock on his door when my contract ended to get my end of contract bonus etc. He told me the school hadn't given him the release yet. I called the school and they said that they said no such thing and that he had gotten all the money months before. The school was always prompt with giving him my salary to release to me.... why??? I don't know. He kept putting it off for one reason or another. I finally went to his home and I told him that we were going to the bank together, right now. No excuse. I told him I had contacted the school and I wanted my money. After a little arguing about more excuses as to where my money was, he finally went to the bank with me and got my money. I told him then and there - I am so happy to be rid of you....
Do you know this jerk continues to contact me with jobs and more lies about how sorry he was about the problems, yada, yada, yada.... and that it wasn't his fault....
I could go on, but point is - stay away from this idiot - nothing but a hassle.

#4 Parent bullring - 2011-02-13
Re Guangzhou Saintshine Education Service Co

Saintshine? Stupid name for a education service (recruiter!)...what are they evangelists?

Avoid at all costs!

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