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#1 Parent Crap School Spotter - 2011-06-06
Re Yancheng Medical college

This is a scam. I have already sent someone there and it is an idiot working in the hospital that speaks broken English trying to collect resumes to sell to people such as schools and recruiters and they were also uploading photos for a back door of a dating site designed to attract Chinese women to foreign males by generating fake profiles and using their photos. The idea being that the Chinese women would pay a subscription fee to access the foreign make profiles for marriage, dating, etc. In fact, a few of my "fake teacher" head shots have been used recently in some ads for schools, and one dating site so watch your azz on this C.R.A.P. because it is a bad situation.

#2 Parent Jeniffer - 2011-06-04
Yancheng Medical college, China

Who knows Yancheng Medical College?
they accepted fake passports and degrees?
Why ask me to do that?

#3 Parent Mobruk al Wadi - 2009-11-22
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

This school FA Officer woman is very bad, tries to shortchange foreign teachers. Very dishonest. Cannot trust her.

My apt. is very small dirty and cold. FA Officer will not fix problems at all.

There have a bus on the campus to take Teachers into town but FA Officer never tell us about it. I found out myself.

Cafeteria manager told all workers not to serve me last week, so now I have to ride a bus to shop for food for one hour.

Do not come to this terrible place to teach. Stay away!

#4 Parent Turino - 2009-10-07
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

Wallace has stated the following re Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources:

It is not a school for someone who wants to teach. It's a school for backpackers and people who otherwise wouldn't have a paycheck or a roof over their heads.

What he said has reminded me of how very many educational establishments like that operate in China,where it's possible for foreigners with average or below average English to make a good living by entertaining their students.
I can recall clearly the following situation at a middle school in Shaanxi a couple of years ago:a foreign colleague of mine from France admitted that he knew nothing about teaching English.He also said teaching in China was much preferable to fruitpicking back home,which he described as poorly-paid backbreaking manual labour.His penultimate comment was that he could live very well off his teacher's salary here while having plenty of free time to enjoy himself.Finally,he vowed never to leave China.Last I heard,he'd married a beautiful Shaanxi girl,10 years his junior!
I reckon he will always be able to find a job at one of the many educational establishments here that need no more than a white face with English that barely qualifies as literate!At the end of the day,he shouldn't be blamed for taking part in the charade that goes by the name of education here.After all, he's raised his standard of living by doing just that,and he should not be criticised for having found his niche in a less than adequate system of education!

#5 Parent Wallace - 2009-10-07
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

I know about this school firsthand, and I know others who got shafted by Yangzhou Yada Yada. SEP isn't telling the whole story. The situation there is much worse than he says. The problems with this school are not with the Chinese academics or anyone directly associated with the academics. The problem is with non-academic administrators (i.e., the president, vice president and their goons who drive expensive cars, as well as the non-English speaking FAO and his lackey assistant). The recruiters who know nothing about the school and its shortcomings are also responsible for placing well-intentioned teachers in this h3llhole of a school. I feel very sorry for Sep. It is not a school for someone who wants to teach. It's a school for backpackers and people who otherwise wouldn't have a paycheck or a roof over their heads.

#6 Parent HireEd - 2009-07-19
Re: Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

SEP, Again, your story is incredibly funny, except for the fact that it is TRUE! I know these things are possible -- and happen frquently all over China, from my own tragi-cmic experiences there.

I always thought my repertoire of outrageous, mind-boggling experiences in China would make for a great stand-up comedy routine. Unfortunately, the only people who might laugh are expats that have logged time in China as well. Otherwise the stories would seem entirely too far-fetched for home folks to believe (but we know it's the truth -- my imagination is not nearly so creative).

Thanks for the laughs, but sorry to leatn about your misery.

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2009-07-19
Re: Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

I hope you have found something better. Everyone needs to know about this.

#8 Parent S.E.Perley - 2009-07-19
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#9 Parent HireEd - 2009-07-19
Re: Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources, China

Thanks for posting this detailed warning. I hope expats will take heed. Aside from the ultimate seriousness of the message, it was very, very amusing! I also hope you will continue contributing to this, and the ESL Discussion Forum on this site.

S.E. Perley - 2009-07-18
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