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#1 Parent San Migs - 2011-10-16
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

The FAO is the problem

Aren't they always? Sadly, the people who get "promoted" to this position have nothing other than pigeon english speaking skills at best, and a complete lack of understanding of what FT's really need and want.

To boot, they are also full of hubris (esp. if male!), but that doesn't mean a female FAO will be any easier to deal with, if at all.

I'm sure there are some good, honest FAO's, but they are very much in the minority.

At my current gig, I was told to clean my (filthy) apartment myself shortly upon arrival. Promised repayments of travel expenses have dried up.

And they wonder why teachers do the twilight run, backpack et al?

Shakes head, mulls over buying beer!


#2 Parent xgirl - 2011-10-15
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

Everything said about the school is true. Living conditions are p*ss poor. Cooperation from FAO is nonexistent. Compulsory SATURDAY English Corners. Compulsory make-up work if they can't fill out your contract time. The FAO is the problem, not the Foreign Languages Dept. Avoid.

#3 Parent Jake - 2011-10-10
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources


I don't know anything about the school you mentioned, but I do know about this forum. There are maybe 4 or 5 posters on here that talk a whole bunch of trash about any school that's mentioned on this forum. So take what they say with a grain of salt. Just be careful where you work in China. Don't be a sucker and work at a school where no other foreigners work. It's no fun. You need camaraderie. Work at a school that has lots of foreigners working there. It says a lot about the school.


#4 Parent Billy Harrison - 2011-10-09
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

NE boddy know about this school about recently? NE better or worse? Me and my g/f wanna go to China to help people do better English. The recriuter said that my quals were ok with one year of communnity col.

They offer 8,000 yewns a month and I think thats low when I look at how many yewns I get for a dollar. Its less then working 4 Jack in the Box or McD's.

I hafta make a decision soon coz my parents say I am 2 old to be living at home and their isent much jobs her in Calif. I am 28.

I red the comants below but I think their foney to keep people from takin tha job.


#5 Parent Sadrap - 2011-06-07
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources

Has the situation at this school improved at all? I am considering itl because it is the only college-level institution currently hiring in Yangzhou.The offer is 7850 rmb per month for an MA degree, though when I spoke to the recruiter about my BA, she said that she could work a deal for 6500 rmb for my BA in dance.

Anybody been here recently?

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