Return to Index › WARNING!: Korean recruiter: Sally of UBC consulting ( / School: Langcon/Avalon English Academy (Gwangju, South Korea)
#1 Parent Carolina - 2012-08-07
Re: WARNING!: Korean recruiter: Sally of UBC consulting ( / School: Langcon/Avalon E

I just got an offer to work at this school, I think. Do you think it is the same one? This worries me! Please write me back!

Job Title
School Name
ESL Teacher
Start Date
Hanam, Gyunggido
end of august 2012
Basic Information
Working Time (Teaching Time) & Salary
Monday-Friday 9:30AM - 6:30PM
KRW 2.1 Million won
Severance Bonus
Income Tax
1 Month Salary after accomplish contract.
Medical Insurance
Paid Vacation + 10-14 National Holiday
50% / 50%, School / Teacher
Full Furnished Studio
(Utilities not include)
Roundtrip, 1time/1year
Contract period
Number of Native Teacher
1 year option to renew
Teaching Information
Student Age
Student per class
Kinder -Elementary
School provide curriculums

More Information
*Requirements Plus :

Good Attitude, Open mind, Outgoing person

Anonymous - 2011-06-12
WARNING!: Korean recruiter: Sally of UBC consulting ( / School: Langcon/Avalon English Academy (Gwangju, South Korea)

WARNING!: Korean recruiter: Sally of UBC consulting ( / School: Langcon/Avalon English Academy (Gwangju, South Korea)

I thought I would alert everyone to the dangers associated with someone who recruited me in April of 2010 (I finished my contact in April of 2011)

This recruiter is 'Sally' of 'UBC Consulting' (based in Busan)

I hate to use such a strong word, but it is in fact true to say this recruiter literally lied to me through her teeth regarding this position from start to finish.

I spent a year living in an apartment above a hogwan, with a terrible boss who treated all staff with zero respect (infact I was insulted at times)

Whilst I had a great time in Korea generally, my experience of my first hogwan was a simply awful one.

I just wouldn't want any other potential teacher to fall for the lies this lady puts out to the world (it seems she also uses, what I can only imagine to be, a series of 'fake' references of how wonderful a recruiter she is).

Furthermore, this recruiter had fed me such a range of lies, and must therefore be running so scared of teachers she has recruited - that when I tried to contact her about some simple flight arrangements towards the end of my contract - she literally(!) hung up on me twice - once she realised who I was.

If there is anyway everyone can spread the word regarding this terrible recruiter and school, this would be much appreciated.

Return to Index › WARNING!: Korean recruiter: Sally of UBC consulting ( / School: Langcon/Avalon English Academy (Gwangju, South Korea)

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