Return to Index › Re xiangtan university, China
#1 Parent christian dugulas - 2012-07-17
Re: Re xiangtan university, China

When I first worked in China, I was full of uncertainties, because I got the information from newspapers in some western country, which distorted me a lot.
In 2009, some ESL agent introduced me to xiangtan university, I found the university are quite beautiful and people are friendly to me and all other foreigners, including foreign teachers and students. There is no discrimations and everybody is equal.
What is the most importan is that the university offer us more freedom and liberty, which regulated in the work contract, almost everything were based on contract.
So, from my experience, I think that working in xiangtan university is a better choice.

#2 Parent kiki - 2012-07-16
Re: Re xiangtan university, China

I have worked in xiangtan univesity for many years, in my mind, the guy is very open and helpful and treat foreign teachers equally, he is very professional.
Xiangtan unviersity is a key university and her students are talented and hard working.
To work in xiangtan unviersity is a better choice.

#3 Parent 1664 - 2011-06-14
Re xiangtan university

Couldn't and wouldn't happen anywhere else outside of China or HK or Taiwan!

I would agree. But comparing China (mainland) with places like HK and taiwan is like comparing apples and oranges...both may have a similar shape, but are utterly different. Like it or not, HK still maintains a relative amount of rule of law...China has zero, zilch, nada.

#4 Parent MC - 2011-06-14
Re xiangtan university

Haha, yeah that guys a bit dodgy. Never had too much of a problem, but he did attempt to
cheat us a few times. Overall, I thought the Uni was ok. The university itself can't be called "a cheat and a thief" just because of this chief.

While in China, never forget where you are, a country where you'd be better to trust no-one, especially not the university FAO. Beware of him at all times though he is employed to help you with any problems you may encounter, he is also a spy and will try to get you out the door if need be. But that chief does even more - he uses his privileged position to try to cheat us foreigners. What a disgrace! Couldn't and wouldn't happen anywhere else outside of China or HK or Taiwan!

#5 Parent 1664 - 2011-06-14
Re xiangtan university

You are the welsh lad who worked there, right?

#6 Parent Ft - 2011-06-12
Re xiangtan university

Haha, yeah that guys a bit dodgy. Never had too much of a problem, but he did attempt to cheat us a few times. Overall, I thought the Uni was ok. The university itself can't be called "a cheat and a thief" just because of this chief.

Yeah, the guy who says the university is "a cheat and a thief" is an irate Chinese agent who was not paid commission for having introduced foreign teachers accepted by the university. That chief is the cheat as he has pocketed the commission.
Maybe in many Western eyes, Hunan is not one of the most desirable Chinese provinces to live in. Still, I think the beauty of the local women more than makes up for that. But there are those who say I'm talking bullhockey. I wish they could see that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder!

#7 Parent crwydrwr - 2011-06-12
Re xiangtan university, China

Haha, yeah that guys a bit dodgy. Never had too much of a problem, but he did attempt to cheat us a few times.

Overall, I thought the Uni was ok. The university itself can't be called "a cheat and a thief" just because of this chief.

And to say that Hunan people are racist and backwards (whoever else said that) has obviously had a hard time here- maybe can't adapt too well?

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