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#1 Parent Paul Clayton - 2011-06-23

Hey BB, just one god damn minute. I'm no f'ing GW. I have spread the word on pretty much every site there is about Yuming. It is me who they posted the legal action bull about because they know exactly who I am, which is why they used the terms "his" and person.

I just thought the picture you put up was you ransacking a school and as such means you could be linked to it is all and it seemed like that was taking things a bit too far if it is going to end up dropping you people in it. You just confirmed it is not so take a chill pill mister....

These schools deserve it and I would sit here splitting my sides over it too. But not if it means you getting yourself in deep s@@t is all. In no way did I mean to try defending these assholes and I am sorry if that is the impression I gave you.

#2 Parent Beijing Blacklist - 2011-06-21

The authorities also really don't care when Korean school owners beat and RAPE female FT's or steal passports or throw FT's into the streets, or when ESL teachers are murdered like the American in GZ, or when schools lure in unsuspecting FT's and abuse them, steal from them, lie to them, cheat them, and leave them without the proper paperwork, unless and until they can cash in on the little red envelope parade.

So you enjoy the fictional world that you live in Mr. Paul Clayton and you keep on [edited] and we'll keep on doling out street justice when and where we see fit.

By the way Paul that is not our photo on the Web site.

I am shocked to see a Korean school owner beating and sexually assaulting a female FT because he and his boys thought that it was an entitlement. I am also shocked that since the victim was a Filipino that no one cared.

With a team of 24 personnel all of which are well trained, we're not too concerned about being arrested. But we are concerned about GW's like you that rant and rave and try and draw as much attention to us as possible without knowing all of the facts. The difference between us and people like you is that we take care of problems and we don't sit behind a computer screen and complain. We also only take the worst cases where extreme abuse has taken place and where no one is helping.

#3 Parent Paul Clayton - 2011-06-21

Hey Beijing blacklist. Seriously don't you think you are taking things just a bit too far now. I don't mean the site you set up initially, all for that but I just checked in and saw that picture you posted, I assume that is you vandalising some school.

That along with some of the comments you have made here which suggest you are on a mission going around ransacking places is worrying to say the least. I am not trying to say they don't deserve it or defend them, Jesus I have posted my fair share of stuff about schools all over the place but come on.

If you get caught, and posting videos or pictures of you engaged in it online is going to help, you are looking at a on way ticket out of China for good and I am pretty sure you will end up doing a little time in a Chinese jail too. You sure it is worth it. The authorities really won't care what school has done what if you are caught doing that and what happens if anyone intervenes when you are doing this kind of thing because I suspect there is a chance of things turning very ugly.

It's all up to you of course I am not your keeper. I am just a little shocked at exactly how far you seem to be willing to take things is all. Just all seems a little bit obsessive to me.

Anyway no offence meant if I have offended you by saying this.

#4 Parent Beijing Blacklist - 2011-05-21

Hi, we have both of those addresses. One is a bullshit kiddie school in Hexi District next to or near a bookstore. The other address is a rented room which is nothing more than a registered agent, a/k/a mail drop of sorts. We think the real daily business is being run from one of their residential sites and that is why we want the home addresses. We want the main office, the big cheese. We are continuing to work on this. We have a few possible leads and a few ideas on another business that they also run and we are following that up.

Photos? LOL. My friend, if we find the address it will be on

Their long standing frauds are about to come to a SCREECHING F-ING HALT FORTHWITH!

#5 Parent The Rumor Spreader 2011 - 2011-05-20

LOL!! Yuming had started posting ads on again. I posted a link to this thread on them all and they have pulled the ads down again :P

I thought there had been a nuclear explosion somewhere in the city earlier. Then I realized.... It was just Helen's head exploding under the pressure of trying to find somewhere to post her ads without having a comment made or a similar ad posted up alongside hers warning people not to work there.

I wonder if we will get any more empty threats made here or any new fake teacher testimonials in Chinglish. I hope so as they make me chuckle.

#6 Parent The Rumor Spreader 2011 - 2011-05-20

Unfortunately that does not show their secret head office though. Notice that the one on Pukou Dao states it is the HQ. Whilst it is the HQ as far as the average teacher is concerned and has been the main office since at least 2008 without moving as I already said it is a satellite office and not the main HQ.

For those interested in posting more around the web alongside Yumings ads they have been changing tactics a little. They are avoiding sites which allow comments to be posted under the ad and also avoiding forums and posting in threads.

They have also changed their main headline from "High Salary Good Reputation" to "High Salary Job In Tianjin" and "High Salary Teaching Job In Tianjin"

It's easy enough however to simply join the site yourself and then post up your own warning about Yuming in the same section, just post 10,000 of them like Yuming do. I am sure it will get seen by any would be teachers and of course Yuming themselves. It is always nice to know that Helen will be sat there enraged that we won't go away and thwart their every attempt to employ new teachers.

The clock is ticking for Yuming and its demise. Bet they don't learn anything relevant from the experience though. They will probably go for a name change and move the office in an attempt to make a fresh start. It will take a matter of weeks before people find this out though and then we will be all over them like a rash.

Tell you what, I'd love to be a fly on the wall in their office sometimes HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

#7 Parent extc - 2011-05-20

Dear all, but specially "Beijing Blacklist"

All of Yuming's registered addresses can be found on Google maps (Chinese.) Just enter "yuming education" in the search bar. The map will no doubt make it easier to find them!

Addresses from the website:

HQ Add: Huitong Building Unit A Room 1403, Pukou Road No.22, Hexi District, Tianjin, China

Branch Add: Liulanhuayuan 26-4-601, South Side of East Xinhua Road, Yangliuqing Town, Xiqing District,Tianjin,China

BLACKLIST: Please take many good quality pictures of your fine work!


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