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#1 Parent Tamara - 2011-06-23
Re Park English Korea

Hi I just applied to Park English. I need to know if they are a legitimate program and details about your experience and the contract they offered. Also if you have ever heard of Aclipse.

Callum Tio - 2004-11-18
Park English

I have been teaching English for over two years in both China and Korea. I was recruited by Park English not too long ago to work in Seoul and I am very happy with my school, contract, and support from Park English. I would defintely recommend this company for anyone looking for a reputable company and school. I have met many of their other teachers, as Park English likes to arrange social events. They all seemed pleased with their positions and had no complaints about Park English.

I plan on finishing my contract here and will definitely use Park English to find my next job if I decide to stay.

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