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#1 Parent Crap School Spotter - 2011-06-30
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin and Jokes

I was just getting ready to drink a glass of bleach, thank goodness this post saved me and woke me up. I thought it was water.

Come on people!

This is like asking if getting a blood transfusion from an AIDS patient is a good idea.


Come on! Enough already.

Let's keep the posts on here serious.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-06-29
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin and Jokes

Hi Barbara, my advice to your daughter would be to look elsewhere. A school or "school" is only as good as the head of the said educational body running it. If there have been way too many complaints as there have been about this place then please don't go. "Schools" like Witty English will give you what you want to here to get you to them. Once you're their they couldn't care less about what promises they had made. Knowing that your daughter doesn't speak chinese and has no training will only embolden them to cheat her out of her salary and exploit her for more working hours.

When I was in china, I learned the hard way. I once had a guy who told me there was a western style bathroom at his school and all the necessary hardware to keep me comfortable. Well guess what when I arrived there I saw several bathrooms, not one with a western toilet. There was also no air conditioner in the room I was staying in so I couldn't get any guaranteed heating or cooling. When I asked him about this he just stayed quiet, an obvious way to be in denial about giving me what I wanted to hear. This was someone who I thought was my friend too as I had confided with him some of my earlier bad experiences and he promised me that he would in no way be like that.

I don't think your daughter would want to be stonewalled left, right, up, down, and front center by every chinese around her about the truth of what kind of an environment she is in. Avoid this "school" period unless your daughter wants a lesson in being cheated with endless denials and fake smiles. Even public schools and universities can be bad. If she absolutely has to go somewhere she can backpack and take a tour across china. Being a tourist gives you a better experience, period.

#3 Parent Barbara - 2011-06-29
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin and Jokes

My 20 year old daughter is going by herself to Witty in Tianjin for 3 months to teach English (starating this fall). She has no training and does not speak Chinese. She was told they would train her to teach English, help her find an apt, etc. After reading these posts, I am now worried that this school is not reliable and am afraid she will be taken advantage of. What are your thoughts about this situation (safety, of course is a primary concern of mine)? Thanks to anyone who responds.

#4 Parent Theo - 2011-05-26
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin and Jokes

I haven't posted here forr the past year or so, but in reading dragonized post, I have to agree wholeheartedly! I managed to live and work in mainland China for five years. I endured it mostly for the wonderful relationship I had with my students, the amazing hospitality of the Chiinese people, and of course, the food (and the prices!). But China is corrupt on a level you can't imagine until you live there for awhile. You must ALWAYS be alert to ripoffs and misrepresenations -- especially from employers and landlords. Every transaction involving money is a game of wits. Trust me (and dragonized).

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2011-05-23
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin and Jokes

Mark, the sheer number of negative posts should tell you a lot about the world of china. It's really like the wild, wild west in regards to doing business. There is almost no ethics involved. You should stick with working in a more European setting rather than coming here. Come here only if you have a whole factory of buckets dripping patience and carefreeness. Otherwise you will find irritating and annoying experiences up the wazoo. If you absolutely want to risk the experience I think you should get a job at a public university that's in the Top 20 in china. That's really the best way to avoid heartache and headaches.

#6 Parent Mark Black - 2011-05-23
Re: Witty International English / Tianjin and Jokes

Seems I am just repeating myself over and over now but is there anywhere worth working in China because so far all I see here is mainly bad news :(

I read elsewhere about this Yuming school as there seem to be adverts everywhere you look on the web, cant remember which site it was, but the comments made basically seemed to confirm what you are saying. Coming to work in Asia was a passing thought due to the changes which have happened in the UK which require most students to have a much higher level of English than before. Now I am dubious about the whole idea but I still think some people are posting up some pretty abusive things on these particular boards.

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