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#1 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-09
Re Gold Star Recruitment

i see you have decide to ignore the other post where i wrote that i had been lucky enough to have some good foreign fr4iends here in response to another saying that they did not like foreigners in China. I can clarify by saying that i avoid foreigners that come here and cause trouble.if they are respectful and responsible then i have no problem.

Can I help it if many Americans that I have met have been loud and obnoxious and have gotten themselves into trouble?

#2 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-09
Re Gold Star Recruitment

Years ago when i first came to town there was an Australian kid running around and since i was new and not able to speak Chinese i would occasionally go out with him on the town. i think it was the second time we were out that he tried picking a fight with a guy in a ktv calling the guy a variety and being generally aggressive. the guy knew the girls we were with and the Australian did not like that he was chatting up these girls. It was an awkward and tense situation for me as I was new so i stayed and kept my mouth shut. As it turned out the Chinese fella was with a room full of other fellas none of them looking too happy. We had combined rooms at the request of the management, at this point i suppose the first fella told his friends what had happened because the mood was less than jovial.I told the kid we should leave but at this point he was drunk and belligerent and refused to go, I had only known him for a few weeks and i was not going to get beaten for his behavior. I left after trying a few more times to convince him to come but he decided to stay and from what I heard continued to be as aggressive as he could.

i heard plenty of stories similar to that in other situations and did no spend any more time with the kid. Just because he was my skin color and spoke the same language was not enough reason to involve myself in his troubles. From what I have heard from others he was involved in plenty of partying, drugs and women. I have no problem with that but i knew from my limited time with him that eventually his attitude and behavior would get him into trouble.

It finally caught up to him and he was stabbed to death outside a nightclub. He was along with some others dragged out of a taxi, tasered then stabbed a few times. He bled to death on the street while his foreign friends had run off. Truly not a pleasant way to die and he did not deserve it. Apparently he and some other foreigners were drinking with some people and making rude comments throughout the night, the assailants had left the bar but had waited for them to leave themselves.

I do not think that this had come as a surprise to anyone, he had put himself into dangerous situations before and had emerged unscathed. It was only a matter of time though before something had happened. Many people could see it coming and had told him as such but still he continued to treat the city as his own personal playground.

It is sad to see that happen but it was inevitable that something would. If his attitude was better,his behavior more respectful then he would still be with us today. This does not excuse the person who killed him but again it was only a matter of time before he was hurt.

The man who killed him happened to be an American. Some here say I have an anti American sentiment but I am merely saying what has happened while I was here.
I avoid the foreigners that come to china and think they can act like idiots and there will be no consequences. Because this is a small community news travels fast amongst the foreigners. Can you really blame me if I want to avoid the troubles that come with people behaving badly? Someone previously said they have never met a foreigner they liked in China, I have met and become friends with a few even some Americans.

If you do not like me saying to be responsible and mature human beings then you would be the type that i would avoid both here in china as well as back home regardless of your nationality.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2011-07-09
Re Gold Star Recruitment

As I have said before I do appreciate coming onto this site and seeing what other people have to say as it helps remind me that I have not made the wrong choice in avoiding foreigners that live in China.

You are tarring everyone with the same brush...all foreigners are bad?

You have anti american sentiment, but if it wasn't the americans, it would be us damned brits, or whichever nationality has irked you.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-08
Re Gold Star Recruitment

Actually Lucy, this is one of those situations where I would be inclined to confirm that this kind of behavior may very well happen in china. There have been clear suspicion at least at one of the "schools" where I worked at concerning the behaviors of a couple of foreign teachers. Do keep in mind the fact that the teachers who were under suspicion in that case were from different western countries. As such people like Kevin weren't the first people to post about this. I read on this discussion board back in late 2008 or early 2009 that a teacher who slept with 2 girls who were under the age of 18 was fired from his workplace (a private "school") and hired to work at another place in the same city at a public university in Wuhan. It's obvious background checks aren't the order of the day.

I mean, when you think about it this behavior falls in line with the general disgusting behavior of certain foreign teachers like drinking during class, swearing, and the blatant wasting of students' and staffs' time. It's old news, actually.

#5 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-08
Re Gold Star Recruitment

I have never worked with any of these people so your assessment of my irresponsibility is false.
I am suprised that you as a woman would be jumping onto this bandwagon but i guess it takes all kinds. I guess even woman can justify rape, domestic abuse and child abuse.
I have posted these things because they have happened. You can believe whatever you want, if you think that i am making things up all the power to you. I have no need to lie about these things ad i am sure there are others here in china that have heard similar stories.
My anti American ideas as you so put it stem from experiences with foreigners that I have had contact with, again believe what you want it really will not affect how i go about my daily business.
As I have said before I do appreciate coming onto this site and seeing what other people have to say as it helps remind me that I have not made the wrong choice in avoiding foreigners that live in China.

#6 Parent Lucy - 2011-07-08
Re Gold Star Recruitment

I am talking about the young girls lured into their teachers bedrooms with no idea what is happening. the teacher promises them romantic love then casts them aside like a used condom. The promises of romance dissipate right after the FT gets their rocks off.

Have you ever tried to stop those kinds of things happening at the den of iniquity where you teach? Obviously not! How irresponsible you are!
Not only that, but it's unimaginable to me that things like that would be allowed to happen here in China in the first place. I know that everything that foreigners do is of great interest to the Chinese, and we are often spied upon. I also know that students are forewarned by their principals and departmental heads of the dangers of romancing with foreign teachers, and threatened with expulsion if they do so. An FAO who happened to be a good friend of mine informed me in confidence of those things some years ago. She also said that students who were deemed too friendly with their FTs were barred from joining the Communist Party.
I think you have posted those shocking revelations as a red herring to divert attention from your anti-American posts. There is great doubt in my mind as to their authenticity.

#7 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-08
Re Gold Star Recruitment

If you meet a skank at a bar that's fine, go to a sauna and pleasure yourself I could not care less. You can meet women like those you have described throughout the world. you seem to have missed the point entirely I am talking about the young girls lured into their teachers bedrooms with no idea what is happening. the teacher promises them romantic love then casts them aside like a used condom. The promises of romance dissipate right after the FT gets their rocks off. If you are that kind of FT then shame on you, if not then do what you want. Do not try to justify that kind of behavior by saying Chinese men do it so why shouldn't the foreigners. If you are the kind of scumbag that has no principals and will willingly treat these children as such then you deserve to rot in hell, if not then you have nothing to worry about. Taking advantage of the innocent can never be justified unless of course you are a scumbag. I am sure anyone living in china has met their fair share of scumbags and degenerates which will continue to happen as long as people stay silent about this kind of reprehensible behavior.
Are you trying to say it is ok? Are you arguing that taking advantage of children is not a bad thing? If you are then it is obvious what kind of human being you are.

#8 Parent San Miguel Beer - 2011-07-07
Re Gold Star Recruitment

Remember, it takes two to tango, nobody forces a Chinese woman to have sex with a foreigner.

Indeed. Good points, SB. I have had plenty of girls come up to me in bars, making it obvious they want sex with some even saying "you can do whatever you want". It does take two to tango. GW types like Kevin and pig headed nationalist chinese men make it out like WE are STEALING their women and luring them into sin....a ridiculous argument because a lot of Chinese girls are far from "good" and are not as innocent as their families think!!!!

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