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#1 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-14
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Please show me where I have ever in any of my posts shown support for chinese men. I am sure you will be unable to for I have never excused their behavior in any of my posts. as this is a site for FT I have pointed out the less than morally upright individuals who come to china to take advantage of the current weaknesses. as much as you claim because they are morally bankrupt which makes it ok for you to act the same the bottom line is as, you pointed out, you have the life experience needed to beguil those that do not. please do not come on here and try to justify bad behavior by pointing out others flaws.

As for my experiences I have enough to see what is right and what is wrong and I will never buy into what you say. you are proof that there are those here that give up their morals and do as the romans do, which is truly a sign of a weak person to be influenced so easily. whatever country i am in i will do what is right and taking advantage of weaknesses is not right. It just leaves me to wonder what other behaviors you engage in that would be considered wrong.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-13
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

What you have said San Migs is just too true. Chinese morals are very low right now. Also the system of law is a joke. I suggest anyone who wants to be protected by law to think twice about living in this country. Your rights will definitely not get protected. Reality is a harsh teacher, but at least we can share our experiences and tell others to be careful.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2011-07-13
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

If that is the case then the world is really in danger, to reciprocate bad behavior with more bad behavior is just wrong

Kevin,it is not about that. Chinese guys do far worse in the office environment, most of which is beyond the knowledge of foreigners in China. Only after living there some time, learning more Chinese, speaking to more people, can you learn the true natural state of things. Married chinese men, yes, MARRIED Chinese men are preying on university girls. Ever seen those shiny cars lined up outside universities... I have!! Have you?

When a westerner, who oft times is just a poor FT lures a girl, well what is wrong with that I ask you?

You just seem to want to hold China/ Chinese men aloft and decry westerners having a good time drinking/girl hunting/massagie-ing in China, we are only doing as in rome, and not even all of the time and not with as bad or brazen behaviour...

Swings and roundabouts.

#4 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

You have written in the past that the uni students lack the maturity that western students have. their lack of life exoerience along with the protection given by their families, friends and media put them in a position where they are unable to offer consensual sex. they need to know what exactly they are doing before they can consent to something. when an older man comes here and exploits their ignorance that is what is shameful.

you claim that whatever choices they make in a loving relationship is theirs and theirs alone, I do not disagree with that. The key word though is loving, trying to hide base intentions through the use of love is also shameful. Do not deny that there are those that come to this country and exploit their position and seek out those that are emotionally vulnerable to satisfy their sexual desires. If you think that it is alright and causes no harm then there is no more to say.

I can understand how someone will say look at how bad the Chinese men act so I can do the same. If that is the case then the world is really in danger, to reciprocate bad behavior with more bad behavior is just wrong. You taking your anger out on your female students is just sad.

If you truly believd in the love of your female students then why would you support a post like the one offering suggestions on how to regularily lay nutty students?

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