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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-15
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

George, there is one huge flaw in your logic regarding the private "schools" of china, and that is they work because they were good for you. Well, might I say that this isn't the case with all foreign teachers? These "schools" are usually very very picky with their teachers, of course the highest salaried are given to teachers with certain "looks" no doubt to accomodate the ignorance and racism of the general population of that country. As such, your positive experience is your own opinion, one I don't care about. You don't seem to have worked in different places in china, so you think it's perfectly okay since you are still having a good time.

No one needs your opinion of whether or not he/she is of good or excellent "morals", especially someone who works in a part of the education industry where there is an overwhelming amount of cheat, lies, and plain evil going on. You making light of the situation in the private sector is downright insulting to people, and that's that.

#2 Parent George - 2011-07-14
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

I see you're back on the board, Turnoi. In your absence, there have been many posts, some in praise of training schools and private schools! However, your negative position on those and Chinese recruiters and agents is well-known. You tar them all with the same brush!
I happen to work for a training school, but I won't mention its name lest you say bad things about it. Kevin works for one too, so, like me, he can expect derisory posts from you. But reading his posts tells me he is a principled fellow with excellent morals. And he wouldn't be working for a training centre if that employer were a bad one. It's a pity there were not more posters posting excellent posts like his in favor of training centres on this board. The pay there can be high, and a career structure is usually in place for foreign teachers. Readers, don't come to China for small beer. Take advantage of the economy of this developing country by working in the private sector.

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