Return to Index › Re Gold Star Recruitment
#1 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Solid evidence? What solid evidence are you talking about? s your imagination creating some kind of evidence that no one else can see? As far as I have seen there was a refference to a chinasmack article which is pretty lame as evidence goes.

So you detest the Chinese, [edited] and your point is?
you can detest anyone you want and give your reasons for it but it still does not make it right. Are you expecting people to agree with you here in your hatred of the Chinese? I am sure you can join up with some hate groups that would love to hear what you have to say.

Chinese men are inferior, there is no doubt at all about that.

Sounds to me like you are trying pretty hard to convince us they are inferior. Maybe you are jealous of them and thats why you have to spread the hate. If it is a fact they are inferior why not just let everyone find out for themselves? [edited]
#2 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

So because they are racist it is ok for you to be?

racist - a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others

bigot - a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own


#3 Parent Dick - 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

You do realize that you're lining yourself up to be accused of being a racist by talking like this?
I doubt it, but you may be correct.

I haven't met you in person but I would like to know more about your experiences with chinese men and women and what made you decide to focus on this area of discussion?
Just to back up what other posters like Mr Superiority have said in relation to Chinese men.

To be fair, western culture is often labeled as being obsessed with sex. Maybe being stereotyped for so long in a foreign environment makes you feel defensive minded. It sounds like there may be a bigger reason why you want to make this point on the boards. Care to elaborate?
No special reason, but I'd heard jokes about Asian men having short willies before I left my country for China. I'd also heard passers-by here commenting that my Chinese girlfriend must prefer a big trouser-snake because she was with me. Then they said something derogatory about her and giggled in a very childish manner. So. I suppose the racism here goes both ways.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

If you want to find something, you'll find it. You can find people with big and small family jewelry wherever you go, no matter what people, race, creed, etc. You do realize that you're lining yourself up to be accused of being a racist by talking like this? I haven't met you in person but I would like to know more about your experiences with chinese men and women and what made you decide to focus on this area of discussion?

To be fair, western culture is often labeled as being obsessed with sex. Maybe being stereotyped for so long in a foreign environment makes you feel defensive minded. It sounds like there may be a bigger reason why you want to make this point on the boards. Care to elaborate?

#5 Parent Dick - 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

The fact that you refer to Chinasmack to back up your arguement tells me one thing for sure.

Please specify what it tells you for sure. I've no idea what you're getting at. That map was not produced by Chinasmack, by the way. But I posted that particular link so that readers could also read the comments submitted by Chinese people and others relating to the map.

Finally, argument is spelled as I've just typed it. You've misspelt it on more than one occasion, so I thought it was worth mentioning.

#6 Parent A Whispering Mongolian Pony - 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Sorry, Kev; based on the scientific information depicted on the world map in the link below, I must agree with Mr Superiority!

I must agree (in PRINCIPAL ... lol!) with Mr Superiority too. Size is everything when it comes to sins of the flesh, but don't take my word for it. Just ask Chinese lsdies who've had the relevant experiences, allowing them to make appropriate comparisons! That's why few Western women marry Chinese men! In contrast, the number of marriages between Chinese women and Western men is enormous! - A tight fit is the key requirement for SUPERIOR bedroom sports!

#7 Parent Mr Superiority - 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

You are presented with solid evidence, and you still don't believe. Also, because Chinese men are small they try to compensate, by buying expensive gifts for young women. That does not make up for poor performance in the bedroom Kevin. Many species of animals have become extinct, or will become extinct, thanks to the greed and stupid sexual beliefs of Chinese men. So I have good reson to detest them.

Chinese men are inferior, there is no doubt at all about that.

BTW, Tasmania is not a country.

#8 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Hahaha the other poster provided evidence, evidence of what that Chinese men have small penises?
I am sure that does not offend any Asian men at all, Chinese born or not. I guess that old saying that men with small junk drive big cars is wrong seeing as how there are a lot of SUVs driving around right now. They do not cause any problems at all.
So I guess China is the country in the world exploiting its resources? Surely America is not doing anything wrong, right? maybe those in South America will cut some more trees down for the cattle being used to feed those at Mcdonalds. I must have heard wrong about the war being about oil or that Americans were afraid of the Mexicans taking all their jobs.
As for what China has provided the last fifty years I would say a place to live and work for over 600000 foreigners. I would ask though what has Thailand, the Phillipines, Africa, South America or Tasmania done for the world? I really do not know. Mr M[edited], could you please answer.

#9 Parent Mr Superior - 2011-07-26
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

You have not answered heo question Kevin. Tell me something useful China has contributed to the world in the past 50 years? You won't reply, because there is nothing. Now another posted has provided evidence also that Chinese men are inferior. On top of that, it is hard to refute my argument that Chinese people are raping this planet and exploiting it's resources.

Species are becoming extinct, just so greedy and selfish Chinese men can find aphrodisiacs in the ( false ) belief that it will make them better lovers. This is fact Kevin, don't try to deny it!

#10 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-26
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

The fact that you refer to Chinasmack to back up your arguement tells me one thing for sure.

As it is understood, this map was created by netizens, with sources indicated with some of the data.
i wonder exactly how they conducted this survey, how many people were involved and what was their methodology? I am sure they were extremely diligent to avoid stereotypes and remain as scientific as possible. I would think that people on this site would be smarter than those than on chinasmack but obviously I am wrong. I have yet to see where it has been stated that Chinese men are inferior to western men in a scientific context. Maybe you could join the Heritage front, shave off all your hair and go to the rallies. I am sure you and many others here would fit right in.

There was a study done by the heritage front that showed there was a direct correlation between penis size and intelligence which claimed the smaller the penis the smarter the person. It suggested that Asian men were the smartest because they had the smallest junk, black men the dumbest cause they had the biggest and Caucasians were of average size and intelligence. So even if the Asian man does have smaller junk he is still smarter than the western man according to their findings, which would mean the western man is inferior would it not?

I personally think it is all hooey but when you want to start throwing out racist ideas based on scientific fact I would say it is wrong.

So you agree with Mr. Superiority but you would be agreeing with someone who is extremely wrong.

#11 Parent Dick - 2011-07-26
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Mr Superiority had posted - 'The stupid obsession Chinese men have regarding improving their pathetic sex lives is also leading to the extinction of many species all over this planet.'

Kevin's reply to Mr Superiority - 'There was post here the other week suggesting that scientific evidence proved the Chinese were inferior to western men, is it possible that was you writing it under a different name?'

Sorry, Kev; based on the scientific information depicted on the world map in the link below, I must agree with Mr Superiority!

#12 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-26
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Maybe you should take a long hard look at history before you toot the horn for Chinese men. If Chinese men are so great then why is the divorce rate in China now higher than in the West?

You are way too pro-Chinese for my liking. Tell me anything useful China that has contributed to the world during the past 50 years?

Seems to me they are nothing but takers who are raping this planet and exploiting it's resources.

The stupid obsession Chinese men have regarding improving their pathetic sex lives is also leading to the extinction
of many species all over this planet.

Truly disturbing!


"According to Marriage 101, the divorce rate in America is more than 50 percent, which means one in two couples will end their marriage.
1.71 million, meaning one in five Chinese marriages ended in divorce. The divorce rate in China is more increased than America.
A few things that can be possibly done to decrease the divorce rate are, communication and seeing a marriage therapist."

I would say that the divorce rate her in China has a lot to do with the lack of certified marriage therapists/mental health professionals in China.
But I guess the easier stupid answer is just say all Chinese men are horrible and promote racism here on this site.

You are way too pro-Chinese for my liking.

I like it here sorry, if you do not then leave the country it is that simple, if you have a hate on for the Chinese then that is your sad little problem. That is probably why I am living here in China, because i actually like it. I would say I am less pro Chinese and more anti racist than anything else. as for what they have done i would say not a whole heck of a lot except provide me with a life that I enjoy. I imagine though that does not satisfy some of the racists that come here on this site, but then I would ask why are there over 600000 foreigners living in china if it truly was so bad.

There was post here the other week suggesting that scientific evidence proved the Chinese were inferior to western men, is it possible that was you writing it under a different name?

#13 Parent Mr Superiority - 2011-07-26
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Maybe you should take a long hard look at history before you toot the horn for Chinese men. If Chinese men are so great then why is the divorce rate in China now higher than in the West?

You are way too pro-Chinese for my liking. Tell me anything useful China that has contributed to the world during the past 50 years?

Seems to me they are nothing but takers who are raping this planet and exploiting it's resources.

The stupid obsession Chinese men have regarding improving their pathetic sex lives is also leading to the extinction
of many species all over this planet.

Truly disturbing!

#14 Parent San Migs - 2011-07-13
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

If you think it is ok to act like a scumbag because they do it then I would suggest your head is screwed on wrong.

Kevin, how many years have you lived in China, or worked overseas?

Silverboy, myself and others have far more experience in this department than you do. Listen to what Chinese men say, observe how they behave. The actions of laowai scumbags however bad, nowhere near come close to the actions of the national males of said country!

#15 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

I am referring to scumbags regardless of their nationality.
If you think it is ok to act like a scumbag because they do it then I would suggest your head is screwed on wrong.

#16 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-13
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Everyone spells words wrong or screws up their grammar from time to time, and when you suggest a perfectly reasonable solution like prison, or the electric chair, suddenly you are a "grammar Nazi" who makes a fuss over "technicalities" when everyone knows damn well what they meant to say.

#17 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

It's good you see people who expose themselves for who they are. But so far I only see Natural Selection as the only poster who has made statements which can be presented as evidence suggesting whites are genetically superior to the chinese. That lad is most likely just a troll who wants attention and antagonize this thread. Many of the perceived issues with racism actually stem from issues that are socially/culturally/affluency related. Language can guide us and can be the most powerful tool, but it can also limit us in the worst way. Don't just judge from the surface of what people say, you might be entrapping yourself in the long run within the argument.

#18 Parent San Migs - 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

No matter how much some people here try to justify their behavior here the bottom line is they are scumbags, they are scumbags here in China as well as their home countries

I assume you are referring to men here. A scumbag in their own country, is lauded in China, it's how it is.

Chinese men ARE far WORSE. Listen to what they say when they see you with a girl who is your girlfriend, and try to imagine what they are saying behind your back.

They are competitors, not friends!

#19 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

The sad fact is that when I first came to China i strongly believed in the idea that foreigners had to stick together and fight for the respect. The longer I am here though the more I see that most people that come here are here for themselves, have very little respect for anyone even themselves and will take advantage of anyone they can. So many people come on this site bashing the Chinese and people that have anything positive to say., but it is evident that for the most part they are [edited] who wouldnt be able to do what they do in their own country. As I have said before people can call me what they want, it really doesn't matter when you see what kind of message they are spewing.
I will never buy into the crap that some of these people are selling, actually I am glad that they show others what kind of [edited] they are and how their opinion should be considered.

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Mon, 11 Jul 2011, 10:33 PM]

#20 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Okay Kevin if you are firm with your beliefs regarding foreigners that is fine. I only wish that you stay consistent with your beliefs. As you can see the more you argue the more people come onto these boards to go against you for being "naive" and whatnot. It is certainly an uphill battle that you are fighting, and there will always be people to nitpick your remarks. Don't abandon something that you started.

#21 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Chinese men are inferior to Western men. This is not racism, but a scientifically proven, established fact.

Can you show the scientific evidence that proves this? Something that is not from the Heritage front.
I believe that argument was used centuries ago to keep the black man down, I guess you support that as well. Guys like you coming on this site and spewing your bile is just great, keep it up.
If anyone wonders what kind of scumbags come to china and thrive they just need to read what people like you write.
Asian women are the superior women on this planet, and Western men the superior apex men on the planet.

I am sure there are plenty of people on this planet that would disagree with your statements but I am sure you will disregard anything that they say. How many groups of people can you possibly crap on in one post?
Man i just have to shake my head and the incredibly horrible hatred that is spewed here.
#22 Parent Natural Selection - 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Kevin, you would have to be one of the most naive foreigners I have ever come across. The point that Silverboy and other enlightened and experienced posters are trying to make is this: Chinese men are inferior to Western men. This is not racism, but a scientifically proven, established fact. Chinese men are sexually deficient, and think that buying women gifts is an expression of love.

These arrogant Chinese fools think that women are their property, and that they own the body, mind, and soul of Chinese women.
I remember, I think it was SB who pointed out that he has never seen a film about interracial love or marriage in China. It was an excellent point, and glowing evidence of Chinese racism, especially racism by Chinese men.

Recently a freiend of mine in Beijing explained to me why Chinese women prefer foreign men. Western men are larger, and last longer in bed. They also do not view women as their personal property, in stark contrast to the attitude by Chinese males.

I make this plea to Chinese women: Just ignore Chinese men. They are a joke, and have absolutely nothing to offer you. I can not think of a single benefit you will get from marrying one of them. Asian women are the superior women on this planet, and Western men the superior apex men on the planet.

The choice for Chinese women is obvious!

#23 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-11
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Nowhere in any of my posts have I said anything to show support for Chinese men, I can understand some of their animosity but I do not agree with it. Any time someone comes here and does not follow the Chinese bashing that goes on here they are instantly criticized for it. I am sure you saw in my initial post to the one who was suprised by the overly zealous and sarcastic response I talked about how certain scumbags on this site would go on to attack anyone with anything positive to say. I say that these people are degenerate scumbags who ttake advantage of young women with little to no life experience. Anyone anywhere that takes advantage of people is a scumbag in my mind, regardless of where they are from. There are plenty of chinese scumbags out there but to say all Chinese men are is just ridiculous. The claims that "the worst foreign man is better than the best chinese man" or "foreign men provide the love that Chinese men can't" is not only ridiculous but it is incredibly arrogant as well.
As you saw with the post from that woman Lucy there are foreigners here that have no idea what is happening in china with regards to morally challenged FT using their position at the university. As there is little to control them they can move from town to town once the heat gets turned up and do whatever they please all over again. The foreigners that know these people and say nothing about their atrocious behavior are not doing anyone any favors. By saying that the Chinese behave badly allows us to behave badly seems to me to be a weak argument. I kow that many of the Chinese are racist and view Foreigners as a necessary evil but that does not mean I should treat them horribly and take advantage of them whenever I can. At the end of the day they are human being s, some bad some good but ultimately not to be treated like dogs or playthings.
By living here and showing them that not all foreigners are barbarians there will be some that learn and grow from the experience. If a foreigner however uses this country as a playground they then help to reinforce the ideas.
Saying that because Chines men treat women horribly it is alright for the FT to indisciminately sex up whoever he likes sounds an awful lot like claiming a woman was raped because she was dressed too provacatively. The fact is that there are those here who will take advantage of those with little to no lifew experience and try to justify it. Why should anyone listen to their opinions on anything else when they act like the scumbags they claim they hate. There is no way i am going to change my mind on this no matter how often these scumbags claim that the Chinese deserve this behavior. Anyone with a shred of decency would have to agree, of course because I am making a stand and defying certain scumbags here I will be deemed a sympathizer and not worth listening to.
You asked what it was that made me dislike foreigners here and I can simply say that I have met enough people here that treat other human beings like dirt. There are plenty of Chinese people that I have nothing to do with for that reason as well and if I was on a site like China daily I would be writing what I believe there. Just because I am living in china does not mean that I have to abandon my principles.
So for the scumbags that try to justify their behavior I say shame on you and when Karma comes and gives you your comeuppance do not expect any sympathy from me. Nor will I agree with anything you might spout off as it is obvious you are flawed and therefore not deserving of any regard.

#24 Parent Brett - 2011-07-11
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

i would not care so much if it did not have an impact on me but as it does I voice my opinion. It effects me in my daily life as I have to deal with people that have an even lower opinion of foreigners based on previous peoples vile contempt for this country and the people that live in it.

You have just told us that you are self-serving. If you weren't, you'd care just as much, whether the behavior of certain laowai that you disapprove of in China impacts on you or not. If you feel the need to, cry me a river, Kevin. But I still won't swallow your words re how it effects you in your daily life, BTW,it's affects, not effects!

That woman Lucy speculated that I was throwing a red herring to offset my anti American ideas

I don't discount what Lucy has said. It's true you've a big downer on Americans in China. That's not good!

it is obvious there are those who will work at a uni with the intention of hooking up with the young ladies. they do it here because in their home country they would not be given the time of day, western women would see through their feeble attempts in a matter of minutes.

Back home, it's much easier to get laid. As a rule, Western women need regular sex very badly. Not only do you know little about Chinese culture, but you know just as little about Western culture. The thing is, most Western women are outclassed in the looks department by Chinese women. That's why many Western males can't wait to get intimate with them. But maybe you're not one of the herd. I think you have a dog in the manger attitude in this respect.

If these girl have the life experience and coping mechanisms to deal with these scumbags fair enough but anyone working with these kids knows how easily it is to take advantage of them. Tell them you love them and they will believe it.

Those girls you call kids are in their twenties. They are not naive at all, and won't surrender their honor merely because of sweet words of love aimed at them. Those among them who allow themselves to get laid by laowai most likely have ulterior motives, eg through marriage to a laowai, to go abroad and stay there long-term. I'd say you're the one who's naive!

#25 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-11
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

I do not support nor condone pedophilia. You should look at my previous postings regarding the area of sex. Not all expats behave like this. As such you obviously think that most if not all expats do. I wouldn't call having intimate relationships with someone over the age of 18 criminal. Unethical, yes if you're a middle aged man, but not criminal. You seem to be giving an inordinate amount of credit towards the chinese for being good and being people worthy of your complete trust, I will not say anything more to you on that as I have already made my points clear on how I feel about chinese culture or "culture".

I suggest you actually learn chinese well enough to where you can listen to a conversation in chinese, also you should learn how to read chinese and go to a bookstore and read some of the novels and books regarding politics, the military, and religion. You can then have a more well rounded idea of just how chinese people may think. Not knowing a language well enough can make you susceptible to a distorted view of one side being overtly good.

My viewpoints come from the fact that I know pedophilia as well as child abuse occur in china and within chinese families. This is a fact, not fiction. The reason the girls are so susceptible comes from the very foundation of how they are raised by the so called "traditional" and "cultural" upbringing of chinese parents. They are purposefully kept naive, jaded, and made slow to grow up and take responsiblity for themselves because that makes it easier to control them. Chinese parents purposefully and consciously try to keep their children from being too independent, why don't you show criticism towards them, too?

I don't doubt you may have strong feelings for this. I don't like foreigners coming to china for sex tours any more than you do. But in the end it's still up to the Chinese people themselves to take responsiblity to teach their children to love themselves and see themselves as human beings. It takes two to tango, and you haven't offered up concrete solutions on promoting self love, self knowledge, and firm independence of the spirit. I'm not saying I would have better ideas than you, but looking on both sides you can see how things happen for a reason. I cannot run into bedrooms and drage out every girl who is going to be taken advantage of by an unscrupulous expat, so accusing me of being somehow responsible for their behavior and saying I "condone" it is flawed logic. Hopefully with time you'll realize this.

#26 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-11
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment

Because someone behaves badly means that I should do the same? Foreigners are cheated, lied to and at times treated horribly, i do not deny that happens. It has happened to me in the past and i am sure it will happen in the future. I will not though justify bad behavior by saying that since they do it so will I. If someone here does try to take advantage of me I remove myself from the situation, someone tries to force me to drink and I do not feel like it i will leave. If they are off to the brothels and i do not want to join them i will not go. It is about personal responsibility and doing what you think is right. Harming people, taking advantage of them or making excuses for your bad behavior is IMO wrong no matter where you are. that being said I choose not to associate with people that if I was in my home country I would not have been with. That woman Lucy speculated that I was throwing a red herring to offset my anti American ideas yet it is obvious there are those who will work at a uni with the intention of hooking up with the young ladies. they do it here because in their home country they would not be given the time of day, western women would see through their feeble attempts in a matter of minutes.

When you have foreigners coming here on sex tours, defiling children and paying off the families and other sundry behavior stating that because the social ideas justify that behavior is crazy. No matter how much some people here try to justify their behavior here the bottom line is they are scumbags, they are scumbags here in China as well as their home countries. i would not care so much if it did not have an impact on me but as it does I voice my opinion. It effects me in my daily life as I have to deal with people that have an even lower opinion of foreigners based on previous peoples vile contempt for this country and the people that live in it.

I do not condone the abuse of innocents in my home country so why would I here? Regardless of how the Chinese treat their own I will not stoop to the level that scumbags here do. If these girl have the life experience and coping mechanisms to deal with these scumbags fair enough but anyone working with these kids knows how easily it is to take advantage of them. Tell them you love them and they will believe it. As for how I know this after plenty of conversations with both foreigner and chinese I know that there are those with no scuples that will say and do whatever they can to get there rocks off.

How you can condone this behavior or even try to justify it boggles the mind.

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Mon, 11 Jul 2011, 07:51 AM]

#27 Parent Dragonized - 2011-07-10
Re Gold Star Recruitment

I wouldn't necessarily agree with everything about what silverboy and san migs have said. However even if their opinions can seem a little distorted to some if you truly cared about how chinese people are raised you would see where these perceptions can come from. I left the USA to find something different, one of which was to be in a more conservative society where everyone, including the men of course, would respect people for living a more "yoga-ish" life (one with less or no alcohol, drugs, smoking, and of course more celibacy). I thought china would offer such an environment, but of course i really should have done more research. With sex shops, brothels, public smoking and forced drinking everywhere this isn't a clean country to live in for your spiritual needs.

If you're going to ask someone to adhere to a set of moral boundaries, you should probably make sure everyone in that respective society stays consistent. Yes chinese women are taught that sex is bad, you should only do it after you marry, and you shouldn't object to what the "man of the house" be that your father, brother, or husband has to say or do. There is most likely a strong feeling of emptiness and unfullfillment. Now i'm not advocating immoral stuff such as extramarital affairs, cheating on your significant other, and/or sleeping around. BUT the chinese men do it, in fact they do all of it. Not only do they do all of it, some of them intentionally try and push for a social acceptance of polygamy to justify their ego and inferiority complex.

As for being in the family, there is the old saying of "once the girl is married off, she is like a spilled bucket of water". In other words society is supposed to look down on her if she tries separation. Granted the chinese women don't make it better for themselves with their petty jealousies toward each other as well as their willful intention of emasculating their husbands and boyfriends out of frustration that they aren't being heard and their needs aren't being met. It can be a two way street with both sides holding on to some selfish mantra they must let go of.

It is a part of human nature to think of the grass as being greener than the other side. When you have an expat who needs company and a local woman who needs to be given more caring words and be thought about, you have relationships happen. You may think silverboy is being racist, but you might want to think what's triggering this emotional reaction. If he was really racist he wouldn't be living in china for so long. Chinese people are very antagonistic and can say some very nasty, hurtful things about expats. It doesn't help expats live in a system that offers them almost no personal protection whatsoever from being taken advantage of. As expats we need to stick closer together rather than drift further away. Are your personal experiences really that bad that you don't want anything to do with other foreigners?

#28 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-10
Re Gold Star Recruitment

I think you 2 are doing a great job of showcasing just how racist you really are. i wonder if there are any others that would like to step in and show support for a pair of feels that have decided to openly flaunt their racism.
My guess is your bedsheets do not often stay on the beds all that much.
Trying to say that ALL Chinese men are scum and that ALL Chinese girls should be grateful for your attempts at sexually liberating them seems crazy to me.
I would not be surprised if you are the type that say even though she said NO her eyes said yes.
that is a great attitude to have guys keep it up.
If you agree with these 2 throw in your 2 cents because i am almost convinced that they are right.

#29 Parent San Migs - 2011-07-10
Re Gold Star Recruitment

I only hate Chinese men, aka the Chinaman, why you may ask?

Because I have heard their hatred towards me and other western males, and not just inside China either pal!!

They don't own their women, and no more double standards. Sorry, but I stand with silverboy on this one!!

#30 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-09
Re Gold Star Recruitment

"even the worst foreigner will treat a girl better than a Chinese man, and that is fact, not fiction"

If you really believe this than I only have pity for you. I wonder if you replaced Chinese with the Word white man, Indian or Black if you would still receive any acceptance on this website.
i have had plenty of experiences while here some of them good and others bad but that has been the case in many different countries.
I really have no idea what you think but if you hate the Chinese this much it makes me question why someone like you would ever live here.

#31 Parent San Miguel Beer - 2011-07-09
Re Gold Star Recruitment

So know you believe what I know.

How much experience have you had with dating Chinese girls, and seeing the Chinese male reaction to a laowai with a Chinese gal?

#32 Parent Kevin - 2011-07-08
Re Gold Star Recruitment

"even the worst foreigner will treat a girl better than a Chinese man, and that is fact, not fiction."
I do not even believe you think that.

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Fri, 08 Jul 2011, 08:36 AM]

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