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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-08-08
Re: York School of Foreign Language, China

Through various contacts that I have, I was able to find out more about this place. The DOS has a reputation for being a GW, in other words you will be given false information to placate your curiosity and fullfill the agendas (that of making more money) of those who are in the know. If you take a look at the ESL sites and note how often they post looking for new teachers that should give you an idea.

Also, go to their main website. It seems as if everyone is forced to wear attire that says the company logo and name. You must ask yourself is this a regular requirement? If you can't even wear what you want to wear (I mean business casual clothes, something comfortable and professional) do you really think your own free will will be respected?

Go to the school's main web page and look at their videos. There is only heavy marketing related material, no actual classes being demonstrated.

The main information is geared towards getting people to pay money and sign up for the school because of why they have the materials, the teachers, the time, the lessons, bla bla bla. But there is almost no concrete information that tells why working there can benefit foreign teachers to grow and become better. You would need to be very careful in this case and ask yourself, "If they don't offer info. on how to help me, would they bother to help me at all?" Being at risk and being put under a microscope to behave like a monkey and "teach" instead of teaching is a real possibility.

#2 Parent ESLTeacher - 2011-08-06
Re: York School of Foreign Language, China

Thanks for the advice, Oldtimer.
I will definitely look very closely at the contract details. I have received another contract from another school and I will compare them to see the difference.

Take care.

#3 Parent Oldtimer - 2011-08-05
Re: York School of Foreign Language, China

If no recent reports of the kind you have requested reach you, you'd be well-advised to go through the contract with a fine tooth comb. That should give you a fair idea as to what your responsibilities will be compared to your employment package if you were offered a post there. Then you can compare York's contract with contracts from other schools. It's important to ensure you wouldn't be working your socks off for a mediocre pay, relatively speaking, of course!

#4 Parent danielle hnatyshyn - 2011-08-05
Re: York School of Foreign Language, China


Thank you for your reply.
Could you give me more details on why this school is no good? Have you worked there before? If so could you give specific examples that support why they are not a good school to work for? I read some of the comments written on the board as you suggested and I just feel that some people hate on schools without working there. How could they really give an honest critics without even having work experience with those schools? They just randomly bash schools without describing specific events or personal experiences which lead me to believe that they might have had a bad experience with a particular school, which made them bitter, and are now taking it out on ALL schools.

Just want to make sure I'm getting legitimate advice that I can take seriously before I make any decisions :)

Thanks again!

#5 Parent also ran - 2011-08-04
Re: York School of Foreign Language, China

Keep away from that "school". It is one of the worst in China. Check out all the bad reviews on the net. Rubbish school full of GW types.

Danielle - 2011-08-04
York School of Foreign Language, China

Hi everyone

I am recently TESOL certified and I am looking for employment in China. I had a couple of interviews but I'm looking for information on York School of Foreign Language. I would appreciate information from teachers who have working experience with this school. I would love to hear about your experience!!! Any information would be useful and appreciated!

Hope to hear from you soon!


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