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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-08-18
Re: "Let 100 blossoms bloom"

Turnoi, for once I will have to disagree with you in regards to the notion of seeing the chinese "peasant mentality" as having nothing wrong. You yourself stated at the end that you see the potential for good in all of mankind. Well in order for this good to be brought out that is to inspire confidence in the masses to live and enjoy their lives freely and creatively the reality as seen by the people must be changed, no compromises. Just even believint that there is supposed to be a "peasant class" in china is grounds for training people to hold on to old prejudices and for the victims themselves to continue their own victimized mindset and not do anything to improve their own situation. The blind, get rich at any cost mentality of china in general is a good example of the continued, shallow education by the government (who no doubt have their own hidden agenda) to keep people down.

The Chinese must look in the mirror and take responsibility for being leaders, not followers. Kind notions and natures can be brought and re-translated into new ways of expression provided the chinese themselves are willing to develop a new system of thought which prevails in all aspects of this country nameley in Academia, Finance, Economics, Religion, Science, etc.

The inferiority complex of the poor class of workers and farmers who see themselves as "nong cun ren" in other words peasants will only make the problems worse on themselves, then the cycle of ignorance of depending on the rich and the government to help them while at the same time still having to put up with oppression across all aspects of life is something that cannot be broken. Unless the general population wakes up and realizes the goodness in their own respective natures to help and contribute to their own country in a meaningful manner, the general inequality will get worse. Starting with the fact that it's the people with the real power, not some outside force.

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