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#1 Parent Stuart - 2011-08-22

Ha!! I worked at this place very briefly a while ago. Wish I had seen this thread before taking the plunge. If I had I would have avoided the place. They have adverts everywhere!!! I think they must employ a number of people to do nothing but spam all day long. My experiences pretty much mirrors everyone else's. I was told a pack of lies prior to coming to China, sent a copy of their contract which changed on arrival. I worked there for about 4 months. Schools I was in were ok but then they are not part of Yuming anyway so that is irrelevant. Some girl turned up one day with a piece of tissue paper with something printed on it in Chinglish telling me about my holidays. I was going to be only holiday for about 3 months if I remember correctly, much longer than they advertise on their website anyway. I asked them about some extra work to cover a couple of those months and they told me they would see what they could do. I had to continually pester them about it every few days. Whenever I rang it was like ringing as a stranger for the first time and always took them about 5 minutes to realise it was someone in their employ then when I mentioned the holiday work no one knew anything. Spoke to someone called Helen and someone called Caroline if I remember rightly on many occasions. In the end I went to the office and asked. They told me they were sorry but they don't have any work to give me and to just enjoy my holiday. When I asked them what they expected me to do in order to buy food and pay rent for 3 months their understanding of English appeared to diminish rapidly, in other words "F@@@ OFF".

I took part time work with another school who have been great. I decided to go back home a holiday so I went into Yuming and told them to stuff their job. They tried to get me to pay back all the wages I had been paid!!! Yeah right!!! In the end we ended up arguing and I told them I was working elsewhere so they cancelled my permit, which is what I wanted anyway. Went home, saw family and came back on a new visa to work at my current school.

This dump is not worth all the hassle and should rightly be shut down. Swindlers!!!!!!

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